Monday: The Last Supper
Daily Lesson for Monday 9th of September 2024
Read Mark 14:22-31 and Exodus 24:8. What great significance to the Christian faith is found in this account?
Mark 14:12 notes that this is the first day of unleavened bread, when the Passover lamb was sacrificed. The meal was on Thursday evening.
At the Last Supper, Jesus institutes a new memorial service. It is a transition from the Jewish Passover celebration and is directly linked to Israel’s leaving Egypt and becoming God’s covenant people at Sinai. In the sealing of the covenant, in Exodus 24:8, Moses sprinkles the people with the blood of the sacrifices and says, “ ‘Behold the blood of the covenant that the Lord has made with you in accordance with all these words’ ” (ESV).
It is striking that in the Lord’s Supper, which Jesus institutes here, no use is made of the lamb of the Passover meal. That is because Jesus is the Lamb of God (compare with John 1:29). The bread of the Lord’s Supper represents His body. The new covenant (compare with Jeremiah 31:31-34) is sealed with the blood of Jesus, and the cup represents this. He says, “ ‘This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many’ ” (Mark 14:24, ESV).
Then, amid all this, Jesus predicts that His disciples will all abandon Him. He cites Zechariah 13:7, which speaks of the sword striking the shepherd and the sheep being scattered. Jesus is the shepherd, and His disciples are the sheep. It is a stark and depressing message. But Jesus adds a word of hope, repeating the prediction of His resurrection. But He adds that He will go before the disciples to Galilee. That prediction will be referred to by the young man at Jesus’ tomb, in Mark 16:7, and thus it carries special weight here.
But all this is too hard for the disciples to accept, especially Peter, who argues that everyone else may fall away, but he will not. However, Jesus continues with the solemn language and predicts that Peter will deny Him three times before the rooster crows twice. The prediction will play a crucial role in the scene of Jesus’ trial and Peter’s denial; so, it also plays a crucial role here.
What can you learn from whatever times you promised God that you would or would not do something and ended up doing or not doing it anyway? |

I think the disciples knew when they gathered for the Passover meal that something was about to happen. They hoped in their hearts that the messianic prophecy would be fulfilled. But they were an unhappy bunch. Not too long previously, James and John had enlisted their mother's help in pitching for a place of power in the kingdom. This had caused some considerable discontent among the disciples.
And for the last few days, Jesus had been hammering at them about suffering and even dying. The mood had changed and they knew that the transition to the new kingdom was not going to be easy. To make matters worse Judas Iscariot appeared to be more furtive than usual and some of the conversations he had with Jesus were incomprehensible to them. They gathered for the Passover supper - a disunited group of men, each with their own thoughts of how they would fit into the new kingdom.
Marks account concentrates on the betrayal by Judas. But, each disciple wrestled with the events of the past week. The triumphant entry to Jerusalem, the authority Jesus had displayed in the Temple courtyard, the conversations Jesus had with them about his suffering and death, their preconcieved ideas about the messianic kingdom.
Within 24 hours, the wave would break on the shore of crucifixion and they would be scattered with dreams and hope shattered. Each disciple would face the issue that in their own way they had betrayed Jesus.
In 2024, we Seventh-day Adventists have our dreams about the return of the Messiah. We want our worldview to be vindicated, and our vision of eternity proved correct. Do we need a last supper experience to adjust our vision of what the return of Jesus means?
I find the reading of the Last Supper account strangely disquieting when I put myself among the disciples and think of my own complacency in belief. Do we betray Jesus too?
Mark 14:22-31 NKJV "But he spoke more vehemently, “If I have to die with You, I will not deny You!” And they all said likewise" It is interesting that the rest of the disciplies other than Peter likewise declared that they will not deny Christ but later all fled leaving Christ alone. This point reminds me of group mentality and need to consider spiritual matters individually based on our personal relationsip with Christ.
In 2024 where do I(we) stand in relationship to Christ ! All the disciples run form around Him,but Jesus told them I will see you soon very soon!here is the thing,where In my (our) life am I running from around Christ !! we see Judas trying to work two things out in his thinking ,his love of himself and the Grace/love of Jesus calling to his heart ( which really is every one who calls them self a seventh day Adventist) what is it in my life that make me denies my Lord!!in 2024!! In other words what am i selling my lord to the enemy for ! Only all of Us as individuals can answer for ourselves! Lets be honest to ourselves with the answer! May God save all from ourselves.
Sir Maurice, I praise and glorify his holy name for your sake. I never thought you were going to be this early after the surgery to contribute to this honorable platform the way you are doing. It only takes the hands and favor of God to hear from you almost everyday. May His grace continue to abound for you.Amen.
Indeed, it's always a blessing to read your insights about the daily lessons and oh yes, seeing your post so soon after your surgery, I am amazed. Do continue to recover Bro. Maurice and do keep those comments coming. Be blessed.
Thank God for your recovery Maurice! Praise His Holy Name! I'm glad you're well!
Christ saying that all the disciples will be made to stumble because of Him and it actually happening is another one of the many Proofs that no word that leaves His mouth goes back to Him undone. I also find it extremely funny how Peter tries to explicitly prove his loyalty.That to Peter,even if all others abandon Christ, the possiblity of him doing so is out of question. And then Christ Specifically points out How and exactly What Time he will do that which he strong assured Him he won't do. Christ truly knows us better than we do ourselves, in ways we probably never will. And even in that massive depth of our ignorance and ugliness,He still Loves us! A love so immeasurable He literally died for us before we could fully grasp what It means in for our salvation. Its not necessary Since the one time He died was enough for each of us but Sth tells me Given a Chance, He'd do it for us all over again. If that doesn't Scream Love to you, nothing else will ever do.
I learnt that in spite of JESUS predicting his death, he still gives us hope that he will come again. Even in our depressing season, we can still have the hope that things will get better
If we stumble over the Corner Stone, Christ is there to pick us up if we chose. All the disciples but one choose that course and they stuck with it. Also at Penticost, many saw the light of the Cross of Christ and followed it. Praise the Lord. An example of what is available for us when we stumble. We become God's people when we allow Christ to pick us up.
1 Peter 2:10.
We too are His disciples, prone to fall, and may have stumbled, however we like the eleven choose to abide in the Word. Why because the Word allows us to know the Truth and the Truth will set us free.
John 8:31-32.
I have and am still learning not to trust in man or myself, for that matter. Certainly we shouldn't think that we have it all figured out. That's when the devil will throw a curve ball and catch us by surprise. Never make promises to God, but believe His promises to us. Our promises are like "ropes of sand".
On the last question for this lesson I would say this: It is better for me to trust God's Promises for me than for me to Promise God anything.
How would I respond to someone who said we don't need to keep the passover it was nailed to the cross?
I would say you are right. It was a ceremonial law of such in rememberence of what the Lord did for them. We have the light of the Cross to remember what He has done for us, no need for the passover. Now, the sacrifices of lambs are out the door, because Christ was sacrificed for our sins once and for all.
"Many in the Christian world also have a veil before their eyes and heart. They do not see to the end of that which was done away. They do not see that it was only the ceremonial law which was abrogated at the death of Christ. They claim that the moral law was nailed to the cross. Heavy is the veil that darkens their understanding."
1Selected Messages page 239.2
Simply our sins are nailed to the Cross. The sacrifice of the Lamb and all the other symbols that pointed to the Cross of Christ, and Christ coming to save us from our sins, thus no need to sacrifice a Lamb to take away our sins.
Colossians 2:14-15.
Hebrews 10:6-18.
Now, back to today's lesson. We every quarter have the ordinence of humility, ya know washing feet and drinking unfermented grape juice and eating of bread. By Christ command to do in rememberence of Me.
Mark 14:24
1 Corinthians 11:24-35.
This gives me hope in spite of the darkness in this world, to know that we are covered no matter what happens because we all are looking for a better place called Heaven which is already prepared for us!
I have learnt to be honest about my struggles with sin, faith and doubt. Their is no pretense with God who searches the heart and knows us more than we know ourselves. No point in acting like I have it all together and making promises I can't even keep. Rather seek his strength, admitting my struggles and allow him to show me the way, I have no power in myself to overcome. "Therefore Let anyone who thinks he stands, take heed lest he fall" 1 Corinthians 10:12
I always try to capture the ‘bigger picture’ as I study the lessons of the day. Today I noted that Mark 14:22-23 speaks to Jesus talking with His disciples about a new Covenant, possibly using the bread and the wine as a metaphor in replacement of the lamb which was missing from their Passover meal.
Paul is also recorded in 1 Cor.11:23-27 to speak to this event in particular, and eating in fellowship together in general. It seems to me that Jesus’ last supper with His disciples was an occasion/event He used to establish that the old Covenant ended and a new Covenant was to take its place.
I agree that Christians may want to come together for a special occasion reflecting Jesus’ life and sacrificial death, though to think of it as taking the place of a ritually observed 'last supper', seeing Him as the lamb from the Jewish Passover, slain to satisfy the old covenant’s blood-requirement, is in my opinion not warranted.
On several occasions, it is recorded in the old Testament that God spoke of a new Covenant, that would be “putting my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God and they will be my people.” – Jer.31:33. Jesus ushered in this new Covenant through His death and resurrection; showing the ‘New Way', the new Covenant of Grace through faith, and with this ending the offering of blood for atonement.
I consider when speaking to His disciples during the Passover meal, He wanted them to know that the 'New Way' was different from the old ways requiring blood. The new Covenant of Grace through faith in His Word replaced it. No blood was needed, no more sacrifices were required to receive forgiveness of sins - if they would just believe. He was the Son of God who came to demonstrate to them the ‘New Way’ and asked them to follow Him.
Maybe someone can help me locate the Scripture to show that it was Jesus asking His followers to observe His last supper as a ritual in perpetuity. Like many Truths ending up becoming enshrined in a ritual, this may be another example; spiritual Truth conveyed by Him as He used drink and bread to convey that He is the believer's sustenance – their spiritual bread and water from the spiritual well which never runs dry - John 4:13-14.
Though Jesus spoke using familiar terms, at that time, His disciples did not fully grasp the extend of the meaning of His words. After His last supper with His disciples, Jesus did not eat nor drink until He died.
Personally, I would prefer to see us spend this time of 'Communion' to reflect on Jesus’ faithfulness as He fulfilled His Father’s Will. By giving up His life, He calls on us to trust God when walking the ‘New Way’ by faith. The Father rewarded Him by giving Him a new life after His death, and so can we receive this gift of Life by the Grace of God.
Hi Brigitte, I think it’s 1 Cor 11:26 that might confirm sacramental application - “For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.”(NASB)
Yes, Kenny – I appreciate efforts to establish this Truth by using it in a ‘sacramental application’. Though, if not careful, this can possibly lead away from applying this Truth’s spiritual application in one's every-day life – expressing spiritual Truth in practical ways. We are called to live the Truth, not to enshrine it in a ritually observed sacrament only – Rom.12:1; Matt.20:22-23.
the blood of covenant described initially in Genesis 15 provides a better background to the unilateral covenant which involves the blood, the blood of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
I'd like to comment on the last question. There has been times where I had promised God not to commit a particular sin. I pray very hard and keep my promise for a about a week or two and go back again.its like a cycle. Guilt and shame start to set in. I need help.
He’s a good good Father, keep running to Him and confess to Him, for He is faithful and just to forgive you. He loves us sooo much that He died for us while we were sinning.
I celebrate because just as the blood of the lamb on the doorpost meant deliverance from death so the blood of Jesus the lamb means deliverance for me from the Egypt of my sins NOW and the Egypt of this world SOON.
Thank you Jesus for the blood.