Friday: Further Thought – Confinement in Caesarea
Further Thought: “Did the mind of Agrippa at these words revert to the past history of his family, and their fruitless efforts against Him whom Paul was preaching? Did he think of his great-grandfather Herod, and the massacre of the innocent children of Bethlehem? of his great-uncle Antipas, and the murder of John the Baptist? of his own father, Agrippa I, and the martyrdom of the apostle James?
Did he see in the disasters which speedily befell these kings an evidence of the displeasure of God in consequence of their crimes against His servants? Did the pomp and display of that day remind Agrippa of the time when his own father, a monarch more powerful than he, stood in that same city, attired in glittering robes, while the people shouted that he was a god? Had he forgotten how, even before the admiring shouts had died away, vengeance, swift and terrible, had befallen the vainglorious king? Something of all this flitted across Agrippa’s memory; but his vanity was flattered by the brilliant scene before him, and pride and self-importance banished all nobler thoughts.”—Ellen G. White Comments, The SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 6, pages 1066, 1067.
Discussion Questions:

Saturday: Prayer - We are taught to come to God with our tribute of 1) thanksgiving, 2) to make known our wants, 3) to confess our sins, and 4) to claim His mercy in accordance with His promise. Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing Page 103
Sunday: Flattery - For we never came with words of flattery, as you know, nor with a pretext for greed—God is witness. Nor did we seek glory from people, whether from you or from others, though we could have made demands as apostles of Christ. But we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother taking care of her own children.
Monday: Powerful person - A person who is willing to swim against current even when it's not popular and unsupported.
Tuesday: Dignitaries - Dignitaries of the world are bought at price. Dignitaries of God are bought with the precious blood of Christ. One who is called by God stands the test of time. Not one disciple called by Jesus gave up their faithful calling by the Lord even unto death.
Wednesday: Love Story - The conversion is your love story. Repeat this story as often as you can to strengthen your faith and reestablish the covenant with the Lord.
Thursday: Entangled - Trapped between immoral women and crazy accuser thought he had took the road of less resistance only will find himself standing before the great judge of the universe.
Friday: Confinement - Arrested Paul was standing tall for what he believed. Pomp and power Agrippa lived in confinement of the world.
Are you free in Christ?
Where are the stories that usually follow Friday’s lesson? I haven’t seen them for the past two weeks since the format changed.
Cynthia, thank you for bringing this to our attention. We plan to publish them again.
1. It is my belief that God leads us through tests of faith that we often fail in order for us to learn of our tendencies that we might not otherwise become aware of. Paul learned much from his ordeal in returning to Jerusalem, which shows up in his epistles and sound instruction for the church. I believe his reliance upon God alone became stronger after this experience.
2. Not all have had heavenly visions, but God's word is just as clear and powerful to those who set themselves to obey it. If we disregard conviction when it comes, it will become a habit and soon there will be no “voice” to guide us.
3. Paul's “compassion” for his fellow man was the result of the transformation that comes through exercising faith in Christ. This work in the heart is lead by repentance and growing in grace and in gaining a knowledge of Jesus by prayerful study of God's Word. Profession alone is powerless without this exercise of faith in the daily life.
4. Agrippa's case is presented as a warning to all who would put off repentance and faith for a more convenient time. That time will never come, for Satan will make sure of it until the heart is calloused beyond repair. Faith not exercised today will be weaker tomorrow.