HomeDailyMonday: “There Are Many Things We Do Not Know”    


Monday: “There Are Many Things We Do Not Know” — 22 Comments

  1. We need to understand that sin is not just a little pimple on an otherwise perfect pumpkin. It is much bigger, more pervasive and persuasive than most of us imagine. The Bible gives a little glimpse:

    And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

    And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,
    And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.mAnd the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Rev 12: 4, 7-9 KJV

    The language is symbolic but it leaves the impression of a much more close-fought battle than God just getting angry with a protestor and kicking him out.

    Could we have ended up with a situation where Satan won and kicked God out? I am not seriously suggesting that could have happened but if that had happened, existence itself would have ceased and we would not be having this conversation.

    Secondly, we have to recognise our own complicity in the story of sin. We are, by nature willing partners and it does not take much for us to put self ahead of everything else. I had an interesting discussion with a very erudite Christadephian minister in my youth who gave me a Bible study on evil. He proposed that Satan was not a being but symbolic of our self. While I disagree with his conclusion he did convince me of one thing. As free moral agents we exercise our own power of choice to do good or evil. Blaming Satan for our sins does not absolve us from making sinful decisions.

    Salvation is not just about destroying the power of Satan but it is also about renewing our minds. Paul worded in this way:

    Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Phil 2: 5-8KJV

    • I have several issues with some of the Apostle Paul's writings. And in Philippians 2:5-8, I still do not understand why Paul would even say the part about Jesus "Not considering it (robbery) to be equal with God." Why would the "Second Person of the Trinity" being God Himself, and even saying that He and His Father were "One" even consider "Robbery" to do what He already was and claimed to be? There is no "robbery" with what one already is. And maybe this was what Paul was actually saying or trying to say. But even here, why even say this? I know a Seventh Day Adventist born and raised in this Message, who does not believe that Jesus is God. He does believe in God and in the 10 commandments but not that Jesus is God too. How does what paul say here help this fellow to accept that Jesus is also God?

      • May I suggest what I've just recently heard regarding this very interesting type of question. I was reminded that all scripture is inspired by the Holy
        Spirit and when we have as deeply concerning situations we ask in prayer for understanding, but in the mean time I agree with the suggestion in Deuteronomy 29:29 also.

      • I think we need to allow Paul to use figures of speech in his writing. The really shocking thing about Jesus was here was a flesh and blood man who ate fish, drank grape juice, and wallked and talked just like everyone else who had this outrageous claim that he was God. In our modern society we would think that such a person was delusional at best,or stark raving mad. Paul is using the "robbery" allusion for emphasis. Only the incarnate Jesus could make such a claim; for anyone else it would be robbery, or insantity.

      • The NIV and ESV probably have better translations of "robbery". While the Greek word can mean robbery, it also means a thing to be grasped, seized, or held onto. In this instance, Jesus did not consider being equal to God something that He should hold onto for His advantage, but He freely gave it up for us.

      • When a text seemed incomprehensible in one Bible version (e.g. KJV), I began, more than 60 years ago, to compare that translation with other translations in other versions. (I collected quite a library of Bibles before the advent of the internet.)

        Now, it's so much easier to compare versions on the web, and it's even easy to research the possible meanings of the original word. That can be helpful at times, but without a deep knowledge of the original language, we are more likely to make mistakes than the translators. Thus I still find a comparison of versions very helpful as an indicator of what the original writer intended.

        In this case, the NLT provides in excellent translation of Phil. 2:5-8 NLT:

        5 You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.

        6 Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to.

        7 Instead, he gave up his divine privileges;
        he took the humble position of a slave
        and was born as a human being.
        When he appeared in human form,
        8 he humbled himself in obedience to God
        and died a criminal’s death on a cross.

        This translation is similar to a number of other versions, and it is legitimate in light of the meaning of the original word and consistent with what the rest of Scripture teaches.

  2. "The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever" (Deuteronomy 29:29).
    Human understanding is limited—we only grasp fragments of the vast complexity of existence. Throughout history, people have struggled to explain suffering and evil, yet no universally satisfying answer exists.

    Learning to live with unanswered questions does not mean giving up on seeking meaning. Rather, it acknowledges that some mysteries may remain unresolved in our lifetime. Accepting this uncertainty fosters humility, resilience, and a deeper appreciation for the good we experience.

  3. The Bible says that Job was blameless and upright, and one who feared God and shunned evil (Job 1:1). The Bible continues to inform us that God allowed Satan to torment Job. Why did God allow Satan to torment a blameless, upright, and righteous man? With limited human understanding, we can deduce a few reasons that make “sense”.

    1. God allowed Satan to torment Job to test his faithfulness ((Job 1:12, Job 2:6, Job 1:6-12). True faith stands even in the face of intense suffering.

    2. God wanted to show that righteousness is not dependent upon blessings (Job 1:20-22). Job worshipped God even after losing everything. True righteousness is not based on what we receive from God but on having complete trust in Him regardless of what happens.

    3. God wanted to give Job a better understanding of who He is and hence refine his faith (Job 42:5-6). Through suffering Jobe got a better understanding of the wisdom and power of God. In some incidences, God uses suffering for our spiritual growth.

    4. God wanted to show His sovereign power over evil (Job 1:12, Job 2:6). God set limits on what Satan could do to Job. God is in control and not Satan. In all things, God’s sovereign authority is supreme (Isaiah 45:7, Amos 3:6, Lamentations 3:37-38).

    5. God wanted to demonstrate His power to restore and bless (Job 42:10-17). God has all the power to bless, and He does so liberally. God blesses faithfulness.

    God was not punishing Job, but God can use evil to bring about His greater good (“complex good”, according to C S Lewis – Problem of Pain). As humans, we are perplexed by the problem of evil and its evil outcomes. Our hearts fail all the time over this complex question. However, we are comforted by the Word of God that evil and its undesirable outcomes shall be completely annihilated from the face of the earth, and until then, let us hold fast to the truth that we know, God will create a new heaven and a new earth where evil will never raise its ugly head again.

    “I heard a loud shout from the throne, saying, “Look, God’s home is now among his people! He will live with them, and they will be his people. God himself will be with them. He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.” – Revelation 21: 3- 4 (NLT).

  4. When I struggle with not understanding why a good God would allow certain horrific things to happen, especially to good or innocent people, I choose to trust in His goodness. I look to Calvary, where even His own Son experienced unspeakable evil. This reminds me that God is not distant from suffering but is intimately aware of it. I surrender to the fact that, for now, I may not have all the answers. I patiently wait for the day when we reach heaven, and everything will be made clear. Until then, my heart will continue to sing and trust in Him.

  5. One issue with the story of Job that I struggle with is this, "if God knew that Job would have served him inspite of his adversities, then why allow Job to go through such pain and suffering?" Could someone help with this.

    • Melvin, I believe that it was to show Satan and his angels that Job wasn't in relationship with God for the benefits derived from it. Satan even accused Job of serving God because of the benefits that Job received. It wasn't to prove anything to God, but to show the angels both fallen and unfallen, as well as Job's friends, and us today, that God is worthy of our allegiance even if he doesn't deliver us from the devil's fire but walks with us in the midst of them. Remember the testimony of the three Hebrews, ...but even if our God doesn't deliver us, we will not bow down to your idols." We need to have the same mindset.

        • yes, there's an audience that's larger than Job, satan, God, and even us - it's an entire universe who are watching back and forth arguments and evidence presented so that the final verdict can be read, "God is trustworthy; His character is perfect"

  6. We often say that we have a list of questions for God when we finally see him. I question that mentality because it implies that we would have run the world differently if we were God. Lucifer had that delusion and it has resulted in the world we call planet earth.

    The wisdom of man is foolishness to God. (1 Cor. 3:19) It's like an amoeba trying to understand the brightest and most intelligent human. It's simply not possible.

    I suspect that all our questions, as well as all our hopes and dreams will be answered with one look in Jesus' face, in another time and another place.

    "Another time, Another Place"

    I've always heard there is a land
    Beyond the mortal dreams of man
    Where every tear will be left behind
    But it must be in another time, oh, oh, oh
    There'll be an everlasting light
    Shining a purest holy white
    And every fear will be erased
    But it must be in another place, oh, oh, oh
    So I'm waiting for another time and another place
    Where all my hopes and dreams
    Will be captured with one look at Jesus' face
    Oh, my heart's been burning, my soul keeps yearning
    Sometimes I can hardly wait
    For that sweet, sweet someday
    When I'll be swept away
    To another time and another place
    I've grown tired of earthly things
    They promise peace but furnish pain
    All of life's sweetest joys combined
    Can never match those in another time, oh, oh, oh
    And though I put my trust in Christ
    And felt His spirit move in my life
    I know it's truly just a taste
    Of His glory in another place, oh, oh, oh
    So I'm waiting for another time and another place
    Where all my hopes and dreams
    Will be captured with one look at Jesus' face
    Oh, my heart's been burning, my soul keeps yearning
    Sometimes I can hardly wait
    For that sweet, sweet someday
    When I'll be swept away
    To another time and another place
    So I'm waiting for another time and another place
    Where all my hopes and dreams
    Will be captured with one look at Jesus' face
    Oh, my heart's been burning, my soul keeps yearning
    Sometimes I can hardly wait
    For that sweet, sweet someday
    When I'll be swept away
    To another time and another place
    Source: Musixmatch
    Songwriters: Paul David Hewson / Adam Clayton / Larry Mullen / Dave Evans
    Another Time, Another Place lyrics © Word Music Llc, Polygram Int. Music Publishing B.v., Housewife Music, Word Music, Llc, Curb Word Music

    • I don't God has a problem with questions. Many of the greats of the Bible (Abraham, Moses, David) asked Him plenty of blunt questions. I don't think Lucifer's issue was asking questions. Probably we would not be where we are if Lucifer had taken his questions to God. But he stirred up trouble behind the scenes.

      I have lots of questions for God. Even if I forget them, I suspect He won't. Answering our questions is part of the way that He will secure the universe from sin. He is transparent.

      By the way, the Irish lads in U2 wrote some great tunes, but this "Another Time, Another Place"was not one of them. It was written by Gary Driskall for Sandi Patty - I have the album and checked.

  7. I consider our relationship with God to ultimately rest on love, trust, and faith. I am curious, should the heavenly council described in Job be taken literally? Does God 'hear' the counsel of the members of this council?

    How does Job respond to God’s display of power and might? He is overwhelmed! He finally comes to a profound realization: 'God does not reason as humans do'. This leads him to confess:
    "I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee. Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes." – Job 42:5-6

    We, too, must reach this point where we stop questioning God’s integrity and accept that He is beyond our finite minds understanding. In the face of evil and suffering we have come full circle to understand that having trust and faith in God’s Goodness is our only refuge.

  8. He did not promise us that we would´t have difficulties in this world.
    But He promise us that even if we had to walk through the shadow of death, He would never abandon us!

  9. Job 38-41 is full of nature images that show we don't understand everything about God. In a way, God gives Job no answers. And yet there are tantalizing hints that point to the source of evil and God's relation to it. (These thoughts are not my original ones - I am indebted to my former pastor who preached a great series on Job a number of years ago). Behemoth and Leviathan were not just fanciful creatures that we try to identify - there is some evidence they were symbols of Satan. If so, God was hinting at the true source of evil.

    Job 38:11 is also interesting "when I said, 'This far you may come and no farther; here is where your proud waves halt." Is this just talking about the sea? I suspect it is suggesting that God decides how far evil will go. And that's encouraging - He is in control.

    I do feel like the tone of the lesson is a little harsh, though. I'm not sure lecturing people about questioning evil is the best strategy. It reminds me a little of Job's friends. Yes, God did call Job on His misinformation, but He is God. For the rest of us, people probably need more compassion that theology.

  10. The wonder of life is so incredible, and there's so much to discover! While we might not grasp all the reasons behind the challenges we face, what a joyful gift we've been given: Jesus! His love and presence light our way, offering hope and healing amidst the mysteries of life. Let's celebrate this wonderful blessing together!

  11. As much of a hard time we have in looking at Job (specifically at Job...and perhaps his four friends), I have much more difficulty in reading that God allowed satan to kill Job's children. Sure, God told satan that he couldn't touch Job's life, but since God didn't say anything about his children, they seem to be rather expendable in this experiment of righteousness.

    • It's a tough thing to comprehend, but I remember my pastor at the time pointing out in his series on Job, that though Job was given double the possessions of what he had before, he didn't get the double the children. He got 10 again? Why? It seems that God was implying he would see his children again, thus ultimately would have double the children - 20.

      Death on this earth is but a blip and though it is tragic, in light of eternity, it is a small thing. I don't think the Righteous Brothers understood this truly in light of God's kingdom, but their lyric fits "If you believe in forever, than life is just a one night stand."


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