Thursday: The Coming of the Son of Man
Daily Lesson for Thursday 5th of September 2024
Read Mark 13:24-32. What great event is described here?
The great event described in Mark 13:24-32 is none other than the return of Jesus Christ in glory, preceded by signs in the sun, moon, and stars. The New Testament is full of prophecies pointing toward this wonderful event. The apostle Paul describes it in detail in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, where he speaks of those who have fallen asleep in Christ being raised to life and caught up with the living saints to meet Christ in the air. In 1 Corinthians 15:1-58, the apostle speaks in detail about the reality of the resurrection of the dead, which occurs at Christ’s return.
Peter describes that great day as well in 2 Peter 3:3-13, explaining that the Lord is not slow about His promise but wants all people to come to repentance. And Revelation has vivid descriptions of Christ’s return (see Revelation 1:7, Revelation 6:12-17, Revelation 14:14-20, and Revelation 19:11-21). The consistent New Testament teaching is that Christ’s return is personal, literal, visible, and audible. Everyone will see Him when He comes.
What, however, does Jesus mean by “this generation” and “that day” or “that hour”? These words have troubled many people because obviously the generation to whom Jesus spoke is long dead.
A number of solutions to this passage have been suggested. Some argue that the word “generation” can refer to a race of people, in this case the Jews. That is to say that the Jewish race would not perish before Christ returns. Another solution is to speak of the generation of people who see all the signs fulfilled as those that will not pass away before Christ returns.
But a simpler solution is to note that in Mark 13:30, Jesus uses the word “this” as in “this generation,” and in Mark 13:32, He uses the word “that” as in “that day and hour.” In Mark 13:1-37, the word “this” (houtos, hautē, touto) appears more often in verses 1–13, leading to the destruction of Jerusalem. The word “that” characterizes the latter part of the chapter.
Thus, “this generation” most likely refers to the first-century generation, which saw the destruction of Jerusalem, as Mark 13:30 describes. However, Mark 13:32 refers to the second coming of Christ, which is still future and was more distant from the first century. Consequently, Mark 13:32 uses the word “that” to speak of events more distant from the first century.

It seems that the author covered all the bases regarding, "this", or "that" generation. One thing is absolutely certain though, Jesus will return to get His Bride. He said He would come again, and He is going to keep His promise. I'm sure that He wants to return more than many,even in the Church, want Him to return. The blessed hope, is the only hope for this sin sick planet.
I weary of the violence, the corruption, dishonesty, the slaughter of the unborn, etc.. Politicians nauseate me with their endless dishonesty and self serving attitudes. The world seems to be just like Noah's day, with violence filling the land and the thoughts of so many being continually evil. It's been properly said that if Jesus doesn't come soon, that He's going to have to apologize for destroying Sodom and Gomorrah and yet allowing the same and worse evils to go unpunished.
No one will escape God's judgment. We will all stand before the Judge of the Universe. The key to passing that judgment day is to let your Judge (Jesus), also be your Advocate, or defense attorney. Stack the court in your favor.
When it is the darkest is when the Light of Truth should shine the brightest. The Church, you, and I, have a message and a mission, to invite a world blinded by darkness, to come into the Light, and be saved. The choice is there's to make, however, the mission is ours to take. Though it seems like "Mission Impossible", with Jesus, it becomes "mission it's possible". With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Let's not curse the darkness, but instead light a candle. 🎵 This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine!...🎵 Together with Christ, we can make a difference.
Sometimes we show disdain for spiritual applications of prophecy. Yet, sometimes the spiritual application is probably more powerful than the physical fulfillment.
Seventh-day Adventists are known for their argument that Jesus is coming soon. It is, after all, part of our name, and our "raison d'etre". However, our argument sounds hollow and meaningless if Jesus has not come into our hearts. I have to ask, which is the greater argument?
I submit that unless we get the spiritual application sorted, the physical application in meaningless.
Of course the latter applies...
I encourage our number, while we await the return of the Saviour, witnessing the unfolding of Prophecy, we as Spiritual Israel - follow the example of Jesus - when He said to Mary His mother - "Do you not know, I mist be about my Father;s business!"
So, let's be about our Fathers business so we can see Jesus soon..! Be strong in your faith of Jesus, trusting in His Word & faithful to the end my brothers & sisters in Christ! Amen
Amen. Oh, Lord, I want to be a Christian in my heart.
Bro.Ashton, your comment sums up this week's Sabbath School lesson. While we wait for the "last days", TODAY, may be my, may be our last day. If I die, if we die TODAY, did we die in Jesus?
God can turn any experience into a positive outcome. Sin was not His purpose, but He turned it into the most profound demonstration of His character. He overcame sin on its ground; He leveled Himself to ours to uplift us. We must get acquainted with eternity because we were created for it.
It is good to be ready for Jesus to come and take us home. Until He does come, we ought to be about our Masters business. My text for today is John 5:24. Here the word of God and believe(be ye doers of the Word of God), in Christ. To me that is more important then sitting on anxiety over His coming. Remember that He will come as a theif in the night, 2 Peter 3:10. And going back to
2 Peter 3:9. We can hang onto His promise for us. He is coming back for us.
John 5:24 ESV
[24] Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears My word and believes Him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life."
Maybe Jesus meant just simply, "The Generation of Humans" that since the fall of Adam and Eve, still experience, "Ageing, Disease, and Dying," period!
All good replies and I agree with all of that.
Jesus' second coming is our 'raison d'etre... Actually without this,us christians have nothing to hope for.If it's just about life to death and nothing else .
Amen brother!