Monday: The Stone Was Rolled Away
Daily Lesson for Monday 23rd of September 2024
Read Mark 16:1-8 and 1 Corinthians 15:1-8. What do these passages have in common?
The story of the resurrection appears in each of the Gospels. Each Gospel writer presents the story from a different perspective, but they all contain the core concepts that appear also in 1 Corinthians 15:1-8.
Four ideas appear again and again—died, buried, risen, seen. In Mark, “died” and “buried” are in chapter 15. The “risen” and “seen” appear in chapter 16, but with a twist. Mark 16:7 speaks of a meeting in Galilee, and there you will see Him (see John 21:1-25).
Some people find it incredible that Christians believe in a risen Lord. But the evidence for His resurrection is substantial and consistent with reason.
For starters, all one has to do is believe in God as the Creator (see Genesis 1:1-31 and 2) and the idea of the resurrection, of a miracle, becomes reasonable. The God who created the universe, and then life on earth, certainly had the power, if He chose, to resurrect Jesus. The existence of God doesn’t make the resurrection of Jesus inevitable, only reasonable.
Next, the tomb was definitely empty. Even atheist historians accept that fact. If it were not, the claim about His resurrection would fail right from the start because the existence of His body there would destroy any claims of His having risen.
Next, the explanation that His disciples stole the body does not work. The disciples surely couldn’t have gotten past the guards. And even if they had done so and got the body, why were the disciples never arrested for stealing it? The answer is that the religious leaders knew that the disciples had not done it.
Also, numerous people testified that they saw the risen Christ. Many, including the disciples, did not at first believe. And one very solid enemy, Paul, not only claims to have seen the risen Lord but that this experience changed the whole trajectory of his life—in very radical ways, too.
Finally (though there are many other reasons), how does one explain the rise of the Christian church, founded by people who claimed to have seen the risen Lord? Why would these people have been willing to die for what they knew was a lie? Their consistent testimony, both right after His death (Acts 3:15) and years later (1 Peter 1:3), provides powerful evidence for His resurrection.
What would you say if someone were to ask you, What evidence do you have for Christ’s resurrection? |

Where there is a mystery, there is always plenty of speculation and conspiracy theories to provide "Fake News" so it is ultimately difficult to know the truth. A few years ago, Dan Brown published his fictional book, "The Da Vinci Code" and while is was what is called an "action thriller" it was based on a speculative historical alternative of what happened to Jesus and his family. Much of the history part of this book draws on the more scholarly, but still speculative book, "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail" by Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln. (Yes I am aware of the court case on this issue,) And, I am also aware of the work of the Australian author and Theologian, Barbara Thiering, who promoted an alternative view of the supernatural events associated with the resurrection of Jesus.
Such literature gains considerable traction in a society that is already highly sceptical of the supernatural. When faced with a speculative but plausible natural explanation against a supernatural one, most people will accept the natural explanation.
I bring this to your attention because this is the environment we face when discussing the resurrection of Jesus in the modern world. For those of us who believe in the resurrection, it is easy to gather the evidence and argue the supernatural resurrection of Jesus to our satisfaction. However, it does not make sense to our secular friends.
As I asserted yesterday, the best evidence of the resurrection of Jesus, is the changed lives of those who have committed to Jesus.
Paul has some good advice for us:
Hello Maurice,
I greatly appreciate your insights.
Although, I wonder, who resurrected Christ?
If it was God, then ultimately did the "death" of Christ have any meaning because God could simply resurrect Him at any point. It's kind of like turning off your laptop. It's not really dead if you can switch it back on at any point in time, it's dead if it's no longer functional.
What are your thoughts?
Hope it's okay with you, Bradley, if I add my thoughts as well: About 25 or so verses in the NT say the Father raised Christ:
Acts: Peter: 2:24,32; 3:15; 4:10; 5:30; 10:40; Paul: 13:30, 32-34,37; 17:31
Romans: 4:24,25; 6:4; 8:11 ("Him who raised Jesus"); 10:9
I Corinthians: 6:14; 15:15
II Corinthians: 4:14
Galatians 1:1
Ephesians 1:19,20
Colossians 2:12
I Thessalonians 1:9,10
Hebrews 13:20
I Peter 1:3,21
Why did the Father raise the Son? The following quotation is from the E.G.White Notes, p. 93, on the quarterly: Book of Luke (2015),quoting from "The Story of Redemption," pp. 244, 245: "Peter here [Acts 2:31] shows that David...testified that the soul of Christ was not to be left in 'hell' [the grave] nor was His flesh to see corruption [Psalm 16:10]. Peter shows the fulfillment of prophecy in Jesus of Nazareth. God had actually raised Him [Christ] up from the tomb before His body had seen corruption. He was now the exalted One in the Heaven of Heavens."
Hey Lorayne!
Yeah it's great that you added your thoughts too, I really appreciate them 😁
The verses you suggested answered my question as to who raised Christ from the grave.
I also realised that Paul, in Romans, ties in the resurrection of Christ to our own ultimate resurrection. He mentions that through Jesus' resurrection we are granted life.
So kind of like a recipe (a recipe for salvation), one step of the recipe was the resurrection of Christ. If God didn't raise Christ, we would not be able to access salvation. It was necessary for Christ to be raised.
Now that I understand that God raised Jesus, I still can't help but think, what was the meaning of His death? If God always had the power to raise Him, it seems as if there was no real consequence to Christs crucifixion.
Hi Lorayne, I've just done some further study on this topic and I think I know why, even though God always had the power to raise Him, it still has significant meaning.
1.) As you mentioned in Romans 4:25, it was for our justification. Christs blood plays a significant part in our justification.
2.) It was Christ and God's victory over death, that was the sign that death had been defeated and that eternal life could now be given through Christ.
Thanks again Lorayne, you've really helped me clarify an important topic.
I wounder if there is a relationship between the stone having been rolled away and when we 1st saw the light or again saw the light, then the burdens of our hearts rolled away, rolled away? Now it was there by faith we recieved our sight, and now, and now, we are happy every day. 🙏 For those who don't know the praying 🙏 hands also mean Amen, and Amen, or if you prefer let it be so Lord.
Yes, why yes, I believe there is a relationship.
There are so many reasons to believe, and yet only one reason not to believe. Unbelief. One day everyone will believe, however it will be too late for too many.
Please can someone help me out with this question. A day begins from evening " And the evening and the morning were the first day" Gen 1:5. Confirming 24hrs in a day. Likewise, Jesus said as Jonah was in the belly of a fish for three days and nights, so He'll be in the heart of the earth - Mat.12:40. Besides, Daniel told us Jesus would bring an end to sacrifice and offering in the middle of the week - Dan 9:27.
With these truths, how could we justify Jesus died on Friday and rose on Sunday (incomplete 24hrs each day as speculated)
Others will give a more robust and probably more wordy answer than me on this one.
I suggest that we sometimes apply an exact interpretation to what was meant to be a common expression for three days. In modern times we often refer to an event taking place over three days, when we don't mean that they occupied three full days. I suggest that Biblical writers were using the same idiom.
Secondly, does it matter? My observation from a long history of listening, is the argument eclipses the true meaning of the crufixion and resurrection of Jesus. The big picture is important to me.
Well Edun, Jesus was in the tomb part of Friday (preparation day, 6th day), part of the 1st day Sunday, and the complete 24 hour period of the Sabbath 7th day. Jewish writers considered part of a day, a day.
When asked by the scribes and Pharisees for a "sign" Matt 12:38-40, Jesus admonished them and said the only sign He would give was that he would even in death rest for the full Sabbath, because God promised in multiple places in the Old Testament Ex 31:13-17, Eze 20:12,20 that the Sabbath was to be an everlasting sign between He and His people that he is the Lord that sanctifies them!! The Sabbath is, was and will be throughout eternity the sign of who God's people really are. Those who love and obey Him.
In addition to Maurice's response, just think about what we call 'weekend'. It's two days from one week and the first day of another.
Three days is not necessarily 72 hours. "Hours" as we think of them were not a unit of measure then. It means three distinct days as delineated by sundowns and sunsets.
Thursday evening: Last Supper and Great Commandment. After sundown marks the beginning of the first day (Eve of Friday). Jesus is arrested and tried
Friday morning: First day continues, and Jesus is executed, removed from the cross and buried.
Friday sundown: Second day begins. (Eve of Sabbath/Saturday).
Saturday (sunrise to sunset): Jesus lies in the tomb.
Saturday sundown: Third day begins. (Eve of Sunday).
Sunday morning: Third day continues and Jesus is raised from the dead.
Hello Edun! That is a very good question, one that many have. In biblical time reckoning a concept called inclusive time reckoning is used. I share the following quote; "Ancient Jews also used what scholars call "inclusive reckoning," meaning any part of a day is counted as a whole day," said Clinton Wahlen of the Seventh-day Adventist Biblical Research Institute in Silver Spring.Apr 21, 2011
Using the inclusive time reckoning Jesus was in the grave three days, and three nights, (Friday, Sabbath, Sunday) because a part of a day is counted as a full day, not a literal 24 hours.
I hope that helps you resolve this conundrum. If you want a more comprehensive explanation just search on "inclusive time reckoning".
Concerning Daniel's prophecy. Jesus's ministry lasted three and a half years, or half a week prophetic time.
The question asked by Edun is a very interesting one. As Seventh-day Adventist, we believe that the bible is the word of God and that it provides answers to the mysteries of God. When things are not very clearly expressed in the bible and seem to be in conflict, we sometimes provide interpretations and try to arrive at reasonable conclusions. Sometimes it is difficult to say, "we don't really know, or we don't have a proper answer, or that somethings were not reveled to us (humans), or that the secret things belong to God, and in his wisdom (which we sometimes cannot fully understand and explain), God did not provide us with all the information that we need to fully explain everything about himself.
In an attempt to provide an answer to Edun's question, which he supports by quoting solid passages of scripture, I am inclined to say the I don't have a proper answer, except to say that what is important is the fact that Jesus died for our sins, paid the price for our redemption, and rose again on the third day.
However, what is still more important is what does this entire account mean to me personally. We could spend all day debating this issue, but it means nothing if I don't give myself over to the Holy Spirit so that I could be a living sacrifice, and agree that I need him to change me from carnal to spiritual. One of the jobs of the Holy Spirit is to guide us into all truth. In other words, his job is to reveal Christ to us. I want him to be my teacher and to allow him to do it how he wants to do it, and when he chooses. If my life is turned over to him, and in ALL my ways I acknowledge him, the bible says that he will direct my path. Even The Apostle Paul acknowledged that there were some mysteries and Paul did not attempt to explain them. He talked about the mysteries of iniquity, translation when Jesus returns, the incarnation, etc. So, Edun, when we get to heaven, what appears foggy now to us, will all be revealed. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 13:12 NKJV, "For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known."
Thank you Edun for the question, and thanks to the administrators of this website for providing this platform for spiritual dialogue and encouragement.
Like most expressions in the Bible, one must look at the historical setting and the understanding of the people and the culture in its historical context. This expression would have been clearly understood by anyone dating back to antiquity. (Not original with me), "God speaks to Man in the language of Man because if He spoke to us in the language of heaven we would not understand Him".
I don’t think anyone doubts that a man named Jesus actually existed. The question is if He was really the Messiah, and if He was really resurrected. How do we know Jesus really died, and did not just fake His own death and then made it look like He was resurrected? If He did indeed die, how do we know the disciples did not actually steal His body from the tomb to make it look like He was resurrected? Let’s take a look.
Was Jesus Actually Dead?
Then the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first and of the other who was crucified with Him. But when they came to Jesus and saw that He was already dead, they did not break His legs. But one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out. And he who has seen has testified, and his testimony is true; and he knows that he is telling the truth, so that you may believe. For these things were done that the Scripture should be fulfilled, “Not one of His bones shall be broken.” And again another Scripture says, “They shall look on Him whom they pierced.” John 19:32-37 NKJV
Conspiracy theories could have started circulating, that Jesus did not really die on the cross, but merely fainted and woke up later. Remember how prisoners escaped from Alcatraz by placing phony bodies in their beds to make it look like they were still in bed, while they escaped? How do we even know it was really Christ’s body placed in the tomb, and was not just a phony body to make it look like He died?
The testimony of the Roman soldiers themselves disproves any notion of such conspiracy theories. They pierced his side causing the blood to flow out. He was already dead, but if He wasn’t, the wound would have caused His death for sure.
Did Disciples Steal His Body?
Now while they were going, behold, some of the guard came into the city and reported to the chief priests all the things that had happened. When they had assembled with the elders and consulted together, they gave a large sum of money to the soldiers, saying, “Tell them, ‘His disciples came at night and stole Him away while we slept.’ And if this comes to the governor’s ears, we will appease him and make you secure.” So they took the money and did as they were instructed; and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day. Matthew 28:11-15 NKJV
This is not logical. How can the soldiers document what happened while they were asleep? If they were asleep, how would they know that the disciples stole the body? There is no court in the world that would accept this testimony. No one can testify exactly who did what while they were not looking. You have to be looking in order to be a witness. Their own testimony, “while we were sleeping,” proves they did not see the disciples take Jesus’ body. Add to this the fact that the disciples themselves had a hard time believing that He was resurrected. If they had staged it, they would have been gloating about His resurrection at the very start, instead of being confused and amazed.
If the priests really thought the disciples stole Christ’s body, why were the disciples never charged or even accused of such a crime? They were later arrested for preaching about the resurrection, but they were never arrested for stealing a body. It is also highly unlikely the guards actually fell asleep while guarding the tomb, because falling asleep while on such a guard was an offense punishable by death. If the leaders truly thought the guards had fallen asleep, the guards would not have lived to tell the tale. They would have been executed. But they were not executed. Instead, they were given money.
Would the Disciples Have Died for a Lie?
Now about that time Herod the king stretched out his hand to harass some from the church. Then he killed James the brother of John with the sword. And because he saw that it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to seize Peter also. Acts 12:2-3 NKJV
Scripture testifies how James was martyred and the other disciples were persecuted. And Foxe’s Book of Martyrs documents how all the disciples except John were martyred for preaching Christ and Him crucified and resurrected. Poor John was thrown into boiling oil. Now, suppose the disciples made the story up about the resurrection and had stolen the body to make it look like Jesus was no longer dead. How many of those disciples would be willing to die for this made-up story? After a few of them were killed for making up the story, wouldn’t at least one of them come forward and show where they hid the body, to save his life? What are the chances of everyone in on the conspiracy dying for a lie?
I can tell you why they all died. I can tell you why none of them finally came forward and showed where they hid the body. It’s because they did not hide the body. They could not recant their story, because what they were saying was the truth. A truth worth dying for! Why do you think God allowed them all to be killed and for John to be boiled in oil? I believe it’s so that we would know, beyond the shadow of a doubt that their story was true.
Jesus Still Lives in our Hearts
One last thought. When I was in my early twenties, I heard a song on a Christian radio station. I heard it once, and never heard it again, so I can’t tell you who sang it or wrote it, but I remember the gist of the song. In the song, a little boy was crying because his little friend told him Jesus wasn’t real. The boy pleads with his friend not to tell his daddy that Jesus isn’t real because, “I don’t want him to start living like he used to.” The song showed how Jesus changed the daddy’s heart, and this is how we know He is real.
But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. Romans 8:11 NKJV
Like the old hymn says,
He lives (He lives), He lives (He lives), Salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart.-Alfred Ackley
Thank-you. Excellent, I wounder how many know that by just clicking on your name links us to your In Light of the Cross blog, with more of your ministry? I am sure the interested will find out now.
God Bless You.
Thank you John for your kind words and prayers for my ministry.
Good morning William!
Here's the song you referenced. I could only find two versions of it on YouTube.
Thanks Tim!
In the genesis account creation is the express Thought of God, "eternal love+ eternal power= to eternal righteousness"
Now Satan told Eve she could live for ever with out God! Problem is to this day we "some of us Christians believe that lie" when we look at the resurrection of Christ? What do we as Christians really see! Do we see the dispelling of that 1st lie, at the resurrection!only by life can life be given, the resurrection with all its awesomeness display of Christ love for mankind was filled full, so complete many people alive back then had seen Christ after His resurrection, we today by FAITH look for that blessed hope that Christ have ashored us of at his coming back to"LIFE" he brought back others from the grave as an testimony to his resurrection for them and us now to see in this so call in lighten age , man question the existence of God ,we have it on good authority "they father call for thee". At the "Trump of God the dead in Christ" shall be given eternal life only does of us who went to the cross which took the life of the old man that the new man in Christ come forth to an eternal experience day by day.
It must have been a fantastic experience for those with the privilege to see Jesus resurrected. But "blessed are those who believe without seeing!" To believe means to experience; God is real and present to those who search for Him.
The empty grave is my Evidence that my Jesus arose and HE is alive. Hallelujah Brethren!
Was the removal of the stone from Jesus' tomb intended to facilitate his exit or to demonstrate his resurrection to the women?
I do appreciate your response.
Hello Beverley!
If you will look at John 20:19-29 and Luke 24:36–43) indicates that Jesus appeared to the disciples in a locked room.
Jesus essentially appeared, or walked through the wall. I heard a scientist describe how that would be possible by the reversing of the atoms direction allowing solid objects to pass through solid objects. It was quite a fascinating presentation.
The stone was rolled away to let the disciples in, not to let Jesus out.
I hope that helps answer this question.
What would you say if someone were to ask you, What evidence do you have for Christ’s resurrection?
My personal evidence is in the crumbing state of chaos that exists in that field that ought to be as stable and secure as anything man-made like the the pyramids of Egypt. (Their strength and weight lasting millennia) That field is the practice of law. In the United States an innocent man is about to die by the state because the supreme court decided that it didn't matter if he is innocent or not; (though in fact he is innocent)a jury found him guilty of death and death will be his penalty.
Without the resurrection of Jesus, there would be no higher appeal to this case. There would be no higher human judge to judge this case and render a just verdict?
In America, there is now a trend to "judge shop" that is to find a judge that has a predetermined disposition on the outcome of a case.
Without the resurrection of Jesus who can we appeal to for justice, for mercy, for an equitable resolution of grievances?
All of the content of all of the law books in the world, (including the Bible) are meaningless unless there is a living person to render judgement. This is my evidence of the resurrection of Jesus, Kings of Kings, Lord of Lords, and the judge of the whole earth.
The culture I live in... it seems everyone does believe in the resurrection. Let me explain. There are self-help books, posts on social media, talk shows etc. everywhere encouraging the individual that one need only try a little harder to reinvent oneself and then it is possible to become a new person - more balanced, more kind, more attractive, more accomplished, whatever the category you can think essence, more perfect. Secular coffee mugs, t-shirts and garden rocks carry the words "hope" and "faith" meaning hope and faith in self and in humanity. In this secular worldview, there is the sense that humanity is growing and improving - people are "evolving" towards a more enlightened consciousness. The predominant culture feels that people are becoming more aware and awake, evidenced by their view that laws and social mores are becoming more tolerant and inclusive, their view that human knowledge and the sophistication of technology is increasing, that humanitarian efforts and "pay it forward" moments of people helping people are being recorded everywhere. In other words, people are putting great hope and trust in human ability to rise out of the ashes into something more complete, more successful, more kind, improved in some way.
Here, for example, is a quote from one mindfulness teacher:
So in the world, there is a prevailing, dominant belief that if you are confident in yourself and relaxed and present with your own experience, you can be transformed. (Or wait, you already are perfect? it's ironic.) And this tags onto the idea that there is no right or wrong way to be, no good or bad. All is evolving upwards from mindless amoeba into intelligent human...yes, it really ties into a belief in evolution from one species to another. Resurrections from the swamps of ignorance to the boardrooms of success.
The secular world is (or claims to be) deeply confident in self ... and deeply doubtful about the risen Jesus as the One and only Christ, the Savior of all humanity in the world. The Bible stands out as contradictory to this giddiness about human greatness. The story of Jesus' death for us and His resurrection flies in the face of "we are complete within ourselves and in no need of help from a Creator". Oh, they may talk about "Life" or "Source" giving you experiences that help you to evolve, but it is still a self-help experience where you are freeing yourself from improper thinking.
The gospel story is the only story that I know of that says "no matter how hard you try, you cannot change yourself from a caterpillar to a butterfly, you cannot change yourself from one ruled by self-centered, corrupt impulses to one ruled by holy desires and the perfection of God". Only through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus can a person transform from a darkened mind to one filled with the wisdom and compassion of God (Eph. 4: 17-24). 1 Cor. 2:1-16 is a beautiful testimony from Paul about how he transformed from fully trusting human wisdom to throwing that all away to receive "the mind of Christ" (1 Cor. 2:16).
I want to briefly address one argument of "new thought" secular religion which is, "How is it possible to be separate from Source? They say, "All is One and it is impossible to break that connection." That used to challenge me. Here is my answer, now. Rev. 3:20 tells us that our "Source" - Jesus Christ - stands at the door of our hearts, knocking. There is an "inner" and "outer" chamber within us in the sense that God does not force Himself upon our minds and affections. Though He upholds the lives and breaths of all by His might and in that sense it is impossible to be separate from Him (Heb. 1:3), there is a place God gives us that is ours - our will - and He waits for an invitation to enter there. Without Jesus in those inner chambers of our psyches, that is a dark place within us. The Holy Spirit shows us that there is NOTHING in us that is improving without Jesus reigning there. Scripture encourages us to be fully confident in Jesus Christ and deeply skeptical about ourselves.
Quickly, connecting to that last sentence, I want to end with this. It is another powerful testimony to the resurrection of Jesus. Jude was the half-brother of Jesus and during Jesus' life, he joined with his other brothers in disbelieving the divinity of Jesus (John 7:5). The things Jesus was saying - "I am the Way, the Truth, the Life"...."no one gets to God except through me"....can you imagine your brother or sister saying this? This would be unbelievable! It would not only tweak all feelings of sibling jealousies, but it would blow your mind that someone in your family was claiming to be God! And yet, Jesus' brothers James and Jude DID become believers....because of His resurrection. 1 Cor. 15:7 tells us that Jesus appeared to His half-brother James...and maybe He appeared to Jude also.
Look at how Jude ends his letter....his confidence for personal growth is placed in Jesus alone in Jude 24-25..."who ALONE is wise".
Thank you, Esther, for this thoughtful commentary.
What particularly struck me is that Satan has the perfect pseudo-gospel for every class of humanity. For modern pseudo-intellectuals, he has self-help/self-elevating/divinity within gospel (aka Good News). This "gospel" also drives a certain kind of political policies referenced in your comment:
Humans are trying to be "kinder than God" in their policies and laws. The irony is that these "kind" laws and their loose implementation result in much greater suffering and laws of life than the so-called "cruel" laws God gave Israel under the theocracy. But the people who promote these policies simply cannot "see" that. Sometimes I think that people literally become "stupid" by turning their backs on God and His Word.
Our safety and "wisdom" lies wholly in God's Law and His Word. Rather than focusing on self and developing the "good" within, the Bible teaches us that true happiness can only be found in service to God and others. No two views could possibly be more diametrically opposed.
Jesus lived and died to demonstrate the Good News that God will give "new hearts" to all who follow Him, and these new hearts will motivate His followers to unselfish service so that their joy may be full. (John 15:11)
Hello Inge!
I love your "kinder than God" remark. As if that is possible. Indeed the wisdom of man is foolishness to God. I believe that we are living in a time that perfectly exemplifies Romans 1:22-32. Unlike what some believe, God is not a control freak. If a person wants to believe a lie they are free to do so. However it usually becomes a slippery downward slope, as the "father of lies" will encourage them in their rejection of truth. On the other hand, if a person wants to know the truth, the "Spirit of truth" will lead them into all truth.
I believe that we are living in a culture war between these two camps. Truth versus falsehood, or error, awakeness versus "wokeness". Society is polarizing or self sorting into the wheat and the tares, the sheep and the goats. A pseudo-gospel is no gospel at all. To embrace it doesn't lead to freedom, but bondage and eternal death. In contrast the true gospel leads to true freedom, and eternal life.
May we as Christians be instruments of light unto eternal life, seeking and saving those who are living in darkness and walking towards eternal death.
Seek God and Live/now-today. While you have time.