Tuesday: Conditional Relationship
Daily Lesson for Tuesday 7th of January 2025
God calls and invites every person into an intimate love relationship with Him (see Matthew 22:1-14). Responding appropriately to this call involves obeying God’s command to love God and to love others (see Matthew 22:37-39). Whether one enjoys the benefits of this relationship with God depends on whether one freely decides to accept or reject His love.
Read Hosea 9:15, Jeremiah 16:5, Romans 11:22, and Jude 1:21. What do these texts teach about whether the benefits of God’s love can be rejected—even forfeited?
In these and other texts, enjoying the benefits of a love relationship with God is repeatedly depicted as conditional upon the human response to His love. Yet, we should not make the mistake of thinking that God ever actually stops loving anyone. As we have seen, God’s love is everlasting. And, although Hosea 9:15 includes God saying of His people, “ ‘I will love them no more,’ ” it is important to remember that later in the same book God declares of His people, “ ‘I will love them freely’ ” (Hosea 14:4, NKJV). Hosea 9:15 cannot mean that God entirely ceases to love His people. It must refer, instead, to the conditionality of some particular aspect or benefit of a love relationship with God. And how we respond to His love is crucial for this relationship to continue.
“ ‘He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him’ ” (John 14:21, NKJV). Likewise, Jesus proclaims to His disciples, “ ‘The Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me and have believed that I came forth from the Father’ ” (John 16:27, NASB).
These and other texts teach that maintaining the benefits of a saving relationship with God depends upon whether we will accept God’s love (which involves willingness to be vehicles of that love, as well). Again, this does not mean that God’s love ever ceases. Rather, just as we cannot stop the sun from shining but can cut ourselves off from the rays of the sun, we cannot do anything to stop God’s everlasting love, but we can finally reject a relationship with God and, thus, cut ourselves off from what it offers, especially the promise of eternal life.
What are ways that people can see and experience the reality of God’s love, whether or not they return it? For example, how does the natural world, even after sin, reveal His love? |

A lot of places where I go bird-watching are heavily infested with mosquitos. Australian mosquitos come in all sizes, and the females of all of them must have a blood protein meal so they can lay eggs. Consequently, they see a slow-moving camera-toting bird watcher as an easy target. Not only do the bites itch, but they carry a range of debilitating diseases that have a life cycle that includes mosquitos and humans. To make matters worse, I have an allergic reaction to some mosquito bites and come out in a mind-bending itchy rash that is only relieved by an antihistamine,
The solution to this is to either forego bird watching (unthinkable) or wear mosquito repellent. It is my choice to wear the repellent and benefit from its ability to shield me from the mosquitos.
God's Covenants are like mosquito repellent; freely available to all, but it is our choice whether we accept their benefits or not.
I have read all the studies and the pamphlets and enjoy them very much.
I also like the little stories that l like reading from week to week. You are an insparation to us all.
Love From Marion Tucker
When I was reading Mat 22 v 1-14, I got some intriguing questions or things I noticed which I could not answer and wondered if they have some theological meaning in them or any inspiration. Please feel free to answer if you've got some insight or significance about this.
1. v4 "again he sent OTHER servants...Why not others and not the first ones for the second time, did they not do a good job?
2. v6 "the rest seized his servants and killed them.." WHY KILL THEM!! Did they have to go that far?? What drove them to go to that extent so extreme like that?
3. v10 "they gathered all whom they found,BAD and GOOD" - BAD and GOOD??
Helen, does this help? It was from a Bible App that I have.
In the parable of Matthew 22, the same figure of marriage is introduced, and the investigative judgment is clearly represented as taking place before the marriage... He who is found wanting is cast out, but all who upon examination are seen to have the wedding garment on are accepted of God and accounted worthy of a share in His kingdom and a seat upon His throne. This work of examination of Character, of determining who are prepared for the kingdom of God, is that of the investigative judgment, the closing of the work in the sanctuary above. {GC 428}
Helen, hope this helps also.
The people did not respect the king. They actually resented the king and all He represented. Because they had not loved the king even though the king loved them unconditionally 1st, before they were even born. A few loved him, but of those few, two maybe three did not to show or tell of it because of their peers.
Christ as King was tortured verbally and flogged, then bore His own cross till He collasped, and was put on a cross to die in our place much as the servents and son, in the parable Christ gave.
Now some of the same people who would have killed Him if it was left up to them, later at Pentcost saw in Christ what they had not seen before, and they now choose to be allowed to be drawn to Christ by the love of God, They then believed, repented, became baptized, being born anew of the Holy Spirit and of water.They no longer killed the kings men. servents, or sons. They now were sons and daughters of God. Because God replaced their stony heart with a heart of flesh.
Acts 2:40-41.
2 Corinthians 6:18.
Ezekiel 36;26.
Praise God and happy Sabbath
Interesting, I never thought this
I think the conditionality lies in the benefits of enjoying God's love. To enjoy the full benefits of God's love, we need to embrace it. The love is a constant factor- like the sun, it shines whether we need it or not.
Before we start getting confused, God's love isn't dependent on our response, it's rather the benefits of his Love that's dependent on our response.
That's how I understand today's lesson.
Wow!This is good. Praise God and enjoy the Sabbath blessings.
It is somehow confusing to state that God’s love is universal and unconditional, but his relationship is conditional. How can God love unconditionally but when it comes to our relationship with Him comes with some conditions? How can one possibly reconcile this paradox? From the onset, there is no contradiction whatsoever between the love of God and how He relates with us. First and foremost, there is nothing that anyone can do to cause the love of God. God by nature is love. You cannot separate God from love. Love is the very essence of God. Secondly, God does not force anyone to love Him. God does not force anyone to be in a relationship with Him. Like any good relationship, it must be mutual.
While God loves us freely, our personal relationship with Him requires a personal response. God lovingly invites us into a love relationship. This invitation needs to be reciprocated otherwise no relationship will exist. The reciprocity is an indication of the willingness to be in a relationship with God and enjoy the wondrous benefits that comes with it. It is so sad that some want to enjoy the benefits outside the relationship. The benefits are exclusively for those who are willing to commit in a relationship. Like all relationships, commitment is a pre-requisite requirement. One cannot have your cake, and it eat, so to speak. The Bible tenderly says what God will do when we reciprocate to His sweet invitation. “They will be my people, and I will be their God” (Jeremiah 32:38). God persuades us to be a love relationship with Him. “My dwelling place will be with them; I will be their God, and they will be My people” (Ezekiel 37:27). It is truly mind blowing to see how God persistently persuades us to be part of His family. “I will bring them back to dwell in Jerusalem, where they will be My people, and I will be their faithful and righteous God” (Zechariah 8:8).
While God’s love is not dependent upon our response, unfortunately our relationship with Him needs our response (Joshua 24:20). Love without a response does not create a mutual relationship. God is pleading with us to accept His love by having a relationship with Him. This is only evidenced when we order our lives according to his will.
“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” (Revelation 3:20).
Reconciling that God is love and loves us with an enduring love while also accepting His love covenantal conditions can seem contradictory. One is an unchanging reality (like the sun shining) and the other is an invitation to join in marriage. In the former, there is nothing you can do to stop it but in the latter, your choosing to join with Him transforms you into a " light of His love", and of course delights Him, the lover of your soul. Choose Him and Choose life. Invite others by letting your light shine. They will know Him by our reflected love shining in this gross darkness.
Not all of God's "Covenants" are conditional. The Lamb Slain from the foundation of the world---Jesus, spilling His BLood for "The Wages of Sin of all Humanity" was and is not dependent on any human for Him to carry it out for "All Humanity," 2,000 plus or minus years ago in Israel and at a "Roman Cross." God, letting His Sun shine upon this earth each and every day, Rain, Snow, Food, etc. and etc. are also blessings He bestows to Humans and Beasts each and every day "Unconditionally too." But the "Covenant" that is conditional upon "Obedience from us," is the one called "The Golden Rule." Unless we abide by this rule, we will never enter His Eternal Kingdom.
I understand the point of how God's love is unconditional but our response to His amazing, eternal and unconditional love is.
If we do not respond to God's love, a love so deep, so strong & so full that He sent His only Son to die for us, there's no question about how much He loves us.
I cannot fathom an Almighty, Omnipresent,
Omnipotent God who would create humanity and not love them.
Thankfully, He created us with free will. We can choose to accept His love with open, willingness or reject it.
If we are outside in the blazing heat but there is a nice shade tree, we can either accept the shade tree or stay in the heat.
I choose the Tree.
Be blessed all!
I think it is importan for us to know that uncodnitional love does not mean unconditional salvation, and also that uncodnitional love does not mean unconditional relationships. Too many people have placed themselves in very unhealthy relationships because they did not know unconditional love does not mean uncomditional relationship.
It is true that man cannot earn God’s love through actions. However, we can choose to live in a way that sustains the relationship God has blessed us with. I wholeheartedly agree that “our response to His love is crucial for our relationship to continue.” Yet, it is equally important to recognize that all we can do is love Him wholeheartedly and follow the path laid out for us by Jesus Christ.
The message of John 14:21 and John 16:27 holds immense significance for us. These verses emphasize that our ultimate calling is to love our Lord and Savior wholeheartedly, and in doing so, to love and be loved/blessed by our Heavenly Father. Beyond this, man is called to nothing else. Salvation is not something we can earn; it is a gift. Once we believe, our role is to love Jesus and the Father, demonstrating this love through how we live.
I believe that no one who truly believes in God will ever separate themselves from loving his/her Savior and Heavenly Father. While moments of backsliding may occur - we might be angry or disappointed with Him -, once we have entrusted ourselves into God’s hands, nothing can separate us from His love.
As Romans 8:31-39 beautifully declares:
"No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Rom. 8:39
God's love is everywhere. Good seeds bring forth good fruits in this natural world, but evil cannot result in peace.
In response to: "This work of examination of Character, of determining who are prepared for the kingdom of God, is that of the investigative judgment, the closing of the work in the sanctuary above."
I know that we often talk about our character being the only thing we take to heaven. I sincerely hope/believe that this is not true. We are so deeply sinful and can be saved by His grace only. My character could never save me. If I am mistaken, I would like to know if there are Bible verses that talk about salvation by character.
Hello Zvonka, and welcome to the ssnet forum! That saying that you mentioned is simply a reminder that none of our material possessions are making it into heaven. It is a paraphrase of this passage from Ellen White's writings; "A character formed according to the divine likeness is the only treasure that we can take from this world to the next. Those who are under the instruction of Christ in this world will take every divine attainment with them to the heavenly mansions. And in heaven we are continually to improve...." https://whiteestate.org/devotional/mar/08_03/#:~:text=Job%2028%3A18.,them%20to%20the%20heavenly%20mansions
The Holy Spirit works within us to correct and refine our defects of character. Sanctification is a work of a lifetime. Remember Philippians 1:6. The Christian life isn't a DIY project, it's a heavenly project.
Zvonka it is not salvation by character. We are saved by grace and take to heaven the character that grace gives us. Romans 1:4 tells us grace gives us obedient characters. Ephesians 2:8-10 tell us grace gives us good works. Titus 2:11-12 tells us grace gives us godly characters. We are saved by grace and take to heaven our characters that have been changed by grace.
Dear Zvonka, A text that comes to my mind regarding character preparation for heaven is within Nicodemus' conversation with Jesus, where Jesus said,
And then because Nicodemus failed to comprehend these words, Jesus added:
To be born again with God as our Father means to me that through the work of the Holy Spirit, we will grow in reflecting our Father's character. Ellen White wrote,
She also said,
So I interpret this that the Holy Spirit is working in us, and we keep surrendering our minds and talents and efforts to His work. For me, that means praying a lot right in the middle of situations where my old nature is battling with my "born again" self.
Hi, Zvonka--Whenever I feel as you have, I read this quote from Ellen White, from Selected Messages 1:396:
"Every soul may say, 'By His perfect obedience He has satisfied the claims of the law, and my only hope is found in looking to Him as my Substitute and Surety, who obeyed the law perfectly for me. By faith in His merits I am free from the condemnation of the law. He clothes me with His righteousness, which answers all the demands of the law. I am complete in Him who brings in everlasting righteousness. He presents me to God in the spotless garment of which any human agent wove no thread. All is of Christ, and all the glory, honor and majesty are to be given to the Lamb of God
which taketh away the sin of the world!'"
I had a hard time understanding this section because I relate to God like He is my Father. This is storge love which I understand the best! I can trust my Heavenly Father and love and trust go together. He has permission to look after me which means Adult discipline if necessary. I have been in this Seventh-Day Adventist fellowship for over 57 years and the lessons continue to be very factual and cerebral in nature. I was surprised that there was not much on understanding that a covenantal love in the bible is continuous broken. With the Abraham agreement God walked between the pieces - why because in that covenantal agreement God did it all - because it’s not possible. This realisation should drive us down on our knees in repentance and asking with tears for this relationship and praising HIM for what has been done in Christ. Big topic and having to teach it tomorrow its not a lack of reading it and looking up the verses but having poured over the bible for just years now I just don't understand why some of our people believes we can arrive - that not everybody but why are we not more praise thanks-giving and positive and submissive in love. Cannot go wrong with focusing on love and repenting of our condition and looking forward to being made whole. The SPIRIT needs to do heart surgery. Found Monday and Tuesday pages difficult. Maybe going over it again this evening and tomorrow morning it will be clearer.