HomeSSLessons2019a Book of Revelation2019a Teaching helps4: Worthy Is the Lamb – Singing With Inspiration    


4: Worthy Is the Lamb – Singing With Inspiration — 2 Comments

  1. The line in the Hymn which says "Angels never felt the joy that our salvation brings" is not supported by this week's study of the direct involvement of angels in the salvation of men. Certainly if there is joy in heaven the ministering spirits assigned to us from birth to death/2nd Coming will not feel excluded from the joy over one repentent sinner.

    • When I was a child I fell under the wheel of a tractor and was miraculously rescued. There was considerable joy for those who witnessed the accident and saw the rescue, particularly my parents. But the joy I experienced as the rescued one was something very different to that. I faced the prospect of being squashed to a pulp and was saved. That sort of joy is different from the joy experienced by someone looking on or even helping. I think that is what the hymn is trying to say.


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