6: The Reading of the Word – Singing with Inspiration
The first hymn to come to mind with the title of this week’s lesson study is:
Hymn 272, “Give Me the Bible”.
Sabbath afternoon’s introduction to the week shows the surrounding nations in awe of the accomplishment of completing the building. We all can say:
“How Great Thou Art”, Hymn 86. The Children of Israel now were determined to:
“Trust and Obey”, Hymn 590.
Hymn 8, “We Gather Together”, is exactly what Nehemiah had the people do. It was then that the people asked Ezra to bring The Book and read:
Hymn 272, “Give Me the Bible”. As it was in the Old Testament, so it is today that we need the Bible:
Hymn 593, “In Times Like These” verse 2. May we continue to say
“Lord, I Have Made Thy Word My Choice”, Hymn 273.
Let us
“Shout With Joy To God, All the Earth!”, Hymn 697 just as Nehemiah 8:10 states (Thursday). Ezra helped the people to then ‘seek God and seek the knowledge from Him’ :
Hymn 603, “Christian, Seek Not Repose”. The people then rejoiced in what the Lord had done for them. There are several hymns about rejoicing:
Hymn 27, “Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart!”,
Hymn 136, “Good Christians, Now Rejoice”,
Hymn 221, “Rejoice, the Lord Is King”, and
Hymn 599, “Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers”.
2 Timothy 2:15 KJV – “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”