Further Thought:
“We all desire immediate and direct answers to our prayers, and are tempted to become discouraged when the answer is delayed or comes in an unlooked-for form. But God is too wise and good to answer our prayers always at just the time and in just the manner we desire.

Image © Stan Myers from GoodSalt.com
He will do more and better for us than to accomplish all our wishes. And because we can trust His wisdom and love, we should not ask Him to concede to our will, but should seek to enter into and accomplish His purpose. Our desires and interests should be lost in His will.” — Ellen G. White, Gospel Workers, p. 219.
“It will only be a little while before Jesus will come to save His children and to give them the finishing touch of immortality … The graves will be opened, and the dead will come forth victorious, crying, ‘O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?’ Our loved ones who sleep in Jesus will come forth clothed with immortality.” — Ellen G. White, Counsels on Stewardship, p. 350.
Discussion Questions:
- Think about the reality of the great controversy. How do you see it being played out in the world? How about your own personal life? It’s very real, isn’t it? In fact, it’s more real than many people think, because many don’t believe in a literal devil. Why is understanding the reality of the great controversy so important in helping us to understand the state of our world? Also, why is our understanding of how this great controversy will end so comforting?
- Prophecy can be a distraction if we try to go beyond what is clearly revealed. How often have church members gotten in trouble, making predictions about events that didn’t come to pass or believing in others’ predictions that didn’t come to pass? How can we protect ourselves from falling into that kind of trap?
- In class, go over Revelation 14:9-11 and the question about those who worship the beast and his image not having rest. What might that mean?
- A controversial topic in the church has to do with what role we do or do not have in the timing of Christ’s return. Whatever position one takes on this, why is it still very important that we take an active role in spreading the message of His return to the world?
We have come to the last lesson in this series, "Rest in Christ". And now the time has come to get out of our easy chairs, looking out from our verandah view of the world on a warm sunny afternoon, wave the front door goodbye and go out into the world and put what we have learned into practice.
I watched the morning news while I was eating my Weetbix (prescribed Adventist food in Australia) for breakfast. We had an earthquake in Victoria (I felt it here 1000km away). There were anti-vaxxer riots in Melbourne. Australia has ditched its submarine contract with France and signed up for nuclear-powered submarines with the USA. China is aggressively taking over the South China Sea.
The news is disquieting and the temptation is to wring our hands and say that it is time for the Lord to come. Maybe it is, but more importantly, it is time to demonstrate the real meaning of "Rest in Christ". What have we learned during this study? Is it transmissible to others who do not know Jesus. Or have we just been over the "same old stuff"?
Jesus commented in John 14, the chapter on peace and hope:
... And after Jesus delivered that message of hope and peace, he went to the cross ... for us!
You have got the picture. Stay active in retirement and live longer.
God bless you!
P.S. We rejoice to have you continue to write daily to the SSNET blog for years to come. Hopefully cut short by the Lord's return. And they all said Amen!
As today's quote from Gospel Workers states "We all desire immediate and direct answers to our prayers, and are tempted to become discouraged when the answer is delayed or comes in an unlooked-for form." I can certainly relate to this. How about you?
Yet the quote also goes on to state that: "But God is too wise and good to answer our prayers always at just the time and in just the manner we desire. He will do more and better for us than to accomplish all our wishes." What could be "more and better" than having an important prayer answered quickly?
The next quote from Counsels on Stewardship states that when Jesus returns he will "give them (those who are saved) the finishing touch of immortality". If immortality is only "the finishing touch", what is it the finishing touch of?
Putting these thoughts together, what is the "more and better" thing that precedes the "finishing touch of immortality"? James 1:3-4 tells us that it is to our benefit when our faith is tested - or strained - such as when our prayers aren't immediately answered. Though not at all pleasant, repeated strain (provided it is not too much, hence 1 Corinthians 10:13) is unfortunately necessary in a sin-infected world to grow and develop capacity.
Have you ever really noticed Hebrews 5:8,9 before? Jesus learned obedience through what He suffered - and in doing so became 'perfect' (ie progressively greater maturity to eventual completeness of development). Wait a minute! Jesus, the Son of God/Man had to progressively develop stronger and stronger obedience through suffering? How come?
Character - all the inner attributes that make up a person's individuality - cannot be 'downloaded' into a human. Character must be developed and development only comes through practice across experience/s. And because we currently live within a sin-infected world, 'no pain no gain' is unfortunately truth.
If we don't know this, we will understandably feel disappointed when prayer is not answered in a way or a time that seems good in our eyes. But if we are aware of the reality of the necessity of growth and development, the like Paul we will be able to approach difficulty and even suffering with a different mindset:
So, when prayer seems unanswered, we can remind ourselves that the Holy Spirit is nevertheless right with us and will give us strength to endure in the waiting and uncertainty. Though unpleasant, we can also draw comfort from knowing that we are instead gaining something "more and better" than answered prayer - character that is capable of enduring. This is spiritual resilience.
Regarding the thought from GW, I have learned so much from the story of Joseph. What would have been the lad's obvious prayer from the pit where his own brothers had tossed him to die? We all know now, after the fact, that getting what HE wanted at that time would have been disaster for him and all his family, as well as many nations.
Can we trust God with our unknown outcomes of this present life? Will we be faithful in our pits of despair, unjust imprisonment, and tyranny of others in this sinful world? Don't we have a promised "expected end"(Jer 29:11)? Isn't our best prayer: "Thy will be done"?
Our Sovereign Creator and Lord has a perfect path laid out for each to follow. Sadly, Jesus taught that few are looking for it(Matt 7:7,14).
Yes, Joseph's experience is a good example of living faith and trust in "Thy will be done".
In reflecting upon Jospeh's experience in relation to what you have written, my mind also thought of Proverbs 3:5,6 as parallel with "Thy will be done":
This is the passage (Prov 3:5,6) which remains constant in my mind daily, for in it the promise we may claim is that "He will direct your path", after giving us the conditions for its fulfillment: our perfect trust and obedience to what He has already shown us thus far. This principle is also found in Amos 3:3
Is it possible for God to lead any if they are not following in perfect agreement? Joseph remained in perfect agreement and look where God led him from the pit, to Potiphar, through prison, and finally to the palace, and reunion with his father and entire family. God was(is) leading at every step.
I just finished re-listening to an updated version of the hymn Be Still My Soul by Kari Jobe (called Be Still My Soul - In you I rest). The words hit me as an excellent summary of this quarter's lessons:
For those who want a more immersive experience of these words, you can listen to this song on YouTube. Search for "Be still my soul (In you I rest), Kari Jobe".
Inspired by yesterday's study:
Of course Phillipians 4:4-6, is such a wonderful text one of my favorites and my wife's also. Not only are we to rejoice in the Lord, which gives us tremendous rest in Christ, we are to squelch our anxiety with prayer and supplication. As we have found, the counsel(of today's
lesson) is also to pray with the Lords will in mind, thus we find even more rest as we pray for others.
Apropos to the week and today, it is also important to rejoice in the imminent return of Christ.
Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.”
Revelation 19:7 NKJV
Let us put into practice what we have learned and relearned this quarter, so that we may be a part of 'her', not only in name but also doers of the word, that we may have a rightfull claim(reason to rejoice)to the fine linen, bright and clean. Wow John did not leave us hanging, "for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints."
Revelation 19:8.
For the sceptic: I am willfully working for my Master, not for my salvation, my salvation was obtained on the Cross by Christ. Colossians 1:21-22. What is synonymous with reconciliation to God? Why of course salvation.
I have not personally heard of any controversy over our role in the present delay of Christ's return in the clouds of glory. Isn't this matter settled unequivocally in Rev 7:3? In this passage the command to hold back the winds until the servants of God are sealed is unmistakable in its meaning. This chapter proceeds to reveal the experience of those who are sealed, which is worthy of our prayerfully study.
While I have not heard any controversy over this topic, I have observed that many believe we are just here, ready and waiting for Jesus to return and save us from all the trouble which seem to be increasing upon this earth, while enjoying the same worldly pleasures of those who are not looking for Jesus to come, and would rather He hold off for a while. Sadly, I have been told this.
I wonder how many fellow contributors to the blog actually read all the contributions of their fellow contributors. I do, and I can tell that we all have our own, personal prism through which we look when responding to the lessons provided.
It is interesting to me to find so many different lesson-points highlighted by the individual contributors; all shared to help each other learn from the contributor's point of view.
I certainly hope that, as we read and contemplate each other's contributions, we will learn to appreciate, respect, and love each other as members of the family of God.
In retrospect of this past weeks lessons, I want to again emphasize the importance of keeping our eyes focused on Christ Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Only by resting in Him by faith can we experience the Rest which is available to all who live in/through/by Him.
'God's LOVE' - Believing - equals Understanding - equals Faith - equals Trust - equals Rest - equals Peace - equals LOVE!
Focusing on: 'rejoicing, in the Lord - being always grateful' and 'experiencing the Peace of God' are directly linked - I think they are one and the same!
I agree, Brigitte, the various perspectives of the daily contributors help me have a much broader view of the study topic. Sometimes I learn more from the comments than I do from the presentation, even! This is the reason I prefer to use the online format instead of the book; with the book, at most I'll receive the benefit of input from my local Sabbath school class, whereas here I have the blessings of many more thoughts to ponder. I appreciate each contribution, as they all help me to learn and grow in Christ.
As I reviewed this quarter’s study what came to mind was “O rest in the Lord “ adapted from psalm 37 in Mendelssohn’ s. Elijah. I came aware that one may lose his rest in Christ ( Joshua 21:44& 1kings 8:56 but if he comes running to Jesus he will get rest. Isa. 30:15. What a loving Saviour !!