Sabbath: First Things First!
Read for This Week’s Study: Haggai 1, John 2:19, Ezra 3:1-6, Matt. 1:23, 12:6, Haggai 2, Luke 24:13-27.
Memory Text: “‘The silver is mine and the gold is mine, declares the Lord Almighty’” (Haggai 2:8, NIV).
Key Thought: Haggai’s message is simple: What are our priorities, and why is it so important to get them right?
Haggai’s book, one of the shortest in the Bible, was written at a critical time in the life of Judah. The exiles had returned from their captivity in Babylon almost 20 years before; yet, they seemed to have forgotten the reason for their return. They let God’s temple sit in ruins while they devoted their energy to building their own houses.
Thus, the prophet urged the returned exiles to give careful thought to their situation. His message was simple and logical. The people had worked hard but did not earn much. This happened because they had mistaken their priorities. They needed to put God first in all that they were doing. As Jesus Himself said, “Seek first his [God’s] kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matt. 6:33, NIV).
Today, too, it is so easy to get caught up in the struggle for existence that we forget what our first priority needs to be, which, of course, is doing always the Lord’s will.
Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, June 8.

I am so touched with todays lesson. It is true that we priotize our own needs, for examples - we forget even to return tithe to God just because we want to take care of our own needs. Lets consider that silver and gold belongs to God, he is the giver of everything. May the Holy Spirit remind us to put God first.
Thats really true! In my experience, I had a really good job and twice the salary I earned! What happen?!! My boss fired me without notice. Why? Its exactly I read in Haggai 1:1-15. And its a lots problem show up, in my marriage too. But I asked God to forgive me and show me the right path.. And Put God First for Everything!!!
It's true people. I used tithe money to buy a phone then after one week the phone was damaged and I regretted a lot so lets put God first.
Its only when we put God first that our lives may show a real direction. For we will be doing everything in vain if He is not the one building or the first in our lives.