HomeDailyThursday: End-Time Holiness    


Thursday: End-Time Holiness — 7 Comments

  1. Many are times we believe can sort out our own problems the way we understand best only to fail and fall short of Gods glory. Daily submissions to God, allowing him to lead all our undertakings and sacrificing what we think we know best to Him will make our paths safe and live holly lives for Jesus.

  2. I believe the heavenly Father is now sealing His elect with the Holy Spirit those that are keeping God's commandments including observing the Sabbath. You can do this by praying, reading the bible daily and living righteously daily. May God bless you.

  3. By prostrating ourselves not so much literally as in spirit, before the Lord. He can make the changes in our life that we in and of ourselves could never make or even want to make. (Phillipians 2:13) "For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure!" When we keep a consistant check-up of our reflection in God's mirror (His Word) then and only then can we see what changes must be made to be a carbon copy of Christ, and thats what we must become through the Power of the Holy Spirit! Daily submission and through out the day, along with much prayer and studying is the only path and hope of a Christian. (To all my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, be blessed, you're in my daily prayers and I asked the same from you!

  4. Being sanctified is to have good and Godly thought always, each day and each moment. Meditating on God's scriptures, having much thoughts about the heavenly sanctuary and asking ourselves whether our names are written in the book of life.

  5. Paul is admonishing us to die daily to self and be submissive to His will. We reform our lives and tell others to reform, that is sighing and crying for the abomonations happening in our churhes, only then can we be eligible for the seal that qualifies us to be holy.


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