HomeDailyFriday: Further Study (Esther and Mordecai)    


Friday: Further Study (Esther and Mordecai) — 6 Comments

  1. With enough unusual conduct to make some Christians uneasy how reliable are the examples of the book of Esther?

    Compromisers are ever searching scriptures for excuses to do other than God desires and may find examples where not intended in the Bible. Notwithstanding clear counsel some have found reason to justify hoarding riches (1 Timothy 6:9), homosexuality (1 Corinthians 6:9), and unholy unions (Ezra 9:2).

    As the actions of the Jews in Persia are considered be aware that Jehovah does not encourage deception when transparency is warranted (Esther 2:10, 20), nor beauty contests (Esther 2:12, 13), acting the part of a concubine (Esther 2:14, 15), and marrying unbelievers (Esther 2:17). Such accounts in scripture are descriptions, not prescriptions.

    That many Jews lived in the city of Shushan by choice and remained as exiles in the Persian empire against the prophets earlier plea (Zechariah 2:6-9) may possibly and partly explain some of the strange conduct on display.

    When God’s people spend a long time and develop close associations with those who do not regard the ennobling principles of Heaven there is a tendency for the people of faith to adopt the habits of the worldly minded folk (Amos 3:3). Much of the knowledge of Jehovah was lost by the Hebrews in Egypt and Babylon.

    While some may convince themselves that they will transfer wholesome principles and practices to the ungodly through close bonds and bands it rarely is the case; for the human nature is stronger in opposition to right principles than to embrace same. Hence the counsel to avoid close and lasting ties with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14).

    The mingling prescribed is that which is sufficient to demonstrate love and share the Gospel.

  2. We should not forget God,s promise which assures us that in the midst of difficulties He will not leave us nor forsake us . That is exactly what he did for Esther and her people .

  3. We who are the Sabbath Keeper will have to have a made up mind when it comes to the commandment of God. Will we bow down to the system of this world or will we trust the God we serve to deliver us from the enemy of God's Kingdom. We Must have a made up mind to TRUST in the LORD OUR GOD who has never fail in time past. This TRUST must come from knowing that he who is able to keep the Daniel as well as the three Hebrew boys will keep us, the word of the Lord said that we will be seal until the day of judgment and that he will supply all our needs according to riches and glory which is in Christ Jesus. In these last days our commitment to the Lord must I repeat Must to have a firm foundation. He who comes to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Trust and Obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to Trust and Obey! Happy Sabbath Family

  4. In Prophets and Kings pp 600, it says, "Having refused to take advantage of the way of escape God had provided, now they were brought face to face with death." The Jewish people were warned to return to Jerusalem by the prophet Zechariah, but many were comfortable in their homes and opted to stay in Persia. Yet God did not forget his people. How many times we do things that we are not supposed to do and when we find ourselves in danger and distress we cry out to God. Just as God found a way of escape for the Jewish people in Persia, He will find a way of escape for you and me.

  5. Our commitment to God should be so strong that we will be faithful to him regardless of the consequences and he will take care of us. I pray!


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