Friday: Further Study: The Law of God and the Law of Christ
Further Study: Read Ellen G. White, Church Discipline
p. 260-264;
pp. 260-266, in Testimonies for the Church, vol. 7.Consider One Another,
Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Here, again, our duty is plainly set before us. How can the professed followers of Christ so lightly regard these inspired injunctions? . . .
We know but little of our own hearts, and have but little sense of our own need of the mercy of God. This is why we cherish so little of that sweet compassion which Jesus manifests toward us, and which we should manifest toward one another. We should remember that our brethren are weak, erring mortals, like ourselves. Suppose that a brother has through unwatchfulness been over-borne by temptation, and contrary to his general conduct has committed some error; what course shall be pursued toward him? We learn from Bible history that men whom God had used to do a great and good work committed grave sins. The Lord did not pass these by unrebuked, neither did he cast off his servants. When they repented, he graciously forgave them, and revealed to them his presence, and wrought through them. Let poor, weak mortals consider how great is their own need of pity and forbearance from God and from their brethren. Let them beware how they judge and condemn others.
-Ellen G. White, The Signs of the Times, January 25, 1883.
Discussion Questions:
- Reflect on the above paragraph from Signs of the Times. Why is it so important that we bestow grace on those who fall into sin?
- Think about some well-known Bible characters who fell into sin, whom God was yet able to forgive and continue to use. What important lesson is there for us in these examples?
- In what ways can we enforce church discipline while at the same time showing grace and mercy toward those among us who fall into sin? Why should we see the two concepts, discipline and grace, as not being in contradiction with each other?

Friday: Further Study: The Law of God and the Law of Christ — No Comments
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