Monday: A Companion for Adam
Genesis 2:20, in which Adam names the animals, helps to reveal the great gap
between humans and other earthly creatures. There was no animal that was comparable to Adam. Not even among the apes was there any creature like Adam, because Adam was not like an ape. This is an important point for us to remember because so many in our society promote the idea that humans are nothing more than advanced apes. We are not apes, and an ape was no more suitable as a companion for Adam than it would be for one of us.
Read Genesis 2:21, 22. What significance is found in the method by which God created a companion for Adam?
As God had personally crafted Adam’s body from the dust of the ground, so He personally crafted Eve’s body, using one of Adam’s ribs. God did not need Adam’s rib to create Eve; He could have created her as He had created Adam or even spoken her into existence.
But God had a reason for forming Eve out of one of Adam’s ribs. If the two had been created completely separately, it could indicate that by nature they were completely independent individuals. But the sharing of flesh in both persons indicates that the two were to be united and were intended to be “one flesh.”
After being created, Eve was brought to Adam to be his helper (vs. 18). She was made from Adam (vs. 22) and given to Adam (vs. 22). The process by which God created Eve showed clearly that God could provide any companion that Adam needed. This point became important later when Adam faced the temptation of whether to join Eve in the eating of the fruit or to trust God to take care of the situation. Adam had ample reason to believe that God could take care of him, and this made his sin the more grievous.
Read Genesis 2:23. What was Adam’s response to Eve?
Adam was so excited when he saw Eve that he sang out in poetry. This is the first poem in the Bible and reflects Adam’s regard for his wife and the closeness of their relationship. She was to be his equal, another aspect of Creation that was damaged by the Fall.

I do i agree that we human beings are not the same as apes. An ape can't look after a human being or be resposnable for everthing. We can't even compare between a human being and an ape, may God help us and other nations to understand this great difference.
Today's lesson was very touching and shows the importance of family.
Sure am happy with today's lesson cause most people are misusing Gods work(creation). He made man as his image and if so how come we came to resemble the ape? Let the great Lord help his people to know him. Amen
No animal could be a companion for Adam. What about people who love their pets more than other human beings. Some people sit with their pets in front seat in their cars whilst their workers sit in the back of their trucks?
I am so grateful for this lesson because last week I ended up talking talking to someone that believe man came from apes. He didn't believe that we were made from the image of God ...I try to explain him, I didn't had all the answer but God send all the elements for me so next time I meet back up with this person I can give him the right answers. Truly blessed by this lesson.
Yes, God is awesome. He built so much in this real life drama that we're still learning about it. One thing's for sure, we can't wait till we understand all to obey. There's enough evidence here that He know's what He is doing and that did it to bless us profoundly. To go against this is to destroy your and yours' happiness in this life...
Maybe Adam was created in the morning of the 6th day. All we know is that God made him, he had time to name the animals and feel lonely and then God made Eve on the 6th day. How wonderful to be together as the sun set on that first Friday before Sabbath! It must have been a special evening so full of joy and hope!
Does this mean that since Adam was created on 6th day maybe morning esle well as Eve which she was created out of Adam on the 6th day maybe evenning or couple hours later after God our Creator sees the need for him to have a helper.Can we tell how much time Adam spent alone without Eve?
I'm wondering why God put Adam to sleep in order to create Eve because at that time Adam knew no pain?
That is precisely WHY he had no pain.
I m blessed with todays lesson, cause I understand the orgin of the mutual relations of human beings.
How is today's lesson applicable to us today? As a woman how do I know if the man I am married to is my Adam? why so many ladies without partners if every woman has an Adam?
That is a really good question. I am married to my Eve :), but I see that there are more than one single women in my church. it seems kind of sad. Today, I was wondering why they haven't found their Adam or why can't God bring their Adam to church. Maybe every woman has an Adam, but she's in church, praising God, being mature. He's out there...playing video games, watching ridiculous violent Hollywood movies/illusions, not reading his Bible, not growing spiritually. How can God hook up an immature Adam to a mature(d) Eve? How is that gonna work? Before I got married, I was thinking 'it doesn't matter and Love Conquers all, but now that I am married to a Christian woman, I see that you have to have the same desire/priority to serve God. (also God's word says so and I take that very seriously now; before I was like 'whatever'). That's got to be the same. Definition of a woman's Adam: someone who helps you in your walk with God, encourages you, and does not impede your walk with God. (I am not judging the woman who come to church by themselves while their husbands stay home.) My 2 cents...
Any idea that we evolve from some primate is false, and was concocted no where else, but in the lab of the evil one. Humans were created with qualities that no other creature on
earth possessed, and that is,we were created in the image of God.
Responding to how long Adam was alone before Eve was created: Gen. 1 tells us that in seven days God created the heavens and the earth. He rested on the seventh day. This means that everything including Eve was created before the seventh day. Genesis 1:24-27 tell us that on the sixth day God created the land animals, then He created Adam. During that sixth day, god brought the animals to Adam so that he could name them all. During that time Adam realized that he did not have a help meet for him. In other words, there was no one that looked liked him, no one that he could bond with and no one to communicate with. There was none of his kind. All this time God knew that He would make Eve for Adam, but he wanted Adam to first realize that he was alone and needed someone just as the other animals had a partner of their kind. So during the sixth day, before sunset God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep and formed Eve from one of his ribs. Our God is an awesome God. Let us trust Him for all we need to know about Him is recorded in the bible. May God bless you as you continue to study his word.
Thank you Ms Michele for your knowledegeable clarification about the creation of Eve! God bless you!
As mentioned by the bible man was made first and animals were called to pass in front of Adam for naming it could have taken God so much time. We are never close to animals no matter what science says. We are ourselfs because God made us so.
There is every evidence that God created us as we are and the Drwinians advance evolution for arguments sake. We will again meet our redeemer at the second advent as we are and not in any more advanced form of apes
Let's remember that the devil is using all forms of destruction to shift the focus on a wonderful creative God we serve. He wants all the glory to shift from God to him. That's why he comes up with all these unfounded beliefs that we come from the apes, sunday the day of worship.
Thank God for His word that is true and a lamp unto our feet. In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. It will never change
I wonder why some people take their ribs for granted. As men, imagine if we are alone without women. Ah God is good.
Regarding marriage in heaven: “At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven” (Matthew 22:30). This was Jesus’ answer in response to a question concerning a woman who had been married multiple times in her life —whom would she be married to in heaven (Matthew 22:23-28)? Evidently, there will be no such thing as marriage in heaven.
The Dividing Line between Creation and Evolution
Adam recognized Eve to be bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh (Gen 2:23). There is indeed a gap between Adam and the animals. Adam did not call the animals bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. Evolutionists however consider men either as fully developed animals or the animals as not yet fully developed men. In both cases there is no difference between men and animals in principle but only in degrees. Hence, evolutionists could consider any animal to be bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. The word pair flesh and bone is often used to denote relatives (Genesis 29:14; Judges 9:2; 2 Samuel 5:1; 19:13; 1 Chronicles 11:1).
Theistic evolutionists have to turn the biblical record upside down in order to consider animals bone of their bone of flesh of their flesh and even to be their relatives. The gap between creation and evolution remains --- inspite of combining evolution and creation in theistic evolution.
Winfried Stolpmann