Sunday: What Is Truth?
Daily Lesson for Sunday 15th of December 2024
In John 18:28-32, the trial of Jesus is not described in detail. The focus is on Jesus brought before Pontius Pilate.
Read John 18:33-38. What did Pilate and Jesus talk about?
The governor asks Jesus if He is the king of the Jews (John 18:33). It is the first reference to this title but will not be the last. Jesus asks Pilate if he is asking this on his own or did others say that He was. His question turns the tables on the governor, querying if he understands to whom he is speaking. The reader already knows that Jesus is the King. Will the governor?
Pilate responds with his own query: “ ‘Am I a Jew? Your own nation and the chief priests have delivered You to me. What have You done?’ ” (John 18:35, NKJV). It was an evasion, rooted in irritation at the close application of Jesus’ question. It was the governor’s first step away from the truth, letting prejudice block his perception.
Jesus responds that His kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36). Pilate then perceptively deduces that Jesus does claim to be a king (John 18:37). This leads to Jesus’ important explanation that He was born to bear witness to the truth and that every person who is “ ‘of the truth’ ” hears His voice (John 18:37).
Pilate then asks, “ ‘What is truth?’ ” (John 18:38, NKJV). But he doesn’t wait for the answer. Instead, he goes outside to try to save Jesus from the crowd.
Truth is a theme in John’s Gospel. As the eternal Word (logos, John 1:1-5), Jesus is the Light and the Truth. All this is in contrast to darkness and error. He is full of grace and truth (John 1:14). Grace and truth came through Him (John 1:17). John the Baptist bore witness to the truth (John 5:33). Jesus affirmed that His Father is “true” (John 7:28). Jesus Himself heard the truth from His Father (John 8:40). Jesus is “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). The Word of God is “truth” (John 17:17). Despite his question, Pilate missed his opportunity to know the truth because of his prejudice, his earlier decisions, and the pressures upon him.
How do you understand the idea of Jesus as the Truth? |

The issue for Christians is that often we have a reasonably good grasp of what we perceive as "Truth". We state it as "Jesus is the Truth", and probably mean that the relationship with Jesus is the most significant thing in our lives. The problem we have is that in the post Christian world, the perception of what is true is much more complex.
If any of you have sat in a philosophy or ethics class you will have been subjected to a variety of definitions of truth. There is a lot of relativism: Truth is a collective perception, our biases and education filter truth, truth must align with reality, truth is what is useful and beneficial, and so on.
All of these statements have elements of truth in them and we can even apply them to our Christian perception, but none give a complete picture.
Pilate was being the philosopher when he asked rhetorically, "What is truth?", and not waiting for an answer.
While our own commitment and understanding of Truth in the Christian sense may be affirming and sure, we need to understand that our secular friends see that through the filter of their own background, education and general population peer understanding. They stand in the shoes of Pilate and ask quite rightly, "What is truth?" And if we think that the answer lies in a 24 text Bible study, skipping through the verses and ending with a "Therefore I have the Truth. QED!", our perception of even the Christian Truth is not only limited, it is distorted.
There are two things that are important to me. Christ is central to any "Truth" notion, and secondly, that notion can only be transmitted experientially by a dynamic relationship with Jesus that informs our relationship with others. Truth, limited to a philosophical/theological discussions or set of assertions misses the Christian perception of a dynamic relationship. The whole point of Jesus ministry and death was to develop that dynamic relationship.
(The word of God is very important)
During the study in this quarter (the Book of John), particularly lesson 9 (The Source of Life) and lesson 10 (The Way, the Truth and the Life), we had a privilege and a blessing to study “truth”. This week once again we are revisiting “truth”. Why is “truth” so critical that God wants us to understand and fully get embedded in it? In lesson 10, it was established that the Bible truth is rooted in God's character. Psalm 119:160 says, "The sum of Your word is truth." God is depicted as the ultimate source of all truth. Truth reflects God's constancy, reliability, and holiness (Numbers 23:19; Hebrews 6:18). The lesson went further to remind us that the truth in Jesus is deeply personal. We were invited as individuals not just to acknowledge facts but to have a relationship with Him, the living truth (Romans 1:32). In sum total, Biblical truth challenges believers to live authentically, grounded in the teachings and example of Jesus. It calls for integrity, justice, and love, making it both tangible (in Christ) and transformative (in life). Truth in the Bible transcends abstract reasoning; it is embodied in Jesus and meant to be experienced relationally and lived out practically.
The context in which we revisit “truth” this week should not be missed. An innocent man (Jesus), a kind man, a righteous man, simply a good man is arrested on trumped-up lies and bundled to judgment to be killed. Ironically these lies were concocted by the high priest and the Pharisees purportedly the custodian of “truth”. It amounts to absolute zero, no matter how much we claim to know the truth, if we do not live it! The episode of Jesus’s judgment and eventual crucifixion should cause deep self-reflection. The teachers of the law, the Pharisees and the high priest lived a lie! Are we living a lie too? Do we claim to know the truth and yet no truth is found in us? Do we “kill” people with our concocted lies? Do we destroy peoples families with lies? Do we cause strife among God’s children with lies?
We must acknowledge that truth is NOT part of our natural fabric. "Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me."(Psalms 51:5). We are inherently potential liars (Jeremiah 17:9). Praise and glory be to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in whom we stand victorious from all demonic spirits of lies. “By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence” (2 Peter 1:3 - NLT). Truth as taught in the Bible must be tangible.
Thank you for this remarks, that gives more clear re truth.
Hello am sorry I know am out of topic but I don't know where to ask. Your my family and help. Plz help me this question once.
What is this verse means?!"Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus” (Revelation 14:12"- in connection to mark of the beast?!
Help plz
Lynn I know you. You like to bring up thought provoking questions. How long do I have to spoon feed you? 🤔
Be that as it may. Revelation 12:12 is talking about Revelation 13-18, not about the wicked who have the Mark of the beast. Still with me.
I typed in to the search of my app called Ellen G. White 2. Yes I typed in, "here is the patience of the Saints." Here is just one of the plethora of resources that are genuine. Also, I suggest you listen to Dr. Jo Ann Davidson, at least the 1st portion Inge has posted it for you. She talks about digging into the Word with the plethora of information provided by people, like the people who let the Holy Spirit guide their thoughts into Truth. Psalms 48:14. OK, I hope I have not turned you off yet, because here is the meat.
Please read these things. The angel came from heaven and found John exiled there on the isle of Patmos and told him all these things that were to transpire in the last days. He wants us to know it. He wants us to be prepared for it. He wants us to have the crown of life that we shall not perish with the wicked. We are very anxious that you should have it. I will just read a few words in Revelation 3:18. "gold." What is it? He has promised us, "Let not your heart be troubled ...." [John 14:1.] Now that is what He is preparing for us, and we want to prepare for it.
Those that enter heaven, let me tell you, will know it here on this earth, that is, they take right hold of heavenly things. They do not seek the fashions of this degenerate age. They seek the heavenly disposition, and they seek to speak in a heavenly manner. They seek to overcome, and we want every one of you to engage in the warfare. You are soldiers of Jesus Christ. "I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire ...." [Revelation 3:18.]
This is the Word of the living God. It is the spirituality that is in Jesus Christ that holds us. He came to our earth to represent perfection in humanity, and now we must manifest perfection here on this earth, in order to enter where He is in His glory. 20LtMs, Ms 191, 1905, par. 40 - 20LtMs, Ms 191, 1905, par. 42
Found in the app I mentioned on android smart phones and Apple devices, my friend.
The link to Dr. Jo Ann Davidson my friend is below.
Sorry to hear that, John Herscher feels like he's spoon feeding you. You brought up a very good question concerning Rev. 14:12. I will put you on my prayer list.
My question is, "At what time is Rev.14:12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus" fulfilled? I asked this question because, we are in the last section (Laodicean Rev. 3:16-18) are in a worse condition, and under greater condemnation than any previous one.
I was sitting in my dermatologist clinic a week ago. And picked this up, and I thought you all would like it. His eye is still on us just like the Blue Jay's. If we get tempted to doubt, look to the birds like my mother did, she studied them with binoculars in and out of bird sanctuaries. God takes care of us as well as the birds, no doubt. Yes, thank God my skin scan is negative for skin cancer.
In the book in the waiting room at my dermitologist clinic, "Birds Of the Ark page 179. Noah Strycker as author and Joel Sartore as photographer.
Says. Nobody wants to be called a "bird brain," but research suggests it really should be considered a compliment. The more we study bird behavior, the more we realize that birds have a complex system of thoughts, feelings and emotions simular to people...each bird has their own personality...the smartest are crows, ravens, magpies, jays, jackals, rooks, tree pies, and nutcrackers...some are approaching genius...One Gray Parrot named Alex was famous for being part of a 30-year long experiment where he learned to communicate in basic English.
Mmmmmmm how can I fit this into the Truth is a person? Oh yes it is true that nature and revelation alike testify of God's love. Our Father in heaven is the source of life, of wisdom, and of joy. Look at the wonderful and beautiful things of nature. Think of their marvelous adaptation to the needs and happiness, not only of man, but of all living creatures. The sunshine and the rain, that gladden and refresh the earth, the hills and seas and plains, all speak to us of the Creator's love. It is God who supplies the daily needs of all His creatures. In the beautiful words of the psalmist— Steps to Christ 9.1
In a more serious thought. Dr. Jo Ann Davidson says that Pilate brought out the Truth of the Trinity in a suttle way. A good lecture to listen to presented in a delightful way. And you thought that lesson 11 is not woven with lesson 12.
Again, it is comforting to think of Jesus as the Truth. The Truth can be a slap in the face, the reality of cruelty, sadness, betrayal, and pain. When I see myself before the real Truth, the image can be pretty harsh. Thus, I'd say that looking at Jesus and seeing the Truth, which means the Love of God for me, is comforting and gives me hope.
You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free!
A true understanding of this Bible verse will reveal that truth is found only in Jesus!
However, some will only get to know Jesus through our reflection of Him. Are we reflecting Jesus-the Way, the Truth and the Life? Or are our lives a living contradiction to God's Truth???
I agree Wayne. I like to say that Jesus is the Truth, that shows the Way, to eternal Life.
There's a saying, "Be careful how you live. You may be the only Bible some person ever reads." William J. Toms
"Preach the gospel, use words if necessary" is a phrase often attributed to St. Francis of Assisi, but is probably from an unknown source.
I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day.-- Edgar A. Guest
"The strongest argument in favor of the gospel is a loving and lovable Christian."
Ministry of Healing, p. 470.1
These are quotes that reinforce the importance of having a life that is consistent with our beliefs.
Today, many people seem less interested in truth or facts and more focused on their own opinions or feelings. Social media plays a big role in this, as it allows people to find information that supports what they already believe, while ignoring other viewpoints. This leads to the rapid spread of false information.
As Seventh-day Adventists, this makes it especially challenging to share the Three Angels' Messages, which require people to engage with the truth of God's Word critically and objectively. It's no surprise that Jesus questioned whether He would find faith when He returns, since true faith comes by hearing—and hearing by the Word of God.
Many people today claim to believe that there is no "absolute truth." I would simply ask them if that statement is an absolute truth. Clearly it can't be, if there is no such thing as absolute truth. Try defying the absolute truth of the law of gravity and see how far it gets you.
You can't have conflicting "truths." It may be true that I am in London, for example (I'm not), but it cannot also be true that I am in Madrid at the same time.
Jesus is the "way, the truth, and the life," which makes Him the definition of absolute truth.
What is truth? It is a mouthful statement, because truth by definition is exclusive. Whenever you make a certain affirmation or an assertion, you are excluding the opposite. And when you make a statement absolutely, if you start qualifying it, it ends up dying the death of a thousand qualifications and sub-qualifications.
When Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” He didn’t add, “except in…” and followed it with a few other ideas. Later on in several verses, He looked at His disciples and said, “Because I live, you also shall live.” (John 14:19) His statement is truly without qualification!
It is fascinating to learn how our Lord invariably questioned His questioner so that the questioner would be forced to open up within his or her own assumptions. Some examples are as follows.
“Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” He questioned back, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God.” (See Mark 10:17-18).
“How can a man enter into his mother’s womb and be born again?” Jesus questioned back, “Are you a teacher of Israel and you don’t know these things?” (See John 3:4, 10).
Now here, Pilate looked at him and said, “Are you the king of the Jews?” Jesus said, “Are you asking this on your own or has somebody else set you up to ask this question?” Jesus reminds us that intent is prior to content. Because to give truth to him who loves it not is to only give him more multiplied reasons for misinterpretation.
Then, Pilate asked Him if He is a king and he replied, “My kingdom is not of this world,” and then goes on to make an astounding statement, “Those that are on the side of truth listen to me.” He places the prerequisite of the recognisability of who He is within the honesty of your own heart and mine.
Pilate never receives his answer. His heart is never opened to receive the very embodiment of truth before him. I truly believe he must still be asking this same question when he was talking to his wife, Claudia. I can only imagine that Claudia must have said something along the lines like this, “If you will not hear the truth, no one can tell you.”
Another angle that is worth discussing here is about the sincerity of the questioner about the knowledge he/she inquires. The questioner must have had a prior knowledge that serves as the basis of his/her question to the truth. However, many believe nowadays that sincerity is all you need to believe the truth because as long as you believe it sincerely, you believe it is the truth. The important question here is: Is sincerity to the truth you believe is more important than the validity of the truth you believe? Sister White explained it really well in her writing in Selected Messages, book 2, p. 56.
In our finite mind and carnal nature we are incapable of fully understand truth, unless we are given a clear revelation by the Holy Spirit. This is clearly stated by Jesus in John 16:13. However, the Spirit needs our corporation for this to happen. In 2 Tim 2:15 the bible says that we must study God's word in order to be approved. But, we still need the Holy Spirit to give us the true meaning of what we are studying. To get this we must recognize that we are incapable of a deep understanding of what we are reading or hearing without the input of the Holy Spirit plus an open and teachable mind. This teachable mind some times could get between us and the Spirit.
The Holy Spirit uses various methods to communicate with us. These could be through dreams and or visions - 1 Samuel 3:11-14; via the spoken word at church - Luke 4:18; by direct messages given to someone else then conveyed to us - Acts 8:34,35; by the Spirit directly speaking to our consciousness - Acts 8:29; etc. The point is, we must be open to the working of the Holy Spirit as the Spirit chooses.
My prayer is that I will be humble enough to be used by the Spirit as He chooses.
His word is truth.I pray that I walk in this truth..all my life.
It is intriguing that Jesus tells Pilate, “My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews,” yet in the next statement, He affirms, “You say rightly that I am a king.” However, Jesus clarifies His kingship by pointing to His purpose: “For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the Truth. Everyone who is of the Truth hears My voice.” Jesus highlights that His mission is not political but spiritual — focused on Truth. Those who are aligned with this Truth recognize and respond to His voice.
Jesus did not come as a political king to the Jews but as a witness to the Truth. This distinction is critical. Pilate likely perceived this as a religious matter, not a civil one. Since Jewish leaders were unable to execute someone under Roman law, they sought Pilate's authority to condemn Jesus to death; using man's laws to judge spiritual matters.
Pilate’s questions, “Are you a king then?” and “What is truth?” seem driven more by curiosity than condemnation. Pilate himself declared, “I find no fault in Him at all,” indicating he did not consider Jesus guilty of sedition. If Pilate had more time to engage with Jesus, who knows what might have unfolded?
Yet, God’s plan of salvation moved forward, culminating in the cross — 'an act carried out by those who were not of the truth and could not hear His voice.' Later, by God's Grace, Saul experienced his conversion to become Paul who had a burden to bring the Gospel Truth to the Romans.
(Please read the whole chapter 77 "In Pilate's Judgment Hall")
The final question is interesting and one that I don't think I really ever thought about. My initial answer was that Jesus' teachings are truth, but that's not actually what Jesus says. So it must go deeper than that.
When I really think about it, I think Jesus, the God Man, exemplifies truth. His life and characters and actions exemplify love which is the principle that the universe is based on. What could be more truth than that? So that's how I understand Jesus being the truth.
Jesus is the truth John 14:6, where he says of Himself, "I am the way the truth and the life". The word "logos" is the truth John 17:17. Jesus the incarnate God could be seen as the incarnate Truth. He spoke the truth, lived the truth John 10:38. Unfortunately the world did not love the spoken Word neither did it love His works even though both were in fulfillment of the very prophesies pointing to the promised messiah.
Dear Friends,
Truth is not only a word, but Truth is a Person. Truth is a Belief System. Who are we going to believe in? Are you going to believe in the Truth of this world? Or are you going to believe the Truth, Jesus Christ?
When I think of Truth, I think about the question that Jesus asked the man at the Pool of Bethesda, John 5:6, "Wilt thou be made whole?" I think to myself about this question, "Jesus, you are there, you are the Great Healer; you are the ONE that is able to heal this man".
But Jesus asked the man this question because he wanted to see what the man BELIEVE in. Did the man really "believe" that this pool can heal him, his body, mind and spirit? Or does he believe in God, the only ONE that can heal him?
Today, over 2,000 years later, we still struggling to find the Truth. Really? Truth should lead us to a more fulfilling relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ. But unfortunately, we (as the human race) don't want to believe in the Truth; we want to create our own Truth. Jesus said that "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one come to the Father except by ME". But we continue to attempt to create other paths to the Father; that's why the Jesus says that "there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth".
For a lot of people, if they don't answer this question soon, "What is Truth?", it will be too late. Because as like Pilate, who could have been saved at that very moment, we continue to miss the Point because of our expectations of Jesus, and what we want from God. We want the watered-down version of Jesus, not the surrender and sacrifice of Jesus. When I think about all that Jesus surrender and sacrifice for me to be redeemed back to the Father, I feel like a filthy, dirty rag.
In this new age of technology, AI, that we are now living through, people are running to various systems searching for knowledge from ChatGPT or Chatbot, and now this new "Gemini" system, that you can have a one-on-one conversation with. Really, I don't have to interact with other human beings like myself; I love interacting with other people, meeting new people. God created us to interact with people. Hint, Hint, to all of you that prefer "online services" to "in-person worship". I hope that I'm not around when these AI systems attempt to take over, and it will; it will become a tool of the enemy, and we will not be able to unplug it. I don't understand why people do not search for the Truth in Jesus, as hard as they do with these AI systems.
There was a very sad news story about a teenager that committed suicide about a month ago, and his parents are now trying to sue the AI system, Character.AI, because their son was so plugged into the system, that he isolated himself from the world. He was more comfortable in his room, chatting with this AI system, asking it questions to his problems (he probably had social anxiety, I don't know what his problems were), instead of searching for the answers from his parents and God. He was searching for answers to life's questions, which this ChatBot could not provide to him. He was searching for THE Truth. But when he finally realized that the ChatBot system could not give him what he wanted, the Truth, he saw no other way out of his problems, except suicide. We can only find the Truth through Jesus.
This is my prayer that we search for Jesus, the TRUTH especially during this commercialized season. I hope that we see that "Jesus is the Reason for the Season". Please continue to seek the TRUTH.
God's blessings on you ALL.
Truth is God, and who is God? He is the light, meaning all good things happens where there's light and not darkness. Pilate knew that the light (Jesus) was outside with the crowd and not inside the house with them thats why he walked outside to give the ruling. The question "What is" means "Where is the proof". Pilate wanted the supporting proof from the question "What is"...