4: The First Church Leaders – Singing with Inspiration
Our theme of:
Hymn 378, “Go, Preach My Gospel” commences the study this week as many Hellenistic believers went about “bearing witness to the entire world”.
Hymn 346, “Lord, Who Dost Give to Thy Church” is what was requested by the early church believers for all who were involved in spreading the gospel. We may also sing:
Hymn 368, “Watchman, Blow the Gospel Trumpet”.
The apostles went about teaching and preaching. Today we ask:
“Savior, Teach Me”, Hymn 193. The deacons were working in the area of fellowship:
Hymn 350, “Blest Be the Tie That Binds” and
Hymn 469, “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms”.
Stephen’s ministry on Monday again brings to us:
Hymn 378, “Go, Preach My Gospel”. He went on to
“Give of Your Best to the Master”, Hymn 572 (Tuesday).
Israel had a lack of repentance as Stephen presents the case for God on Wednesday.
Hymn 280, “Come, Ye Sinners”,
Hymn 296, “Lord, I’m Coming Home”. As Stephen died, I can hear the words of
Hymn 281, “I Gave My Life for Thee”, being for the nation of Israel who had abandoned their God. They had forgotten the:
“Depth of Mercy”, Hymn 521.
The gospel was taken to the known world and preached “the great news of the death of Jesus, who paid the penalty for their sins and offers everyone, everywhere, the hope of salvation”:
Hymn 522, “My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less”.
May the Lord bless you and keep you
May the Lord make His face to shine upon you
And give you peace
Revelation1:7 (NKJV)
“Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him . . . .”