4: Worthy is the Lamb – Discussion Starters
- Don’t weep. Have you ever wondered if it will be possible not to weep in heaven? Of course you’ll be thrilled to be saved and will accept all the blessings of heaven with joy, but when you look around and notice that someone you knew and loved on earth isn’t there, will you be able to keep from missing that person and sobbing in sorrow over the loss? This week’s lesson can help us understand some (but not all) of what will happen when we join the rest of the saved in heaven. The subject is so vast and so deep that we’ll need to remind ourselves that God is vastly
bigger and more powerful than all humanity. A hint in the introduction states that it will take a healthy understanding of symbolic language to understand it all. Are you ready?
- The heavenly throne room. Why does John, guided by Jesus, travel at unspeakable speed to see the throne of God? What did John see there that so amazed him? What do the following symbols represent: (1) the throne itself; (2) the rainbow around the throne. How can you and I accept the love of God that is so filled with creative power? Which is the greater miracle (1) creating the world and providing all that is needed for a beautiful existence or (2) re-creating the world and restoring it to its former degree of splendor? Is it hard to believe that God had the wisdom and power to create us and the world where we live as well as to let Himself be slain on the cross by followers of Satan?
- Who is that in the throne room? What evidence can you find in the first four verses of Revelation 4 that the elders sitting on the 24 thrones are not angels or divine beings? Who do you think they are? What is the role played in heaven by these human agents of God? In what way are their wings symbolic of this group’s travel to heaven from earth?
- Why is John weeping over the sealed scroll? What is inside the scroll? How is the sealed scroll like an encyclopedia or an unabridged dictionary? How can it be true that out of the billions who have lived on earth, only one is qualified to unseal it? How would you explain this to someone who has never heard of the plan of salvation? What do you think we will do with the sealed scroll throughout eternity? Or do you think we’ll even consider the breadth and depth of the plan of salvation since we’ll be living in its realm forever without further sacrifice?
- Worthy is the Lamb. Do you agree that those four words (“worthy is the Lamb”) are accepted by the majority of Christians, whatever their doctrine or creed as the most comprehensive description of Jesus Christ our Savior? If so, is that doctrine enough to win the world? How? Our lesson states, “At this point all creation in heaven and on earth join together in offering royal adoration both to the Father and Christ.” Explain that sentence and share with the class how we all can prepare for that day.

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