Wednesday: The Divine Remedy
There is hope for Laodicea, just as there is hope for all who are afflicted with spiritual apathy and in-difference.

Image © Janet Hyun from
Our Lord has the divine remedy. The fact that the Lord speaks to this church shows that hope for the church exists if His people accept and follow His counsel .
Reflect on Jesus’ counsel in Revelation 3:18-19. What does Jesus mean when He talks about “gold refined in the fire,” being clothed in “white garments,” and our eyes being anointed with “eye salve”? (See also 1 Pet. 1:7, Zech. 3:1-5, Rev. 19:7-9, Eph. 4:30.)
“Jesus is going from door to door, standing in front of every soul-temple, proclaiming, ‘I stand at the door, and knock.’ As a heavenly merchantman, he opens his treasures, and cries, ‘Buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear.’ The gold he offers is without alloy, more precious than that of Ophir; for it is faith and love.
“The white raiment he invites the soul to wear is his own robes of righteousness, and the oil for anointing is the oil of his grace, which will give spiritual eyesight to the soul in blindness and darkness, that he may distinguish between the workings of the Spirit of God and the spirit of the enemy. Open your doors, says the great Merchantman, the possessor of spiritual riches, and transact your business with me. It is I, your Redeemer, who counsels you to buy of me.”-Ellen G. White, The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, Aug. 7, 1894.
Ellen G. White quotes Revelation 3:20, saying of Jesus, “‘I stand at the door, and knock.’” Jesus knocks; He doesn’t break down the door and force His way in. What this means is that, in the end, regardless of what God is willing to do for us, we must make the choice to let Him in. Ask yourself, “How resistant am I to opening the door to Him?” If you are resistant, ask yourself, “Why?” What is holding you back? What sin, what indulgence, don’t you want to let go of, or what is it that you find so hard to let go of?

I was resistant. Always thinking that my opinion is better. Try to study word for myself to seek truth. But truth is revelated not discovered. I understand now there is just one thing to do and offer to God, and that is to have good will toward Him. I have nothing to offer but willingness.
God doesn't need my opinion I need His. When I am weak as to have nothing but desire the good, then He can clothe, enrich, and anoint me.
I never understood before, what a malice is hidden in our will. It can deceive even ourselves.
But when freed from that, all of us can be given to service to God, and that is for our salvation not God's.
He is for us, not we for Him. But also when we are willing for Him He is power for us.
God is so awesome. He is ready and waiting for us to come to Him. Lord help me in my feebleness and weak spirit.
What an awesome God we serve. That Man name Jesus; He is amazingly alive! In doing my studies yesterday, not knowing what the lesson study would be on today, the Holy Spirit inspired me to pray this morning these very words, "Jesus, as You stand at the door of my heart knocking, I gladly invite you in. I regret that there are two groups in this world. The believer and un-believer. I am praying for those who refuse to acknowledge that You are and I pray for those in the House of the Lord who know that You are but refuse to surrender fully. Then Lord, I pray for myself and the others like me who that if we don't call on You daily, acknowledging that we need You, we can become as those in the first group." Making contact with heaven, minute-by-minute, day-by-day, if you're connected; abiding in Him and Him, abiding in you, He speaks the Words of the Spirit into your mouth, telling us what He wishes us to ask for. In the Spirit, the words are spoken, not for Him, but for you/us, that we will "live" the words. It's really hard to explain. I've heard numerous times; it is hard to be lost because He provides everything you need to be saved, especially the words to speak to commune with Him. I can recall a time in the past when I had to strain to think of things to be thankful for; but now, oh my goodness, praise Him for the eye salve, that I can see all that He does to save us.
If a stranger approaches and strikes a conversation with you and goes on to brag to you how "rich" he is, what would be your first impression of him? Pride. That is the disease of Laodicea. Strangely enough that's also the first disease or iniquity found in Lucifer. Rarely is there a cure for pride--because as Sister White said in Steps to Christ, "Pride feels no need, and so it closes the heart against Christ and the infinite blessings He came to give."
As the door to heart is closed, Christ has no option but to stay outside and knock. If you ask me, it's a very risky, foolish move for a mortal soul to keep her Savior on the outside like this even for a second.
"If a stranger approaches and strikes a conversation with you and goes on to brag to you how “rich” he is, what would be your first impression of him? Pride."
How true. And the contempt (instead of sympathy) I have for such a person is a measure of my own pride.
Pride was at the root of Satan's fall and was also first on the list of "things the Lord hates" (Proverbs 6:16-19).
"Pride is the one sin that denies all others."
-- G.K. Chesterton
Dear Lord, please give me a humble heart, a contrite spirit and a willingness to open the door to my heart when you knock. Amen.
Thank you! God is truly awesome. If only we see ourselves as we really are and realize our need for a Saviour, our current status would be so different. God has truly made a difference in my life,since the day I realized that the battle is not between Satan and me, but with God. I am also humbled knowing that Satan has no authority to come in my way unless God allows it. Knowing that Jesus is always with me gives me energy to show appreciation for the cross. May we all respond to His rapping at our heart's door. May God continue to use this ministry to help others to understand His will for them.
Father as I bow before your throne along with the rest of my brothers and sisters here I cannot help but be connected to you. I add my sincere desire to the prayer of my sister Michelle, Lord we all need the present of your Holy Spirit and Jesus to live completely and fully in our hearts. We gladly open the door to our hearts along with the windows that You may fully come in and live. We also are much concerned about those whose pride has kept them from totally opening the door to their hearts. Maybe they are looking through the peek hole, or asking who is it, maybe they are afraid and unsure of what they may find, Lord heal where the healing needs to take place so that they will welcome You joyfully into their hearts and lives. What mercy awaits! What love abounds! What healing is given! And What peace is felt! All this because You love us so much that we cannot even fathom. Do this not because we are worth it but because Jesus is, Your Son, our Savior. Thank you so much and it is only through the very name of Jesus we call out to You for this. Amen
what a mighty God we have he created us in his own image he died for us infact after Adam had sinned He made clothing for them that lasted now hes talking about things that last and can only be found in him... Revive us again oh Lord