Wednesday: Awaiting the Advent
Read 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11.
What is the message here, and why is it so relevant to us today, living when we do? How can we take these words and apply them in the practical moments of day-to-day living?
So much exists in those verses, but one point should stand out so clearly, and that is the hope that those Christians awaiting the return of Christ should have. Certainly, we need to be watchful and sober so that the day doesn’t overtake us like a thief in the night. But we should also be full of faith and love and hope; because whether we “wake or sleep” (that is whether we die before He returns or are alive when He returns), we have the promise of eternal life with Him.
In this day and age, when we see signs all around us, we must be careful of the way in which we interpret them and of how we understand their significance. Too often we can get caught up in events that cause all kinds of excitement and drama and anticipation, only to have them fade into nothing. These kinds of things, once finished, can leave members disgruntled, disappointed, and even full of doubt. We need to be vigilant, but we also need to be cautious, wise, and humble as we seek to read and discern the signs of the times (see Matt. 16:1-4).
What is the purpose of the ‘signs of the times’, according to John 13:19, John 14:29?
The predictions about the end times were not given to satisfy the curiosity of believers but to encourage them to keep watching (Matt. 24:32-44). As we await the Second Advent, we need to keep our eyes open, we need to know what the Word of God teaches about last-day events; this is especially important because there are so many false views within Christendom itself regarding the signs of the times.
How do we strike the right balance in living in anticipation of the Second Coming while, at the same time, refraining from seeing every headline as a sign of the end? How do we avoid complacency on one hand and fanaticism on the other?

The sanctuary service is a prelude to His coming. But prior to His coming, the focus is on the subjects of his coming. What Jesus coming for? Surely He is coming to take the waiting saints. 1 Thess 5: 1-11 is the punch line. Everything is made crystal clear in the bible. People destined for heaven will be sober and vigilant for we are not of night but of day. Efforts doubled should be tripled and prayer long and hard comforting one another for we are warned be careful with complacency.
The greatest hope comes from his word, saying the same JESUS as you see him going he is gonner comer in like manner. Signs and wonders can take place but the greatest of all is we need to prepare ourselves as we burn our hearts more and more with the faith believing that one day we shall see his glorious advent for our salvation draweth near
We need to wait and watch. The journey to heaven is for each person on his own with God. The problem now adays we become reluctant when things are working for us and when troubles come we then look for God. In so doing the hour may come indeed as a thief to us. We need to be always ready not to relax even a single hour thereby geting ready or the return of the messiah
Today it got so clear to me that it is all about faith! Believing God. Not believing in Him, but Him.
When we contemplate the fact that Christ saw in man, defiled and ruined by sin, the possibilities of redemption, waiting for His return, gives us the strength to be vigilant, cautious, wise, and humble, instead of disgruntled, discouraged, and full of doubt. Let us hold onto our convictions, with faith, joyful praise, and adoration for Him who died for us. He will return for us, the Bible says so. Patience is a virtue.
I thank GOD 4 todays studies.iam filled by hope knowing that christ is coming longing to see my savior and to touch nail scar on HIs hands.
It's very important when you should prayed to God and seeking the understanding that, what God's word teaching about this thing and what does it mean, before going to say it means this or that.
We are all waiting for Jesus to come, so were the 10 Virgins, yet, only 5 were granted entry into the wedding feast Matthew 25. Matthew 22 informs us of what will happen if we enter into the Marriage Feast of the King's Son without a "wedding garment." We need to ask ourselves, how much do we love Him? Matthew 6:19-21. Is there competition between love for God and love for the world? 1 John 2:15 Are we obeying God;s two greatest commandments? Matthew 22:37-40. Let us ask God, Who gives freely, for power to dedicate our lives to Him, surrendering on a daily basis 1 Cor 15:31 and spending quality time with our Saviour, daily keeping in mind the cruel death suffered by Jesus for you and for me. 1 John 3:1 Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew Him not. Let us firmly resolve to "win the race" so that the God's ultimate sacrifice of His Son, will not be in vain. John 3:16. A personal relationship with Jesus will enable us to "wear His garment" which will allow us to enter into eternal life with Him. Rev 21:7
The parable in Luke 19 about the master and his servants provides an interesting perspective on the issue of "waiting for the lord to return." Verse 13 is the key: "Occupy till I come."
While there are signs to watch for and discuss, there is a task to be done. The instruction to "occupy" implies an active engagement in the work of the gospel, not some intellectual assent that Christ is coming soon. The servant who sat on his pound and gave it back when the master returned, took no risks and was punished for doing nothing with it.
It feels awesome to read all these comments, it really encourages m keep hoping for a better future despite all the downfall I encounter in my life, thanks very much for everyone's comment!
Yes, I agree with you and God Bless people that who interesing the bible always!
With the all whole word talking about the Mayan prophecy that the world could end on 21st, I think this weeks lesson could have come at a better time. Brethren, let's trust God's timing. Our part? To watch and be ready.
Jayuyo, it seems to me that sometimes the "watch and be ready" can seem very passive.
However, that's clearly not the kind of readiness Jesus taught. As Maurice pointed out in a previous comment, a passive waiting attitude will not meet with the Master's approval. "Readiness" includes being actively engaged in the task He gave us to do - namely the sharing of the Good News with those in our circle of influence.
Re: "How do we strike the right balance in living in anticipation of the Second Coming while, at the same time, refraining from seeing every headline as a sign of the end?" -- Something that has helped me is what Jesus said in Matthew 24:8. After listing the troubles, He said these are the beginnings of "sorrows" (in NKJV or KJV) or "birth-pains" (in many other versions).
When my wife went into labor I got excited, and the more the labor intensified, the more attentive I was. Life was more than just interesting at that time. It was intense. If all went well our child was soon to be seen. But if not.... I took it all seriously for the sake of both mother and child, because of my love for them.
Likewise, today, troubles around us intensify. We are right to be excited about the hope of Jesus returning. Yet some are not ready, some ignoring the warnings to get ready, others ignorant of their significance. We do right to help as many as we can to prepare for His coming, to take it all seriously, because we love them and Him.