8 Comrades in Arms – Discussion Starters
- Memory Text: “And they said to one another, ‘Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?'” Who is talking in this text? Why is there such a sense of amazement about Jesus’ power of speaking? Satan couldn’t force Jesus to fall, but with the disciples he had an easier time of it. What are some of the human faults you and I often grasp that make it possible for Satan to enter our hearts?
- The call of Peter. Does Jesus need perfected people to present the gospel
perfectly? Imagine you are Peter in the fishing boat. What is your goal riding in the boat? How would you feel if the Person (who is Jesus) told you to toss the nets into deeper water? What do you (as Peter) know about the preferred water level of fish? “Well, okay.” Peter wants to be polite. What happens next? Can this same experience of soul-winning success be ours as we strive to “catch” men and bring them to salvation?
- “With Him” Can we see the physical Jesus today? How, then can we be “with Him”? How much time do we spend in the presence of Jesus before we rush off to get the day’s work done? Our lesson author says that the last thing we need today is to run around in the name of Jesus without being fully yielded to Him. Do you agree? How so? What does it mean to be “with Him”?
- Jesus’ dominion over nature. How impressive will the lesson be before Jesus comes again that Jesus is in charge of the forces of nature? But isn’t Satan busy meanwhile “proving” that he, Satan, has dominion over nature? How do you explain this to fellow students of God’s word? Was this storm that threatened the lives of Jesus’ companions sent by the evil one? If so, why do you think so? How did Jesus calm the storm?
- Who is the Greatest? What ideas about the future prompted the disciples to dream about occupying an important position in the future kingdom? Before you get too judgmental, have you ever entertained fantasies about what you are going to be able to accomplish once you’re saved for eternity? Why is questioning by the disciples about their role in the future so terribly out of sync with what is going on? Jesus tells his closest friends that His death is soon, and they are wondering what position they can fill after Jesus becomes King. In any way, are you and I like that today?

The obedience exhibited by nature and demons is amazing, i often wander why i,a christian is scared of mad people when we meet in streets what do i lack?could someone help me? i know am not obedient to GODS WORD may he help me to be better person
I am curious of this quarter lesson of great controversy insights, please help me.
The "great controversy" refers to the battle between Christ and Satan in this world. It was directly obvious when Satan tried to destroy Jesus as a baby, when Satan tempted Jesus in the desert, and when Satan influenced the Jewish leadership to crucify Him.
However, this battle has been fought in the hearts of people throughout history - both in Bible times and in post-Bible times.
We each make choices every day that count either for Christ's side of the battle or Satan's side. When we listen to God's Spirit to act kindly and unselfishly in harmony with God's great Law of Love, we are enlisted on Christ's side. Whenever we go our own way and look out for self first, we are enlisted in Satan's side in this great war.
Each of the lessons this quarter was intended to explore some aspect of this great war throughout Bible history. This week's title "Comrades in Arms" refers to being "comrades" in the battle of Christ against Satan. Christ's side acts in unselfish love, representing the character of our great Creator, while Satan's side is self-serving and draws people away from the Creator.