Wednesday:The Character of Our Creator
God created us in His image, which means among other things that He
intended for us to resemble Him in character. That is, we are to be like Him, as much as humanly possible (notice, to be like God is not the same thing as to aspire to be God, a crucial difference). In order for us to be like God, in the sense that we reflect His character, we must have a proper understanding of what that character is.
Read Matthew 5:44-48. What do these verses reveal not only about God’s character but also about how we should reflect His character in our own lives?
Read Luke 10:29-37. Again, what does this reveal about the character of God and how it should be reflected in humanity? See also Phil. 2:1-8.
The story Jesus told involved two men from different people groups, groups that were antagonistic toward each other. But Jesus showed that they were neighbors. Each was within the other’s sphere of responsibility, and God was pleased when their differences were set aside and one treated the other with kindness and compassion.
What a contrast is seen between the principles of God’s kingdom and the principles of Satan’s rulership. God calls the strong to care for the weak, while Satan’s principles call for elimination of the weak by the strong. God created a world of peaceful relationships, but Satan has distorted it so thoroughly that many regard survival of the fittest as the normal standard of conduct. If the vicious process of natural selection (in which the strong overpower the weak) were the means by which we came into existence, why should we do differently? If we accept this view, are we not following God, and the dictates of nature as He ordained it, when we advance our own interests at the expense of the less “naturally selected”?
What are other ways in which you can see how an understanding of our origins can impact our moral concepts?

Our view of God's plan for marriage can be enhanced when we believe and study the story of Creation.
This lesson just thrills my heart. To be made in the image of God allows me to show mercy and compassion. This brings me near to the heart of God brings me joy and heavenly happiness!
I am kept mindful of just how loving and kind our God is on a daily basis. Without Him we wouldnt be able to get up in the morning or do even the simplest of tasks. God shows us mercy every day and it feels my heart with joy when I can be used to share His love in any way. How many times do we pass some homeless person on the street pretending we dont see them begging for food? What runs across your mind? Shall i get him a sandwich or that is just another lazy bum that wants something for nothing? I equate this story with Luke 10:29-37 who is our neighbor? Let us remember to have the
character of God we can not judge how that person got in that situation but how we can help them get back on their feet and then introduce them to the GOD whos character through us is reflected on humanity.
I am really touched by your comment Bavi that's exactly my attitude towards the beggars. I do not know their story and i should not judge but show the character of our Lord through love and giving. This forum is really a blessing you get to hear the Lord speaking to you.
jesus is so loving and kind and forgiving .we all must be like jesus what a wonderfull world it will be
As I studied today’s lesson, my mind searched for a picture to visualize the character of God.
I figured that maybe I should look for a description within the pages of the bible. We know we can look at Christ for He is the express image of the Father but yet I wanted to picture it from the pages of the Old Testament. Well in the book of Exodus, In Ex. 33, we find Moses asking God a simple question, “Show me thy Glory.” Or show me thy kaw-bode or properly weight. Moses wanted to see God in what I would say was his full stature, and God did grant Moses his request. He explained to Moses that yes I will show myself to you, but you will not be able to look upon my face.
So after hewing out two more tablets of stone he heads back up the mountain in eager anticipation of seeing his Lord. And after positioning himself in the cleft of the rock, God shows himself to Moses. And yes Moses gets to see the very image of God. It was like God walked up to Moses and says, Ex. 34:6, Hello Moses, it is I. I am the Lord your God that is merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but by no means will I clear the guilty.
Moses wanted to see the literal figure of God, but yet he got to see so, so much more. For Moses was given the complete picture or complete image of God that went far beyond the mere form. For Moses was blessed to see the full character of his maker. This was who God really was, a God that had been for the most part lost sight of since the fall of man.
What a glorious image of our God and to think that we can be partakers of His divine nature and recreated into his likeness.
We have to be like jesus means we follow His steps ie. when on earth, HE (jesus) helped many pple in many way. He heals the sick, give food to those who are angry, have mercy on those with problems and so many things. that is the character we have to follow coz He has given as examples to follow. God bless you as you read on
we should stick with the word Origin and not origins because we came from one source the hands of God and one couple Adam and Eve . secondly when we all come to realize our indeptedness to to God for creating us for redeeming us and sustaining us , we all would have a better appreciation for our existance and the lives of others,only then would the character of God be seen in us and it would be demonstrated in the way we treat ourselves,others and nature including the animals