9: Satan and His Allies – Discussion Starters
1. The beast from the sea. Do you ever feel anger and hostility toward the devil with all of his sinful and harmful ways? To open this week’s lesson, we see a frightening creature lunging from the sea to usher in Satan when he was aroused in infamy to his most vigorous work since the death of Jesus. Explain why the beast was so sure that he was stronger than Jesus, and that of course, it was his job and not God’s to choose human beings to administer salvation and forgiveness. How did the Roman Catholic church react to this development?
2. The beast arising out of the earth. Another beast rises to power, this time from solid earthly soil. But look! It’s not a ferocious beast like the first one. What is the difference? Is it wonderful or horrible that this beast seems loving and tender? How do we see the United States of America clearly described as this beast from the earth? Do you believe without question that someday this great nation (America) will be a major persecutor of God’s people who obey the Lord’s commands?

3. The image of the beast. How will the Protestant churches develop a form of religion that will result in a set of doctrines based on heathen rites and customs? In what way(s) could these Protestant churches unite with Roman religious principles? How will they view those who disagree with them? Will there be people and families who will not go along with the Roman philosophy of religion? Describe the clash that will result…
4. The mark of the beast. Ah, those with evil intentions will be clearly marked. All we have to do is stay out of their way. Right? What are the two primary reasons people will consent to the mark of the beast in their foreheads or in their hands? Do you believe that Sunday is an object of worship established by man? Do you believe we can find a way to let people know about the heinous act of setting Sabbath aside in order to honor the day that Satan has decided to own?
5. 666. Without starting an argument, can you and fellow class members agree on the meaning of the 666 symbol of Revelation 13:18? Have you had any success in convincing Sunday-keepers that the Sabbath is a holy day set aside on earth at Creation? Will everybody who doesn’t accept the seventh day as the Sabbath be lost? Will everybody who does be saved? Why is the Sabbath important? How can we share the beauty of the Sabbath with others? Or can we?

Satan and his Allies. I believe his Allies are many: Self, Self, and Self!
Anyone that grows his faith thru self righteousness is his. Anyone always fear because he losses his life is his. Anyone who self trying to keep (but not remembering the Creator/Redeemer) the sabbath perfectly is his.Many will be deceived by the Beast because they have not matured in the amazing, powerful grace of God thru His son Jesus Christ.