Sunday: Agony of the Prophet’s Heart
In Micah 1:1-9, the prophet invites the whole earth to witness God’s judgment against sinful people.
The capital cities of Samaria and Jerusalem are singled out because their leaders failed to be role models of what it means to follow God with undivided hearts. These two cities would be the first to suffer destruction.
The thought of destructive judgment produced a real tension in Micah’s life. Because his prophetic call united him with God’s purpose, he had no choice but to announce what was coming in the near future. But the prophet also loved the people to whom he belonged, and the idea of their captivity drove him to personal lament. Oftentimes bad news had the most devastating effect on the mind and the body of the prophet.
What do the follow texts teach about the hard lot of the prophets? Num. 11:10-15, 1 Kings 19:14, Jer. 8:21-9:2, Ezek. 24:15-18, 2 Cor. 11:23-27.
God’s prophets were involved very much in the messages that they proclaimed. They did not enjoy speaking about the terrible things that would happen. They often used laments to express their reactions to the coming disasters. Their pain was real. To their listeners, the message was contained both in the prophetic words and also in the external signs, which often betrayed a deep pain stemming from within. Micah’s reaction to divine judgment reminds one of Isaiah, who for three years walked half-naked and barefoot as a visible sign of the shame that captivity would bring. For those who have the resources, you can read about the great suffering that Ellen G. White endured in her ministry as well; this will help us to better understand what these servants of God had to go through.
Read 1 Peter 4:14-16 and then look at yourself and whatever trials you are going through. How much suffering has come to you because of your faithfulness to God? How much due to your unfaithfulness?

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I believe that even in this days we are living in, God is using his servants to warn people of the coming judgement and those used by God often feel the pain and the loss of the people
We should suffer pain because we preach that whosoever recieve a sign of the beast will drink a cup of God's wrath not mixed with mercy.
That's the only way our message can be effective! People to whom our message is directed are not aroused to the solemnity of the hour because we lack the essential personal touch - we are not involved, we 'tell them' while to us the message does not affect - so much different from the way it should happen!
Let the message change us first, let us believe it first, let it be seen in all our interactions, and it will not only motivate us, but the power with which it reaches the people will be inevitable felt!
It is true, just like the prophet Hosea he became effective because he felt even the pain that God felt towards his people when he said he should marry the prostitute Gomer, she did adultery and tha touched hosea and he preached effectively knowing how much God loves us even when we commit adultery before God, so basically we need to be touched first to be effective. Thank you
We are suppose to give glory to God our creator. THere are many people who blasphem the name of Jesus and even do not want to turn back to Jesus.
Let me and you continuing serving Christ honestly so that His glory will be revealed. Let us hate evil and look only Jesus. The trials we are passing through are for short time but our lives are in HEAVEN
may the msg continue reaching to all cornerz of the world through Gods will
Let our daily deeds be of glorifying God. our interactions should be testifying of his holiness
I continue to be amazed that though god has to discipline his people at times to get their attention, the overall purpose is to win them back to himself. after all, he does not hesitate to come into the trenches of our degradation to retrieve us from eternal destruction. His mercies are still new every morning, and even his anger is not forever. He delights in healing us, and will as we respond to his entreaties. the balm of gilead still binds our wounds and heals our hurts.
Thank you Robert. What you wrote is wonderful and true.
How often have we slighted the messengers of God, those who carry our messages of salvation! We see the pain that they go through to have you and me saved. When we hear or see the messengers of God coming to us with the 'supposed' message from God, let us not reject or slight the messenger. Let us take time to listen or hear what the messenger has for us. We might even turn away our very message of salvtion. Let us be like the Bereans whose every message received the word of God.
God can use various means to reach His peole.
Even though the prophets were suffering their reward is to seize everlasting prize. Their mission is to bring the dark world into the light. Never give up to do well as this world is not our home. In this time those who preach the Gospel, they meet with a lots of world's care.
we have to obey Jesus who said" Go to all nation and makes all people my disciples........
When we tell people about the word of God they refuse to accept it but they is a reason why it is like this. Amen to the word of God