HomeDailyMonday: Keeping Your Eyes on Jesus    


Monday: Keeping Your Eyes on Jesus — 18 Comments

  1. Does the seventh day Adventist believe in visions;as God letting you see something he wants you to see.also does God still talk to people out loud, maybe through an Angel!

    • God uses many different ways of communicating with people. Sometimes we hear an inner voice; and sometimes something that someone eles says or does provides a compelling answer. Rather than suggesting that God uses a particular channel, we need to open to both hearing andbeing used by God in our communication with others.

    • Yes, HE does. HE speaks to all of us. I know it's real. I've had dream,I ve had words clearly spoken in my head. I had deliverances from accidents. The angels are here and The Holy Spirit speaks to us.

  2. A friend of mine was pulled up by the cops for driving 5km an hour over the speed limit. While the cop was filling out the forms, another car raced past well over the speed limit. My friend challenged the cop, "Why don't you chase after the speeding car? The driver is driving much faster than I was!" The cop responded that it was none of my friend's business, He had broken the law and his job as a cop was to ensure he paid for it.

    Peter was nosy about John. He had just received a commission from Jesus and wanted to know what was in store for John. Jesus made it clear that it was none of Peter's business.

    We can be awfully nosy about what happens to other people. They are getting more, or less than us; they are getting something they shouldn't; it's unfair, and so on. Watching what happens to others in this sense is typically unproductive.

    Isaiah penned:

    Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else. Isaiah 45:22 KJV

    That is pretty good advice about which direction you should point your nose.

  3. What does “keeping your eyes on Jesus” mean? What are its spiritual and practical implications?

    “Keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. For[a] the joy set out for him he endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2 – NET).

    Jesus remained completely resolute on the mission He was given by His Father (John 6:38, John 4:34). Jesus was able to accomplish this extraordinary mission by fixing his eyes on His Father. He absolutely surrendered to the will of His Father. The numerous challenges He faced did not distract Him. Likewise, we have to completely surrender our will to the hands of Jesus for strength, guidance, and our whole being. As Jesus said, “let thy will be done” (Mark 14:36, Luke 22:42), we too should subordinate our desires, wishes, prayers, mindset and spirit to the will of God.

    Peter was able to walk on water as long as he had complete faith in Jesus. The moment he was distracted by the waves, he started to sink. By fixing our faith in Jesus, we shall overcome all our storms in this life. We should not dwell on the storms of life but focus on Jesus who has the power to make them still. Contrary to Peter, Judas did not keep his eyes on Jesus, but he allowed selfishness and worldly desires to overtake him. By focusing on Jesus, our selfishness and worldly desires will dissipate away (Colossian 3:1-2, Galatians 2:20, 2 Corinthians 3:18).

    There are critical spiritual lessons that accrue from keeping our eyes on Jesus:

    1.Spiritual victory is achieved by fixing our eyes upon Jesus. Spiritual battles are won by absolute surrendering to Jesus.

    2.Faith in Jesus is the power that overcomes all our spiritual challenges.

    3.Distractions are the greatest danger to our spiritual growth.

    4.When we falter in our spiritual journey, Jesus is merciful to restore us.

    5.Fixing our eyes on Jesus has got eternal reward. This reward outweighs all the challenges we face in this life.

  4. Today's lesson reminds us of the individuality of salvation. While we may belong to a church or ministry group, ultimately, we will all have to stand before the judgment seat alone.

    May God help us to make our calling and election sure even as we seek to reach others for the Kingdom!!!

  5. This one is for Lynn Mecky, my friend.

    Here is the patience of the saints Part 2

    I do believe to get to the Truth, or to see Jesus if you prefer, we could also stay in the same book of Jesus Victorious. Now let's turn back to chapter 3. Revelation 3:12. Here we see what it means to be a Saint. We already know they have patience. Here it says not only do we have patience we have overcome. What does it mean to overcome, I thought all is done for us by Christ , it is all that He can do for us. Philippians 2:13. Now, what is our part if it is He who gives us the will, desire, and turning to 2 Timothy 1:7 He even gives us the power to overcome, or repent if you will. Yes, absolutely we play a part in our coming to Christ genuinely. James 1:22-25. Especially verse 25. So what is one who is blessed in what he does? We have come full circle, or completed our 360-degree turn, and hopefully not dizzy yet. Yes, I am blessed in what I do because by the grace of God and all of what he does for me, I am a saint who has overcome.

    I was inspired today by the December 23 devotion, from the book, 'Ye Shall Recieve Power'. By Ellen G. White. I may have confused you a little, hopefully not. Let's look at a paragraph of what she said for December 23.

    It may seem wonderful to us that Christ should reveal Himself to John as He is, strange that He should thus address Himself to the churches. But we should remember that the church, enfeebled and defective though it is, is the object of Christ's supreme regard. Constantly He watches over it with tender solicitude, and strengthens it by His Holy Spirit. Will we, as members of His church, allow Him to impress our minds and to work through us to His glory? Will we heed the messages He addresses to the church? Let us determine to be among the number who shall meet Him with joy at His coming, and not among those who "shall wail because of him" (Revelation 1:7). Let us make certain our redemption by obeying the messages that He gives to His church.

    For more of the how to overcome, and be a patient saint, go back a few verses to Revelation 3:3-4.

  6. I see Peter’s question as quite natural.As children the first of my brothers and Iwere like twins. If Daddy or Mother took one of away the other always wanted to
    Know what was the other to do. Peter would certainly want to know what would happen to his friend.Note. John was following Jesus and Peter..Maurice’s friend wanted to get a pass Peter may have wanted John his friend to travel with him. While our eyes should be fixed on Jesus we should want our friends to join us in our journey.

  7. Most of Jesus' disciples lost focus along the way,they walked with the master but never fully understood Him.The biggest challenge they had was lack of prayer.You can count on he number of times they prayed while not with Jesus.When we pray,He will lead is to focus on Him and forget about all other destruction that we may encounter along the way.

  8. Even the most impressive human heroes can sometimes disappoint us, reminding us that we're all imperfect and capable of mistakes. But here's the wonderful truth: we have a loving, personal God who is always by our side! Our Master and Lord Jesus is a constant source of joy and strength, and He never fails us. Let's celebrate His unwavering love and grace, filling our hearts with hope and happiness!

  9. I understood this lesson but something in the text is distracting to me. Why did Peter ask towards the end of John 21:20 "which is he that betrayeth thee?" Wasn't this question referring to Judas?

    • Shansa, the way I read it, Peter looked back at "the one who also had leaned back against him during the supper and had said,'Lord, who is it that is going to betray you?'"(John 21:20 ESV) That disciple was John. (I believe John seldom, if ever, referred to himself by name in the gospel that us named after him.)

      • Inge, I don't think you answered Shansa's question. John was not the one who betrayed Jesus. I am also still puzzled as was Shansa

          • Thank you so much William,and all the others who helped in clarifying this for me. I truly appreciate it. The Holy Spirit worked through you all. After your response, I went back to read John 13 and I became so excited when the word became clear. God is good all the time 🙏😊

  10. Hello Pete! John most likely died as an old man, the only non martyr of the Apostles, around 98 AD. Not that they didn't attempt to kill him. Legend has it that he was boiled in a pot of oil but survived unharmed, after which he was banished to the isle of Patmos. There is also a legend that he was translated as were Enoch and Elijah. It's kind of hard to write about your own death unless you know it's approaching. In those days communication wasn't anything near what it is today. He could have died on the isle of Patmos and word never got out about it. Another legend suggests that John was released from his banishment and sent to Turkey, where he died around 98 AD. I guess until and unless we get to heaven, we won't really know for sure. It's not so important to know about how or if John died, rather , how he lived. He was totally devoted to Jesus. Are we even half as much?


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