HomeDailyFriday: Further Thought – The Seven Trumpets    


Friday: Further Thought – The Seven Trumpets — 9 Comments

  1. The Seventh Trumpet has the sound of vindication and restoration. After centuries where we have lived with the confusion of the battle between good and evil, we see the triumphant outcome of good. I find the last sentence of the 24 elder's song an intriguing one:

    And should destroy those who destroy the earth.Rev 11:18 last part

    As a wildlife photographer, I have seen countless examples of those who have no regard for our environment and who are systematically destroying our habitat. Sometimes our Christian witness can be simply reminding one another about what is being destroyed in our greed.

    The issue that the lesson author/editors focus on it the question of time setting for last day events. Although most of us have reached the conclusion that we do not know when Christ is coming, we are still setting up waypoints that in essence are doing the same thing. I asked one of my classes of high school students many years ago what they thought was the greatest sign of Jesus coming and they almost said in unison; "Sunday Laws". I asked my students what would happen if Jesus was to come and no Sunday Laws and been declared. We had an interesting discussion ending with the notion that the best sign for the second coming was God's people living in a state of dynamic preparedness; Not sitting waiting for a sign before getting ready.

    • In reading Revelation8:7-13 about trumpets. I wonder are any of the metaphors such as verse 13",woe,woe,woe" is this applicable to us today, and if so,how ?

      • The literary device used here is repetition - for emphasis - not a metaphor. Its sort of like saying, "Sit up and listen to the next three trumpets; they are important!"

  2. A father goes away because of a rough situation his work specialty is needed, his job is to mediate conflicts and he knows that at this time he will have to stay away for a while. Thus, he leaves a letter of instructions to his kids, telling them about how they should behave among themselves, and with a few hints of when he will be back - he might not really know the exact day.
    But even though he is going to be far away and for quite some time, he leaves them a phone number so they can call him whenever they want.
    Thus, some of his children like to talk with him often and share their living experience, listening to his counseling. But some do not, they prefer living their own way and give up talking with him, some may even seem to forget that they had a father.

    In what state of mind and heart will those children be by the time their father returns?

  3. 1. Righteous Abel, Noah, any of the Prophets, Jesus, Stephen, Paul, etc. There is always going to be the few who rejoice in the truth and embrace it to their salvation and the glory of God. Only ¼ of the seed fell on good soil and brought forth fruit for the harvest. No sowing of the seed, no harvest. Jesus was faithful to sow the good seed, and has saved us by His blood that we may follow His faithful example. Though sowing may bring tears, the harvest will bring rejoicing(Psalm 126:6).

    2. Believing the Word of God will help us escape every pitfall, including the setting of Time. If our focus is directed to saving sinners as Jesus did during His ministry, we will not be caught up in the many debates over trivial matters. We might even be distracted by arguing against time-setting. Daniel states: “The wicked shall do wickedly, and none of the wicked will understand. Any who reject the call to “repent and believe the gospel” will remain among those who will not understand, and many of these will promote ideas and theories that have no support from the Word of God. The wise, who understand, will be busy leading “many to righteousness” and eternal life(Dan 12:3,10).

  4. 2000 years Adam to Abraham , 2000 years Abraham to Messiah,
    2000 years Messiah to 2nd coming.

    The millineum (1000 years saints in heaven—-satan in bottomless pit) begins @ Christ return.

    At the end of the 7000 year period sin is destroyed in the Lake of Fire and God recreates the Earth...sin is no more...

    2027/28 marks the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist, 3 1/2 years later Jesus is Crucified...shortly after His ressurrection He ascends to heaven..

    Brothers and Sisters...we are told in prophecy that the final events at the close of probation will be rapid ones

    It is true no man knows the day or the time exactly but we can know the seasons....

    Look close Brothers and Sisters...the 7th trumpet is very close to the lips of the Angel who will blow it...

    Now is the Time...Today is the Day to get your house in order in preparation to meet our Redeemer...

  5. The issue of time setting for the Second Coming, reminds me of my college days and the folly of trying to do so. A sincere gentleman came to our school and began to teach. Although the Bible does say we will not know the day nor the hour, he reasoned, that didn't mean we couldn't know the year. He further reasoned, since the last time prophecy ended in 1844 we could add Noah's 120 years of preaching to that year and thus know year of Christ's coming. Some of the students dropped out of school to 'get ready'. Learning to make bread from scratch to prepare for the tribulation was one of the 'preparations' It caused quite a disturbance for awhile.

  6. Studying this week`s lesson, I came to the following tentative conclusion: The book of revelation has the same historical structure as the book of Daniel. All historical and heavenly events in the book of Daniel are climaxing in the resurrection of the dead. (Daniel 12:2) The seven churches, seven seals, seven trumpets as historical and heavenly events are likewise climaxing in the consummation of the plan of salvation, as announced in the seventh trumpet. (Revelation 10:7; 11:15) The end-climax of Daniel, the resurrection, is also taken over in Revelation. (Revelation 20:6.12) I also noticed that this weeks lesson on the Dragon and the Woman is alluding on the little horn power of Daniel 7:25; see Revelation 12:6.13-16;13:5)Both books are closely connected.

    As to the trumpets: The trumpets, on one hand, are sounding an alarm of an approaching judgement in history. (Joel 2:1-2) This judgement is a salvatory judgement-in my home country Germany we call it "Heilsgericht" - inasmuch as this judgemt is an invitation to repentance. For this reason a second trumpet is calling on God`s people to rend their hearts and not their garments. (Joel 2:12-17) This very purpose of salvatory judgement is also repeated at the conclusion the fifth and sixth trumpets. (Revelation 9:20-21) The same holds true to all other salvatory judgements of God in history calling for repentance.

    Winfried Stolpmann


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