Monday: Not One Stone on Another
Daily Lesson for Monday 2nd of September 2024
Read Mark 13:1-13. How did the disciples respond to Jesus’ statement about the temple, and what is the significance of Jesus’ answer to them?
As we have noted, the temple complex was a truly amazing structure. Josephus notes that the Royal Portico on the south side of the complex had 162 pillars, each of which three men clasping hands could reach around (Antiquities, 15.11.5 §§413–414). Jesus says that it will all be thrown down. Such a prophecy concerning this amazing structure would sound to the listener like the end of the world.
“As Christ’s attention was attracted to the magnificence of the temple, what must have been the unuttered thoughts of that Rejected One! The view before Him was indeed beautiful, but He said with sadness, I see it all. The buildings are indeed wonderful. You point to these walls as apparently indestructible; but listen to My words: The day will come when ‘there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.’ ”—Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 627.
The disciples want to know when this prediction that Jesus has made will come to pass. Thus, in Mark 13:4, a small group—Peter, James, John, and Andrew—ask Him for the timing. They want to know when all these things will happen and what will be the sign when they are about to take place.
What is striking in Mark 13:5-13 is that Jesus spends most of His time not in describing the fall of Jerusalem but rather in warning His disciples about what they can expect in their ministry of establishing the early Christian church. It does not sound as though it’s going to be easy either.
In fact, they will be persecuted, put on trial, and some will be killed. But all through this, Jesus indicates that the time is not yet. They are not to be deceived by tumultuous events. Furthermore, the Holy Spirit will give them the words to speak at the right time, even when family and friends desert them.
The takeaway from these introductory words in Jesus’ prophecy is that the people of God are not to fear tumult and trial. They are to be vigilant because God’s Spirit is going to carry them through the trouble.
What has been your own experience with the trials that come from following Jesus? If you haven’t had any, might you need to ask if you are actually following Him? |

When we discuss end-time events we sometimes have a very parochial view of how it all happens. It does us good to look at some of these things through the eyes of others.
Last week, this story was told in Australia on the ABC (Australian Broadcast Corporation), Foreign Correspondent program.
Scorpions, sandstorms and scurvy: How Ken Elliott survived seven years in the desert as a prisoner of Al Qaeda
I want us to think about self-sacrificing love and persecution.
I can't even, nor do I desire to begin to imagine, what a horrible ordeal Ken, and his wife, Jocelyn went through. Seven long years of being treated like a dog, meanwhile, your wife doesn't know if you were alive or dead. Horrendous! The truly amazing part is that he didn't lose his life, mind, or faith. I might not fare as well.
So sad how the devil has used religion to stir up the base passions of mankind. False religion has created more atheists and infidels than anything else. The name of God is mocked and the power of God seems impotent to help. Yet, God is not dead, slumbering, inattentive, or indifferent. One day the "Lion of the tribe of Judah" will roar from on High. On that day, evil, and evil doers will be no more. On that day, all of our "why" questions will probably be forgotten as we look into the face of our Lord, Savior, and Deliverer.
Until that day, we soldier on knowing that our labor for the Lord will not be in vain. Though I must admit that sometimes I wish that He would send one mighty angel to beat down and beat back the forces of evil arrayed against His people. Maranatha!
Maurice, thank you for sharing the story about the Elliott’s.
Thank you for the link to Ken Elliott’s story. So moving & inspiring.
The assurance that Jesus gave His Disciples "The Holy Spirit will gave you what to speak" also assured us that we have nothing to fear, because th3 Holy Spirit will also be our guide..
As I studied the lesson for today, it sent shivers down my spine, especially the question that was asked at the end. Additionally, Daniel 12:1 says, “At that time Michael shall stand up, The great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people; And there shall be a time of trouble, Such as never was since there was a nation, Even to that time." This passage of scripture plus the texts for today, forced me into introspection. I asked myself the question, am I ready for these events if they are unleashed tomorrow? If not, what should I do to be ready? Is my knowledge of these impending events sufficient? Is my long years of being an active and faithful church member sufficient? Would my human instinct of self preservation and survival blind me from what I need to do to be prepared?
Based on the bible - the Word, Truth, the answer is found in Rom 8:1; Rom 12:1,2; Proverbs 3:5,6; Jude 24,25; Matt 5:6; etc. As I read these passages carefully, my prayer is that I will have a daily hunger and thirst for the infilling of the Holy Spirit. My conclusion is that this is the only hope that I should desire.
Christ admonished us "not to worry beforehand" in Mark 13:11. Then, in Mark 13:9, it "says be on guard" in the ESV. To me that means take heed to the admonishment of Epheasians 6:14-18. Get prepared by putting on the belt of truth, the breast plate of righteousness, shoes to spread the gospel, the shield of faith, helmet of salvation, the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God, and use the power of prayer.
By thus taking heed beforehand our feet are grounded in the love of God. Thus we can stand through trials. Thank-you Maurice of story of the Austrailian missionary to the West African country of Burkina Faso. It is real inspiring that with the power of the Holy Spirit we too can stand for God.
"Day by day God instructs His children. By the circumstances of the daily life He is preparing them to act their part upon that wider stage to which His providence has appointed them. It is the issue of the daily test that determines their victory or defeat in life's great crisis." Desire of Ages 382.3
"Only through realizing our own weakness and looking steadfastly unto Jesus can we walk securely." Desire of Ages 382.4
In Monday's lesson, Jesus forewarns of the destruction of the temple and the atrocities the disciples would face because of their faith. Many of us do not get the privilege to suffer the same fate as those in the early church and many missionaries who travel to distant lands. However, opportunities for persecution exist right where we are. Often, we don't take them up because we are afraid; we lack the courage of our conviction, or we love this world too much.
We neuter our sermons because we don't want to be accused of "hate speech"if we preach the unadulterated Word; if there's a mission trip to some place considered dangerous, we take a pass on that one.
Once I lost job opportunity because I declined Sabbath work. I've lost "friends" because I've spoken out against the homosexual lifestyle, and I've lost "ratings" because determined to not dishonour God by my misconduct. And while I've not faced the kind of persecution that the apostles of old and the Elliots of this modern era have, it is my prayer that when that time comes, I will "stand like the brave with my face to the foe" knowing Who has my back.🙏🏾
The living stones of the temple are the believers, every stone in the wall is dependent upon the surrounding stones. the adversary will come and try the stones, each individual stone, looking for the weakest stone, and there he will apply his attack. The Holy Spirit is what binds one stone to another and gives the wall it's integrity. We must be tried in order to strengthen the wall. As steel is tempered in the fire to be able to withstand the great forces that come against, so too believers are tempered through the trials of life. a temptation may come, and one may have a great desire to abandon their place in the wall, at these times we must seek the assistance of the surrounding stones to make supplication through The Holy Spirit to The One who sits on the Throne, praying for a repentant heart and the strength to overcome all the attacks of the enemy. The wall will stand the test of time, trial, and persecution, Father's eyes are continually upon it. strengthen your brethren as you see the day approaching.
Joshua you are right. Your thoughts go along with my favorite author.
"The blacksmith puts the iron and steel into the fire to test them, that he [may] know what manner of metal they are. The Lord allows His chosen ones to be placed in the furnace of affliction in order that He may see what temper they are of, and whether He can use them and mold and fashion them for His work. "That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ." [1 Peter 1:7.] 16LtMs, Ms 140, 1901, par. 54
Amen powerful insight,thank you Joshua
Mark 13:13 - ”And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end shall be saved.” The adversary of God hates it when he is put in his place, when the faithful demonstrate their faith in God’s Word and do not waver from it in the face of utter destruction. Is our faith stronger than the pillars and stones of the temple at Jerusalem?
Is it important to know when it will happen, or is it more important that we strengthen our faith, one 'pillar and one block', one spiritual treasure at a time layed up in heaven? The faithful followers of our Lord Jesus Christ believe and make sure that their life is secured in Jesus, and with Him in our heavenly Father – John 14:19-21. There is no greater power to sustain us in this life than the Creator God’s Grace and our unwavering faith in His Son - the living Word – Jesus Christ!
Evil has overtaken this world. Just like it came for Jerusalem’s temple, the time will come when the world will be broken down. Man will always look toward physical manifestations to support his faith, but our Creator God has set up a new plan to manifest Himself among His people. He will be present with us in the new Jerusalem - “God Himself will be with them and be their God”>/i> - Rev.21:1-5. Only then can the world experience everlasting peace.
I am going through a trial right now with a tenant who claims to be a Pastor and was actually ordained. She has falsely accused me of some horrendous things, 😢and I truly struggle with this because I hate being falsely accused and lied on as well as taken advantage of. And, even though I know Christ suffered worse than I have ever or will ever suffer, was falsely accused, and lied on more than I will ever know, still, I struggle within myself.
I was just reminded this morning that whatever God permits to happen in my life, it is for my good, and I have not dealt with this situation as I should have.
Sometimes, silence is required when I feel I just have to express myself. I know I should not allow my feelings to take control. Yet, I continually fall victim to those things that "so easily beset me." Therefore, I reap what I sow, and can only come to the conclusion that I am not following God. LORD HELP ME!!!!!!!
I didn’t see the TV article on the Elliotts who I gather are Adventists? & retained their faith thru his terrible 7 year capture & her stressful trial of waiting & fear I would not pass this testing, despite calling on Holy Spirit help in Jesus’ name & prayer to our Heavenly Father, Jehovah, believing in what the bible promises!
I do not recall any mention of church denomination in the Elliott story. Perhaps it is best to simply accept that they followed Jesus.
The LORD the sword of my excellence