Friday: Further Thought – Satan and His Allies
Further Thought: Revelation shows that the Sabbath will be a sign of obedience at the end of history. We have to remember, however, that a person’s observance of Sunday now does not itself mean that he or she has the mark of the beast. Sunday keeping will become “the mark of the beast” only when, having clearly understood the issues involved in choosing a day of worship, despite the deceptions out there, people make their choice either for or against God. However, that time still lies in the future.
“No one has yet received the mark of the beast. The testing time has not yet come. There are true Christians in every church, not excepting the Roman Catholic communion. None are condemned until they have had the light and have seen the obligation of the fourth commandment. But when the decree shall go forth enforcing the counterfeit sabbath, and the loud cry of the third angel shall warn men against the worship of the beast and his image, the line will be clearly drawn between the false and the true. Then those who still continue in transgression will receive the mark of the beast”. – Ellen G. White, Evangelism, pages 234, 235.
Let us remember that Sunday observance today does not make a person lost any more than Sabbath observance makes a person saved. The time is coming, however, when “the mark of the beast” will become the central issue and when choosing a day of worship will be the test of faithfulness. Revelation appeals to God’s people to take the Bible and, with a heart-searching spirit, study the prophetic word for themselves and make every effort to reach with the gospel those who are today unreached for Christ.
Discussion Questions:

I have mentioned previously that my childhood reading (Missionary Volunteer Reading-Course books) were often about medieval persecution, and I developed a fear of other religions, especially Roman Catholics. This was fed by a lot of urban myths about what went on in Catholic churches as well. It took me a while to develop the maturity to understand that what I was hearing was just wrong and that I needed to rethink our relationship with those of other faiths.
I have no doubt that there will come a time when our relationship with Jesus will be tested, but that should not colour our relationship with others now. I have learned that Jesus works in the hearts of others just as much as he does with us when we let him.
Over the years I have worked with a number of Catholics who have epitomized the true meaning of Christianity. I have realized that I have much to learn about living Christianity, even from Catholics. Being in a system that we believe is wrong does not alter the fact that these people have a working relationship with Jesus.
I think in particular of a Catholic Nun that was a colleague of mine. She was a lawyer and taught legal studies in a business course where I was teaching computer technology. Her real work was providing legal assistance to people who would not normally have recourse to the legal profession. She was a spiritual gem in the way she worked tirelessly for these people. She was one of the people that made me realize that the fear that I had developed in my youth had blinded me to the genuineness of Christian faith in others.
If our study of Revelation has served to put up a wall between us and others, then we have not learned the lesson. We must remind ourselves that
Jesus was not talking about loving just other church members but even those we fear and despise. That is a very hard saying when you think about it. If our love for God is a reflection of our love for those that we love the least, what does that say about our commandment keeping?
The Revelation is about the exercise of power, and does not address individual members. In fact, the last message to the world is "come out of her(the organization, not the individual members)MY people!"
Yes, the organization is made up of people, but how many really know what is going on behind the scenes? How many truly understand the corruption that wears a "saintly" face in public? How will they know the Truth if no one brings it to them?
Many God-fearing people in all walks and organizations, and the Loud Cry will reach the faithful wherever they are found. Will we be part of those giving the invitation to "come out of her"?
Those who take upon them Jesus' yoke will treat others as He treated them, appealing to every class.
During the last few months every newspaper and media news in Australia has been full of stories of corruption and lack of action on key issues of sexual abuse by the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy. Checking some of the international news sources as well, I find they are carrying the same stories. There are persistent accusations of hypocrisy, coverup, avoidance of responsibility within the church hierarchy. I don’t think there is any doubt in the minds of many that the church has fallen. The saintly public face of the Catholic Church has taken a significant hit in the last few months, culminating in the events of this last week.
I believe these circumstances are allowing the guilty time to repent. It was the open conviction that woke up king David to his guilt, and led to his genuine repentance.
God is "merciful, gracious,...forgiving...".
The discussion question about trends we may see that appear to be leading towards Rev 13's fulfillment is an intriguing one. If we limit the fulfillment to Sunday v Sabbath, the answer would be very little, if any. Yet, as we observe a world in disarray, in conflict with nation toward nation, the constant evidence of man saving himself or championing good out of an evolved understanding of the benefits of mutual care, part and parcel with the horrific inhumanity toward fellow humans, it is a world ripe for deception. People are stressed with the "crazy" of life and global disruptions in fear of what the future may bring. We seem to be in fertile ground for which voices of assuring an, albeit, false salvation, can get an audience.
People too often display the ability to be lemming-like, each following another off of a cliff to great damage to themselves and others. Wisdom cries in the streets, but to mostly "deaf" ears. I am thankful that God hasn't yet allowed the deceptions for which Rev 13 speak of, and the winds continue to be held in check. The perceived normalcy of life is the harbinger to what Rev 13 is describing.
May souls in need of a better view of God's character be our burden in this life.
Amazing facts bro Mourice 👌👌
Our love shouldn't be only directional to people our faith...
It should reach all including those we perceive lost!
Wow, I have just come to the realization that "the Image" is a new, end time, world power that is separate from the sea & land beasts.
"those who dwell on the earth" "whose names are not written in the Lamb's Book of Life" (i.e not Christians) set up "the Image"
"the inhabitants of the earth" or "those who dwell on the earth" have been groups so far in Revelation who have opposed "God's people" (thus include everyone on earth that are not part of God's people) (almost like an 'united nations')
This world power (the Image) demands that people worship it (the Image) and if they refuse This world power (the Image) kills them.
This world power (the Image) causes all to receive a mark and if they refuse, it (the Image) imposes an economic ban on them.
It is not the sea or the land beast who does these things.
Yes, it was the land beast with power from the dragon & the sea beast that convinced & deceived "those who dwell on the earth" to set up this new world power (the Image). What was the deception? Did "those who dwell on the earth" believe it was for their benefit and were they deceived about the Counterfeit Trinities hidden agenda i.e. to get them to worship the beast?
It is interesting that the “image” is mentioned in every chapter of the entire end-time battle of Revelation 13-20 except in chapters 17 and 18 (Rev 13:14-15; Rev 14:9-11; Rev 15:2; Rev 16:2; Rev 19:20; Rev 20:4). And chapters 17 and 18 are the exact place where the image would seem to play out in the final battle of earth’s history.
There are three options as to its deeper identity in Revelation 17. 1) the beast of Revelation 17, 2) the combination of woman and beast, and 3) the ten horns of the beast. We will have to study this more when we get there.
It is easy to confuse the terms, so thanks for pointing this out. The dragon gets identified with several things, but only Satan qualifies. The other powers are clearly his agents. The image is neither beast, as you state. But it is empowered by the second beast, and is an "image" or likeness of the first beast. "This calls for wisdom".
Answer: Stop classifying people according to 'our denomination' vs 'other denominations'.
Any and all who submit to the Holy Spirit re-creating a clean (selfless) heart and right Spirit (ie born again Jn 3:3-6) within are children of God regardless of any label they may or may not wear (Rom 2:14; Jn 10:16).
Many are "keeping" the Sabbath today, who will forsake its observance to save themselves from the great threatenings of the beast and it's image. While the Sabbath will be a clear and obvious point of contention which all will need to make a choice on(such as the test in Dan 3), it is perfect trust in God that will gain the victory in that severe trial. It is the unshakable observance of the First commandment that will lead to faithfulness against an apostate world that seeks to destroy those “who keep the commandments of God and have the Testimony of Jesus”, and His faith. Do we "acknowledge Him in all [our] ways"?
1. Too many signs to list, but in the SDA church I see the greatest evidence in the present shaking taking place everywhere, and the prevailing love of the world by so many in the ranks. Ezekiel 8 and 9 describe this period, and notice what takes place in that environment.
2. The servants of God will demonstrate the “attitude” of God toward all people, no matter where they are found.
3. “Except a man be born again...”. As Daniel states: only “the wise will understand”. Who are the wise(Matt 7:24)?
Hi Robert. I appreciate both references you made this week between our end-time test and that of Daniel and, separately, his three friends. I would just suggest that in their case and ours, it isn't primarily a matter of when we worship, but Who we worship.
The question of who we worship and on what day are forever intertwined. Now is the time of the msg of the third angel. People are learning the truth about the 4th commandment at seminars,on radio,and tv. the decision they make to obey God or man is the key. Today is the day of salvation.
I believe the greatest and only test to be part of Satan Allies and their schemes, lies on our self-righteousness and self-sufficiency. I call it Beast of Self! In order to tackle and exterminate this is by abiding in the grace and love of God. Lets all grow and get matured in the gospel, by having one love, one spirit, and one purpose in Jesus Christ.
the battle is over Worship...not a day of the week...Christians who are CHOOSING now to attend a congregational Worship on Sunday instead of Sabbath are not condemned but making a free will choice in most cases out of personal preference and the best spiritual growth of their families.
Question: why would the Great Controversy end over a different issue to the one it began with?
Lucifer did not fall because he chose to worship on a different day.
Eve and Adam did were not tempted to worship on a different day.
Cain did not kill Abel because of worshipping on a different day.
Most of the earth’s population did not die because they worshipped on a different day.
So, what was the common denominator in all these situations? I would propose it will be the same issue for the end of the Great Controversy that it was at the beginning and has been all the way through.
I am not saying Sabbath has no relevance, but like others are suggesting, the real issue goes deeper than which day.
The Sabbath will be the means of revealing faith or unbelief. It is also the day God appointed for the best interest of all, and will require absolute trust in God in that hour if we are to "fear...give glory...and worship" God instead of "the beast".
Only perfect love will cast out any fear of reprisal for our fidelity to our Creator, Redeemer, and Friend.
This issue will remove any chance of faking obedience. The whole universe will know where our true allegiance lies. God is wise beyond our comprehension.
p.s. the real issue is the 1st commandment, which is more tangibly demonstrated in the 4th, while claiming to "love" God supremely.
We cannot, as sinners, properly define love apart from the Law God gave us so we could understand it.