Back to Egypt, – Discussion questions
- Memory text: “May the Lord be a true and faithful witness against us if we do not act in accordance with everything the Lord your God sends to tell us.” Jeremiah 42:25 NIV
A sad, sad conclusion to a heroic prophet’s life and witness. Day after day he prayed for guidance, and day after day he received instruction about how to reach his dear but rebellious people. Following that instruction, spending time in prayer, being faithful in every way—to what result? Unlike Jonah, who grumbled about his success, Jeremiah suffered in silence as he saw his fellow believers sink into deeper apostasy, abandoning God’s word and defying their Creator.
- Political Anarchy. It’s not over. God’s people are still boiling with resentment. Why? Why couldn’t they simply obey God’s word and submit to Babylonian rule? Did the king’s men have a reason—any reason at all—to suspect Gedaliah of loyalty to Babylon? If so, was their act of revenge justified? What was the new threat that arose out of their assassination of their king Gedaliah? What were the consequences among the people of God?
- Seeking Divine Guidance. Almost overwhelmed by their fear of the Babylonians, where did the people go for advice? What is the difference this time in the people’s approach to Jeremiah compared with previous experiences? What do you think was the Lord’s response when He heard the people promising to follow His ways? The people wanted to go back to Egypt! Why? When the Lord said “No!” with emphasis, how did they respond?
- Returning to Egypt. Can you imagine, after slavery and all the other bad circumstances of life in Egypt, why the people of God were clamoring to go back to Egypt? (To tell the truth, I’d forgotten this phase of the people’s adventures. Have you?) What were the consequences to Baruch? Did he deserve the reputation the people gave him? Away they went—some of them—back to Egypt. Why did God allow this?
- Taken into Exile. Why did God’s people have such high hopes for a happy life in Egypt? Did Jeremiah want to go there? Was God upset with Jeremiah for going into Egypt? Why? Or why not? Surrounded by Israelites soaking in treachery, Jeremiah sets out to lay stones at the entrance to Pharaoh’s house. Did God tell Jeremiah to do that? Why? What lesson was God trying to teach His people in Egypt? Do we ever reject God’s word because we have a better idea about what to do and how to do it?
- Open Defiance. While in Egypt, why did Jeremiah speak to the common people of God? What message did He have for them? Had God’s people repented by then? Or were they living idolatrous lives? Read Jeremiah 44 for a description of the punishment they will receive. How could it be after all these years of guidance and support from God, the people turn from Him and cover themselves with rebellion, hypocrisy, and unfaithfulness? What about us?

God always warn us but we ignor him, when we get into trouble then we start making fake promises, blessed be to him, he draw us near his love