Friday: Further Thought – Restoration in All Things
See other passages on restoring God’s image: Romans 8:29, Colossians 1:15, Colossians 3:9-11, 2 Corinthians 3:18, 2 Corinthians 5:17. Read Ellen G. White, “The Creation,” “The Temptation and Fall,” and “The Plan of Redemption,” pp. 44-70, in Patriarchs and Prophets.
As a people, we have been called by God to work for others, for the good of others, to seek to point others to the promises of hope and restoration that we have been given in Jesus. There are different ways the Lord can work through us to do this. Some churches provide physical restoration to the people in their community with health programs and services. Also, the church’s system of hospitals and clinics works toward this same goal. Mental restoration and enrichment can take place through classes that equip community members to meet their life needs. Churches may also establish or improve local schools, teach job skills, provide literacy education, tutoring, mentoring, and psychological counseling, et cetera. As they continue their quest for restoration and an abundant life, many people in the community will realize that they need spiritual and moral restoration, too, even though they didn’t originally think so. In fact, this is a key facet of restoration to God’s image (see Eph. 4:22-24). The church is uniquely positioned and equipped to meet these spiritual needs, better than any secular social or health organization.
Discussion Questions:
The fruits of the spirit.
These are the ways I can think of to answering all the questions for today's questions.
Any thoughts, comments?
This is only one question #2 in the discussion questions. It has to do with full restoration can only come after Jesus returns. This is what I have been saying for the past week. I do not see a long term achievable goal by our efforts, as a success.
Great questions for the 3rd set.
"Discuss the idea of what it means to start being restored into God’s image now. How does that work? How can we know if we are making progress? Why must we have a clear picture of God in order for that restoration to happen? How can we learn not to give up in discouragement if we don’t see the progress that we think we ought to have?"
Question for the question...
What does "clear picture of God" mean?
One of the thing that doesn't help us at all to keep making progress is when we continue to sin no matter how small it is, sin freezes our spirit desires and warm the flesh ones, so if we feel that we aren't making process it'd be that sin is surrounding us, that God can help us to overcome sin.
I love to study the Sabbath School Lesson daily & when illness prevents me from going to church & get my new quarterly, you are there.....right AT my fingertips....right on my phone!
Thank you for being here!
God Bless!
I agree that indeed the church should be a place where a person could be tought to see his conditions according to Gods will.A church should be a place where people should learn how they suppose to treat each other according to Jesus commandment. Eph4 verse 29-32 ;Exodus 20 verse 1-17.
God be blessed for this week's lesson that has revealed much of His mercifulness and His unwavering eternal love through the great plan of Salvation. Amen.
Happy Sabbath Day Folks!
My church has an evening institute for which they charge a very small fee to offer secondary level education. Many non-adventists have accepted Jesus through this program. We also organized Sports Days during which we play with community members.
Our pastor even sat on the community wall at one point and reasoned with the young men there. He even told the community members that he is offering himself as their pastor. Many persons came into our church without a spoken sermon. The living sermons worked and are working. Just adding to the encouragement. Happy Sabbath.
It is good if a church has outreach, but each member must be a servant of God in their daily life. Too easy to leave the work to those we feel more qualified than ourselves. God will enable every willing soul. Only Servants of God will be sealed.
In THIS life restoration is vital in order to have a sound mind and able to comprehend the knowledge of God. Full restoration will come, but not to any who neglect the work appointed for this life.
Jesus said; “take my yoke upon you and learn of me...”. He also prayed that knowing God and His Son Jesus will bring eternal life. It would seem we can only be restored through the knowledge of God which is given in His world. As our daily bread, we must partake of this Word for the very life of our soul. We need not focus on our idea of progress, but live in faith and by every word God lays before us. The good seed will produce results in good soil.