Sabbath: Teaching Disciples: Part II
Daily Lesson for Sabbath 17th of August 2024
Read for This Week’s Study
Mark 10:1-52; Genesis 1:27; Genesis 2:24; Galatians 4:1-2; Romans 6:1-11; Isaiah 11:1-16.
Memory Text:
“ ‘For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many’ ” (Mark 10:45, NKJV).
This week covers Mark 10:1-52, completing the special section in which Jesus teaches His disciples in preparation for the Cross. About half of the chapter deals with the disciples themselves, and the rest with issues important to discipleship but told through the lens of others who interact with Jesus. Pharisees come and argue with Him over the subject of divorce. Parents bring their children for Jesus to bless. A rich man asks about eternal life, and a blind man asks for sight.
This chapter of Mark carries important teachings about what it means to follow Jesus, particularly as it relates to living in the here and now: marriage, children, how to relate to riches, and the reward and cost of following Him. Topping it off is the healing of a second blind man (Mark 10:46-52; compare with Mark 8:22-26), which provides the closing bookend for the section (Mark 8:22-38; Mark 9:1-50; Mark 10:1-52) and a beautiful illustration of what following Jesus both costs and leads to.
Together, these lessons prepare the follower of Jesus—whether the disciples 2,000 years ago or disciples in the twenty-first century—for the challenges that come with discipleship.
*Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, August 24.

This week's lesson packs a lot of action and drama into one week's worth of study. The Pharisees are once again letting their insecurity over Jesus, influence the way they interact with him. I can almost hear the snarkiness and disdain in their words. They are less interested in engaging with Jesus than they are entrapping him with his words. It becomes a type of cat and mouse, or chess game to them, however, they don't realize who they are dealing with. Jesus doesn't take the bait and instead out manuevers the Pharisees in their mind games, by setting the record straight time and again. Much to their dismay and disappointment. A valuable lesson of how to interact with opposition, just stay with the facts, don't get drawn in by emotion.
What a gem is the memory verse.
“ ‘For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many’ ” (Mark 10:45, NKJV).
Again Jesus sets the standard of leadership not just by His words but with His actions. False leadership is founded on self first and foremost. A "What can you do for me?" kind of attitude. The "ivory tower" mentality of "don't you know who I am?". You see it nearly everywhere, especially today. Jesus turns that concept on it's head by his example. True leadership is servant leadership. A genuine leader leads by serving, not by being served. It's not about popularity or prestige, it's about helping others to live their best lives. It's about wanting what is best and doing what is best for others. In doing that we live our best lives.
If those are the only lessons we take away from this week's study, and apply them in our lives then we will have done well. But there's more, so much more in store for us. Buckle up, and let's put on our "thinking caps". This learning is for living. What say you?
Yeshua/Jesus looks after himself by Total Obedience to Elohim/God. Yeshua/Jesus looks after those that are Totally Obedient. You Must look after yourself before you can look after others.
This week we cover the tenth chapter of the book of Mark. Here Jesus addresses seven important issues.
1️⃣ Divorce - That Moses allowed Divorce because of the hardness of the hearts {Deut 9:6, 31:27}
2️⃣ Blessing of children
3️⃣ Wealth - rich young ruler goes to Jesus running. This confidence to me could be the young man had acquired his wealth genuinely. Jesus asks him something hard in vs 21. He asks us to do something hard & painful coz He loves us and we very much need to do that thing. In vs 22, we realize how this man valued his wealth than Christ and eternal life {Prov 4:7, Luke 14:33}.
4️⃣ Reward for faithful Discipleship. He puts it clear that persecutions will follow those who follow Christ {vs 28}, but these persecutions can't be compared to the glory that we'll receive.
5️⃣ Jesus then predicts His death {vs 32-33} but He exhibits a confidence as was prophesied by Isaiah in cap 50:7
6️⃣. In vs 35-45 Jesus addresses True Greatness. Like the word “cup”, baptism here is used figuratively, as a symbol. Jesus is not referring to water baptism, but being immersed in trials and sufferings {Luke 12:50}.
7️⃣ Lastly is the Healing of the Blind man. He calls Jesus “Rabbi” meaning “my teacher” or “my guru”. Comparatively, Matt 20:29-34 says two blind men were healed at this time. But Mark singles out one of them for special notice {Mark 5:1-2} In this healing {vs52}, again we see the power of faith in Christ {Mark 9:23; Matt 8:13; 9:22, 29}.
These lessons are to prepare us followers of Jesus.
Before embarking on a life of ‘servanthood’, it might be necessary to discover and reflect on the roots of servanthood. What is ‘servanthood’ rooted in, what is the source of its inspiration? Can one just start ‘serving’ others and be considered a servant – Mark 10:17-22? Or, can one just enter a religious profession and receive the needed preparation for a position of ‘service?
Can one put on the ‘mantle of servanthood’ whiles living a life of the flesh? Jesus admonishes His disciples to let the little children come to Him: “..., for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matt.19:14. Luke, Matthew, and Mark’s gospel account record this so very important to understand Truth which the disciples of Jesus needed to learn.
In the book of Luke, Jesus is recorded saying: ”Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it” - Luke 18:17. What is this so important spiritual Truth that Jesus’ disciples needed to learn in order to be fully prepared for their life of service; is it not to be humble?
I hold that service is not an action in and off itself, but rather the disposition of the heart and mind of one who humbled him/herself and so receives this precious gift from God - living the life of service of his/her new nature. Only the Holy Spirit can enable the believer to see his/her neighbor as a brother and sister in Christ to accept them unconditionally.
To me, the desire to express in one’s life God’s love and care for our fellow man is a sure sign of the Holy Spirit residing in this believer’s heart and mind - so guiding the new nature. This is what I consider to be the sign of a true servant – loving God with all one’s heart and accepting and caring for others because we have accepted God’s love for us.
Jesus spent a significant portion of His time during his ministry here on earth teaching and preaching. Through teaching and preaching the message of the kingdom of God is communicated. Why is teaching so critical to the advancement of the kingdom of God? I want to deduce few reasons:
1.Instructions in truth and sound doctrines – Through teaching, truth is diagnosed from falsehood. By so doing sound doctrine is understood (2 Timothy 4:2)
2.Equipping believers for ministry – We believers should be able to explain what we belief and why (Eph.4:11-12, 1 Peter 3:15).
3.Guarding against false teaching – teaching helps use to be grounded in the truth (Titus 1:9)
4.Promoting spiritual growth – through teaching, the Word of God is infused into our souls which facilitate spiritual growth (Hebrews 5:12-14)
5.Building community and unity of believer – teaching bring believer together and hence building community and unity. Sabbath School Lessons are geared towards this goal (Acts 2:42).
For us to benefit most from spiritual teachings we must have “a teachable spirit”. A teachable spirit is inferred in the Bible as a humble and open attitude that is willing to learn, receive correction, and grow in wisdom and understanding (Psalm 25:4-5). It is essential that we desire for sound instruction, readiness to listen, and willingness to be corrected and guided by God, His Word, and wise counsel.
King David demonstrated a teachable spirit by his willingness to be corrected when confronted with his sin by prophet Nathan. He accepted to be rebuked, he did not make any excuse. He instead repented humbly (2 Samuel 12:1-13; Psalm 51). Unfortunately, at times out Bible studies degenerate into arguments, spiritual arrogance and pride to show how much we know.
In Acts 17:11, the Bereans are praised for their teachable spirit. They “received the word with all readiness of mind” and examined the Scriptures daily to see if what Paul taught was true. It is my prayer that we emulate these group of believers even more so as the Day of the Lord draws ever near (1 Thessalonians 5:2, 9).
Happy new week.Be blessed
I've studies Sunday's lesson and have a question. Say a husband dies and the surviving spouse remarry and has a new family. On resurrection day, whose wife will she belong to?
I believe we covered that in an earlier lesson.
Please review Mark 12:18-25. How does Jesus answer a similar question?
Mathew 22:28
Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her.
For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
That's the Bible's answer for your question Tash
It is always good to see all the faithful adventist family, let us study our lesson as much as possible, because His time is at hand ,praise God.happy sabbath
Once the ressurection come, there’s no wife and husband anymore. Instead we will be all brothers and sisters in heaven. Memories will stay in our head and every flaws will be perished in our body.
Gm family, let us remember to pray for Maurice Ashton in our daily devotion.
Do you have an update? As he had the surgery, is everything progressing as well as possible?
Got a little help with the lesson. Slow but God will help me