Monday: Jesus and Children
Daily Lesson for Monday 19th of August 2024
Read Mark 10:13-16. What did Jesus do for those who brought children to Him?
While children were greatly desired in the ancient world (particularly boys in the male-dominant culture), birth and childhood were not easy. Without modern medical care, the risks to mothers in giving birth and to newborns, infants, and children were elevated. Many cultures had traditional medicines and amulets used to protect these vulnerable individuals against malevolent forces.
While children were desired, they were of low social status, along the lines of slaves, actually (Galatians 4:1-2). In the Greco-Roman world, those who were deformed or undesirable would be exposed, or even tossed in a river. Boys were valued over girls; sometimes girl babies were left to die among the elements. At times these abandoned babies were “rescued,” only to be raised and sold as slaves.
The disciples appear not to have understood Jesus’ teaching in Mark 9:1-50 about receiving the kingdom of God like a child (Mark 9:33-37). Now they rebuke those who brought children to Jesus for blessing, perhaps thinking that He would not have time for such a simple task.
They were wrong. Jesus is indignant. Throughout Mark, Jesus has some striking reactions to people, and it is instructive that one of His strong reactions was toward people who were keeping children away from Him.
He strongly insists that the disciples must not stand in the way of the children. Why? Because the kingdom of God belongs to them, and one must receive it in the attitude and outlook of a child—probably a reference to simple, implicit trust in God.
“Let not your un-Christlike character misrepresent Jesus. Do not keep the little ones away from Him by your coldness and harshness. Never give them cause to feel that heaven would not be a pleasant place to them if you were there. Do not speak of religion as something that children cannot understand, or act as if they were not expected to accept Christ in their childhood. Do not give them the false impression that the religion of Christ is a religion of gloom, and that in coming to the Saviour they must give up all that makes life joyful.”—Ellen G. White, The Ministry of Healing, Pages 43, 44.
How can you better reveal Jesus to whatever children are around you? |

The fact that not only adults but even children flocked to Jesus speaks volumes about how winsome and approachable He was. Think about it, children aren't attracted to grumpy, scowling adults. In fact they are afraid of them. That hasn't changed even today.
Because of their innate trust and naivetè they are vulnerable to people who might have intentions to harm or exploit them. I still remember an incident from my early childhood, I was 4 years old, my sister was 6, and we were walking down the sidewalk near our apartment in Chicago. As we neared a parked car with the rear door open, and two men who were standing by the car smoking cigarettes. One of the men called out, "you kids want some candy?". I initially started towards the car oblivious to any potential harm. My sister grabbed my arm and pulled me back, and started running with me away from the car and men. I don't know if those men intended harm or not. Needless to say I received a stern warning from my mother not to talk to or even approach strangers because they aren't always safe. It has stayed with me all these years.
It breaks my heart to hear how children are abducted, abused, and even trafficked today. The "evil spirit of the age" seems bent on the destruction of humanity but especially of children. Abortion has become the modern day equivalent of child sacrifice. How it must grieve the heart of Jesus.
As adults we have a responsibility to speak up for and defend those that have no voice or can't defend themselves. We also have a responsibility to reveal to these young ones the incredible attractiveness of Jesus, that He loves them and is the safest person to be closest to.
Jesus is attractive! May we as adults not do or say anything that would in any way cause the children to think otherwise.
Thank you. It hurts to see all the outlined evils that can potentially and actually do flow from the human heart, very sad.
And something I have also noted; the disciples rebuked...and Jesus was displeased. So far a number of accounts of these followers of Jesus have been given of rebukes- be it by Peter to Jesus when He said something contrary to what he believed or the disciples to the one casting out demons who refused to follow them on their path, and now to those bringing children that would "potentially disturb the service", but none were approved or justified by the Lord.
To me, it sounds like taking the position to rebuke needs special consideration as it may more often than not be so close to taking the position of a "judge"...
Indeed! Thank you very much for this beautiful contribution.
For JESUS to say the Kingdom of GOD belongs to children is left for we adults to sit and have a re-think, evaluate and access the child like character for us to emulate. Eg I spanked lightly my less than 2 year old baby for being naughty, she was crying and opening wide her arms for me to hug her. I could not help but to give her a big bear hug. Imagine it were a teen or an adult? We will hold grudge for as long as God knows when. Lets go back to being children in our Christian walk.
Brother, the last sentence speaks aloud. No explanation needed!
On the comment of the innate trust and naivety of children, I thought of some of us that are still children in spiritual matters. There is room for abuse in this regard. I remember a sermon when the pastor said that he will ask God to curse the congregation. And another teaching where someone said if you offer little when you get to heaven you will live in a shack. I believe that when we are on the pulpit we must be mindful of how we speak as we can lose "infants in Christ". Because there are some that can not differentiate story from bible truth.
On the issue of abortion being the modern day equivalent of child sacrifice - I ask this question. When we engage in birth control measures (I am talking from the veiw that the couple is married) are we not blocking ourselves from being fruitful and multiplying?
I'm sorry that you have experienced such pastoral abuse. It both saddens, and angers me that it happens. It amounts to spiritual extortion, and yes, abuse. A good "shepherd" leads the sheep, not beats the sheep. He role is to bless the congregation and not to curse it. This is spiritual malpractice at it's worst. It maligns the character of God and can indeed lead people away from Him.
Your last comment about birth control is exactly why the Catholic church forbids it. Plus they want large families to carry on the Catholic faith. This is itself a controversial topic in Christianity at large.
To add to what Tim wrote: Birth control is not the same as abortion. Birth control measures are generally intended to prevent a pregnancy, not to end a pregnancy, thus ending the life of a pre-born child. In that regard, some birth control measure are probably better than others, and when abortion is used as a "birth control" measure, I believe there's something seriously wrong.
Birth control should be a responsible way to limit the size of a family to what the parents can realistically support. God knows when it is used for selfish reasons instead.
Wow! Everyone has a lot of insight on marriage. I wonder if we have insight of children? "Suffer the little children to come unto Me." How many have set a child on our laps and told them of the One who loves them more than then mother and daddy? Just wondering.
In my country, I heard of people murdering children and hurting them all the while since I am an adult. My conclusion is this age doesn't like children. As a child people would just take care of us and everything was ok. I remember children getting lunch money from people around and it was no problem. But in this age, it's not so any more. If children received anything from other people, they are exploited after. That is truly sad.
Jennifer in the Israelite times, the people around them were sacrificing their Children to image's. Indeed sad.
Even sadder still is the fact that the ancient Israelites did likewise.
“For the Judahites have done evil in my sight”—an oracle of Yahweh—“they have set their abominations in the House over which my Name is invoked, defiling it. They build the shrines of the Topheth, which is in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire—which I did not command, nor did it arise in my mind.” (Jeremiah 7:30–31)
The observations here just go to show that Satan hasn't changed in his goals. He was a murderer from the beginning. (John 8:44)
In the time of ancient Israel, he induced people to offer their children to Moloch to gain favors from that god. (Recall that Paul points out that sacrifices to idols are sacrifices to devils/demons. 1 Cor. 10:20) In western society today, he uses more sophisticated means. He has persuaded millions of sophisticated westerners to believe that a pre-born baby is simply "a clump of tissue" and not an individual child with an genetic identity distinct from the mother. Abortion is considered a woman's "right" because it has to do with control over "her" body. Abortion is also, paradoxically, called a "productive right."
It is the same strategy Satan uses to program people to commit violence and to kill in various circumstances - including war. He leads people to depersonalize the victims. I see it happening in political discourse as well, and that leads to political violence. Such violence is subsequently excused in the name of "freedom of speech" here in the US.
Nothing of what I just wrote is meant to condemn any woman who had an abortion for any reason. God forgives, and He knows individual circumstances. I know I used to feel that the "answer" to rape is abortion. I'm no longer sure, after listening to children born to victims of rape and children surviving abortion attempts. But such matters are to be decided between each individual and God Himself.
Only God can make the final Judgement on all our actions in this life good or bad. We just don't know the pain and anguish someone is going through with a particular situation, BUT GOD!!
As a father of adult children, today's lesson (and the Holy Spirit) speaks to me. Is there anything the we as parents do, or did, by setting a wrong example to our children when they were young, or for that matter, even now? I'm sure I failed over and over again during their childhood and later. Did we talk about someone in church in a negative way to make it seem that church attendance is an undesirable experience? Were there too many times that I didn't open God's Word or pray so I wasn't teaching by example? I'm proud of my grown up children and the respect and love in our family. As the song says. "Did I do all I could do in the time that He gave me?"
Lord, forgive us when we fall short, speak to our children, with lovingkindness, continue to draw them. Cleanse us from all unrighteousness. May your Holy Spirit dwell in us. We are so thankful that with You, it is never too late! With you, all things are possible! Amen
Thomas Warner, I can know how you feel. I had to apologize to my adult daughter recently for just giving her a Sabbath School quarterly, and not setting the example on the importance of having a personal relationship with God. Now I am helping her to shepherd her girls.
If the societal structure of Israel assigned a lower status to children as explained by the writer, then, as a Christian, I can easily understand why Jesus Christ was upset with His disciples. The world wants to assign an artificial, manmade, value system to mankind, assigning each his/her ‘place’ in life. The higher this place is on the social ladder, the more ‘value’ this person represents.
Has not Jesus Christ from the beginning preached the brotherhood of man; each one, no exclusions, fully equal in standing in the eyes of the Creator Father because He is no respecter of person? By keeping this hierarchical ‘cast-system’ in place, man organizes himself into categories of ‘worthy and unworthy’. Even organized church systems often reflect the ‘value’ of a person in this manner.
I consider Jesus’ rebuke of His disciples to go further than pointing out the inclusion of all in God’s kingdom. By pointing to the spiritual disposition of little children, protecting them because of their child-like faith, Jesus demonstrates that He does not participate in this manmade system of assigning worldly ‘values’ to individuals. All are loved by God equally, and the humble, innocent faith of a child is the hallmark of those who live in His kingdom here on earth.
Mark 10:14-15 - "for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” I consider this a strong rebuke to those who hold that the kingdom of God is organized in the same manner as the old ‘value system’ which assigns a 'place' to everyone.
The apostles and everyone following Jesus Christ are in need to see one's fellow man here on earth as sisters and brothers; treating each other with respect and not discriminate against anyone for any reason. Should anyone want to become a member of the family of God and live in His spiritual kingdom here on earth, they would need to be ready to accept each other as bothers and sisters in Christ.
Jesus loves the little children and blessed them for free,is it ok for our pastors to ask for "blessing fee" as they hold our babies when "blessing" them?
Is it even good to bless them as Jesus did?
Elsie please tell me more. I have never heard of an Adventist pastor asking for a "blessing fee." What is that? I am an Adventist pastor and have never heard of such a thing.
Your focus on the cultural context and the social status of children in the ancient world deepens our understanding of why Jesus’ actions were so revolutionary. It’s a powerful reminder of how Jesus consistently challenged societal norms to uplift those who were marginalized.
William ,they don't ask for it directly as such but they give you envelope" in case you have carried something" for the child's blessing.Or at times they tell us to carry an item like farm products or even plastic chairs during children dedication.
Though they don't force,it's always a polite request .
Elsie, wow still never seen anything like that before.
Neither have I and I am not a pastor of a church and I have been to many different Seventh-Day Adventist churches.