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Be Ready Always — 12 Comments

  1. Thank you so much for this article Lyndah! This comment really hit home. "We only get one shot at the Second Coming! Let’s not miss it!" We live in a world that feels entitled to and expects so many second chances and do overs, or we have just escaped the consequences of our behavior so many times, that we don't realize if we are not ready when Jesus comes there will be no second chance or do over and will not escape the consequences of neglect. Thanks again and hope to hear from you again soon!

  2. We may ask ourselves, when and if, are we ready for Jesus' return? We may attend seminars and read books and articles loaded with admonishments, till the zeal loses it's strength. Then it's not as urgent as at first, and it's back to life as usual. Many are caught sleeping. We surly must have the help that is needed. Psalms 46:1-7, and 2Peter 3:9, are at least two verses that come to mind. We never know what day will be our last, with no more time to prepare.

  3. The Bible warns us to be ready. A good example is the life of Enoch who was ready every second of his life. God could come for him any moment in time and find him ready, that is the state of affairs for all of us to attain if we are to hear well done

    • The active verb about being ready is "occupy". The notion of being active is a key thought in the parables about the talents; "Occupy till I come".

  4. During the week Jesus was to be "sacrificed" for the sins of the world, He entered the temple and turned the peddlers tables upside down and drove the money lovers out. This act I believe signifies the time that we today need to apply, by asking Jesus to come into my heart that has been living worldly, my troubled heart, that my"body is a temple of the Lord", come and cleanse it oh Lord. This also points to the "end time is at hand." During that time, the day for Jesus's crucifixion was approaching; a day by which He cried, "It is Finished". I believe, today Jesus Spirit; Gal.4:6 "God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, "Abba, Father!" And it was this time Jesus was calling, "Abba", "breathed His last breath". He took that moment "remembering" all who did Him atrocities and "forgave" them all. Today, my heart is filled with the fruit of the world. All the things I filled my heart with, which did great damages to this body; I need Jesus to come into my heart and cleanse me. Prepare my, "body is holy temple of the Lord", do this oh Lord before the prophesy in Revelation 22:11 takes effect.; "..he who is filthy, let him be filthy still.." Thank you.

  5. Thank you for the article Lynda.. It reminds me of story of Noah ... They were given all the signs of the coming of the Messiah but did not take the message with a sense of urgency, actually God's message was mocked through words and actions...
    The Lord has sent us, by His ambassadors, messages of warning, declaring that the end of all things is at hand. Some will listen to these warnings, but by the vast majority they will be disregarded. - CC 37.6
    May we not be found wanting..

  6. Perhaps I would emphasize the saving relationship with Jesus, in the sense that being "prepared" alone is not meaningful unless you had a saving relationship with Him

    • It is actually a doing a doing word this preparation of which the greatest action to actively partake in is that of growing a deeper relationship with Jesus. "Without me, he can do nothing." He said.
      Thanks a lot!

  7. We know not the hour of His return but the signs all foretell that the moments ate nearing. We should be ready always as Enoch. We should pray to God to cleanse our heart and fill us with Holy Spirit.


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