4: To Love the Lord Your God – Singing with Inspiration
Flipping through the new quarterly, there are a number of titles that have the word ‘love’ in them – Love, to Be Loved; To Love God; He First Loved Us; To Love the Lord Your God; to name just a few. Hence, I believe a wonderful hymn to devote to as a theme will be
Hymn 349 – God Is Love. Our first Memory Text says “for God is Love”, 1 John 4:8. As the book of Deuteronomy is the book of the covenant, it would also be good to add
Hymn 347 – Built On the Rock as verse four tells us of God ‘Making with us His covenant”.
Oh the joy of being able to have the Everlasting Covenant which we find in
Hymn 469 – Leaning On The Everlasting Arms of our Lord Jesus.
We are blessed to have a section in our Hymnal named “Our Love for God”. These hymns are positive reinforcement of the lesson studies for this week:
Hymn 459 – As the Bridegroom to His Chosen,
Hymn 460 – As Water to the Thirsty,
Hymn 457 – I Love to Tell the Story,
Hymn 455 – Immortal Love Forever Full,
Hymn 458 – More Love to Thee,
Hymn 456 – My Lord and I, and
Hymn 638 – The Wise May Bring Their Learning.
On searching through the hymnal, there are so many hymns that are written which give honour, respect and awe (fear), and love of our awesome God, and our love in return:
Hymn 78 – For God So Loved Us,
Hymn 349 – God Is Love,
Hymn 183 – I Will Sing of Jesus’ Love,
Hymn 190 – Jesus Loves Me,
Hymn 191 – Love Divine,
Hymn 321 – My Jesus, I Love Thee
Hymn 188 – My Song Is Love Unknown,
Hymn 148 – O Love How Deep How Broad,
Hymn 79 – O Love of God, How Strong and True!,
Hymn 77 – O Love of God Most Full,
Hymn 76 – O Love That Wilt Not let Me Go,
Hymn 179 – The Wonders of Redeeming Love,
Hymn 162 – Wondrous Love, and this list goes on. What a blessing!
The cares of this world are subdued by the peace of “Thy commandments” in
Hymn 394 – Far From All Care as we find in studying on Wednesday and Thursday. The Ten Commandments are also sung about in
Hymn 447 – Long Upon the Mountains. May the Lord’s scattered flock over this world be blessed by the Ten Commandments today, and until Jesus comes.
We are bound for The Promised Land! Hallelujah!! Come, Lord Jesus come – very soon.
Blessings for a wonderful week ahead.
To learn unknown hymns, you will find the accompaniment music for each one at: https://sdahymnals.com/Hymnal/
Another great resource is for when there is a hymn you wish to sing, but can’t find it in your hymnal. Go to https://www.sdahymnal.org and in the search bar type a special word in that is in the hymn. I am sure you will be amazed at the help you will be given.
2 Timothy 2:15 KJV – “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”