HomeDailyFriday: Further Study: Blessings of the Righteous    


Friday: Further Study: Blessings of the Righteous — 3 Comments

  1. What influences my decisions? The impact on others? The consequences?
    I believe that the result of my decisions absolutely do have an impact on those within my influence circle, some more than others.
    I know that my decisions will have consequences in this world and the world to come, some good and some bad.
    But neither the impact nor the consequences should be the major influence on my decisions. The major influence on my decisions?
    Is this in harmony with the will of the LORD for my life? or in other words my relationship with the LORD determines who I am which is reflected in what I do and say.
    In practical terms fill my mind with the knowledge of the character of the LORD, fill my heart with the love of the LORD and put a watch on my lips and walk in the paths of righteousness continually.

    • Shirley,
      Fine comment.

      Sometimes in calculating impact and consequences based on common reasoning parents decide only to affirm or feed with pleasantries the mind of their children in an attempt to build self-esteem. They decline to restrain for this will attack self-esteem. This they understand to be acting kindly; but the result does not tend to godliness.

      Children of God sometimes expect the same from their Heavenly Father and His messengers and will not listen to anything that challenges the conduct or appears to attack self-esteem. So feeling good is set above God's will. It is at this point mere assent to truth or profession of faith amounts to little. For unless there is submission to the Creator one is only living for time; not eternity.

      When pleasing our Maker is our highest thought we may still make mistakes; but they are not likely to have eternal consequences.

      • Hugh, in context of the next week's lesson, we do well to do as you suggest and point out those things which challenge wrong conduct. Self, in self-esteem, is often blind to the things of God. And, too often, "self-esteem" is a cover for self-worship. On the other hand, self-worth is seen in the value Christ paid for each one of us on the Cross, and He, the Omniscient One, is the only One worthy of our worship.


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