HomeAids for Teachers7. The Holy Spirit and the Fruit of the Spirit – Discussion Starters    


7. The Holy Spirit and the Fruit of the Spirit – Discussion Starters — 3 Comments

  1. I think this post is mistaken in saying fruit is given, or that it is for us to possess. Fruit is not given, fruit is grown in us. You can’t be given the fruit of the Spirit; it grows in us as we are rooted in the True Vine. And the fruit is grown in us for the benefit of others, not to make us look good. Possessing it would be wrong. It’s to give away.

    The gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12) are given; but they’re not given for our own benefit or holiness - again, they’re given for the benefit of others, to build up and encourage the church.

    • Thank you for this excellent observation that fruit is grown in us. It provides food for thought.

      But even then, do we not "possess" the fruit that is grown in us? Do we grow the fruit on our own, or is even that growth "given" to us?


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