8: Satan, A Defeated Enemy – Singing with Inspiration
Rev 12:11, our memory text, gives us our first hymns:
Hymn 294, “Power in the Blood” and
Hymn 337/338, “Redeemed!”
These two hymns will return during the weeks’ study on a number of occasions. Revelation chapter 12 , says Sabbath Afternoon reading, is the assurance given to us by God – Satan will not succeed:
Hymn 462, “Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine!”
This week’s lesson is to “give us the big picture” (Sabbath Afternoon reading) behind the final movement before Jesus comes again:
Hymn 200, “The Lord Is Coming”,
Hymn 201, “Christ Is Coming”,
Hymn 209, “That Glorious Day Is Coming” and
Hymn 213, “Jesus Is Coming Again”.
Tuesday we see many who have gone before us kept their lamps all trimmed and burning, “ready for your Lord’s returning”
Hymn 598, “Watch, Ye Saints” and were prepared to
“Hold Fast Til I Come”, Hymn 600.
Rev 12:17 sets our church apart from the world by keeping all the commandments:
Hymn 394, “Far From All Care” we hail the Sabbath morning; and verse 2 of
Hymn 447, “Long Upon the Mountains”. These remind us
“Don’ Forget the Sabbath”, Hymn 388.
May we all remain faithful for Jesus’ very soon return knowing “Tis Almost Time for the Lord to Come” – Hymn 212.
“Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.” 1 Timothy 4:13 KJV