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Wednesday: Court Room — 13 Comments

  1. We must trust His judgment because it is sure and when it comes it will bring fullfilment and satisfaction something we don't have and without it we have no hope,our christian lives are pointless

  2. There's a modern trend among Christians (even Seventh-day Adventists) to discount the biblical references to "judgment." Yet without judgment, the plan of God would be incomplete. There's something built right into the fabric of humanity that cries out for judgment. A child's cry of "That's not fair!" demonstrates that even small children have an innate sense of what is just and what is not - even though this sense may be quite skewed in their favor. 😉

    When things seem so out of kilter in this world, God's Word assures us that He will set everything right in the end -- that evil will get its reward while the righteous enjoy the reward the Jesus gained for them. Those who refuse the grace of Christ will experience real "justice," while the redeemed will experience grace.

    Praise God for His grace and mercy!

  3. There is no one just in the earth, and our sense of justice is biased , because our sinner soul didn't let to be honest and sincere. With whole reason the Lord says in Isaiah that our justice is an unclean clothe , but praise His name, because He is who knows all about us and only depending of Him we can go on His paths and do what is raight before His eyes.

    • Walter, the answer is yes! Your question is a bit like this one; "Is the Bible the Word of God, or does it contain the Word of God?". You can have an interesting discussion about the semantics but it does not always advance our faith all that much.

      Heaven's geography is far less important than understanding what is going on there. Essentially God is, as always, very interested in rebuilding relationships. Judgement is really about putting things right so that we can live together with him. In that context who cares about whether it is in a building or not.

    • Well the word sanctuary is a human way to speak, to convay a message. The important question is: why and in which context the word is used? We use often words and expression we don't find in the Scripture. Words as the "Court Room" (Wed 2th oct). Be careful when you are reading commentaries to the Bible!

  4. Walter to me sanctuary is a place of protection,it's a place of comfort it's where Jesus is.It's where I want to be when this life is over.Like the theif on the cross Lord remember me when you come into your Kingdom.

  5. Even when we don't see justice we should trust and believe in God's precious promises, for God is faithful towards all his children. The Spirit of Prophecy says our focus should be placed on Jesus and not on ourselves. It is sinful to keep doubting and not believing, because this makes us to sin and it covers our souls with guilt, darkness and discouragement. Finally when we disbelieve the promises of God we make him to be a liar and dishonor our creator. The ones that believe will surely receive a precious reward for their faith, salvation, but all the unbelievers and doubters will reap what they have sown (Review and Herald, April 22, 1884). How important to trust and to live by faith not by sight, amen.

  6. I praise God for the justice we cry out for can only be granted by Him upon His return. Our souls will then rest when our Righteous Judge shall take His stand

  7. why must we trust in God's justice? I believe that a mind fixed on Jesus - is a mind that is content with present circumstance - believing that God is purposefully in charge of all life.


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