Monday: The Generous Provider
Genesis 1:29, 30 show that when God first created living creatures, He provided
food for them. Herbs, fruits, and seeds were the food chosen for both humans and animals. Nothing is said of predation or competition for resources. The generous Provider made plenty of food for everyone to partake in without any need for violence.
What a contrast to the common models for existence proposed by evolutionary theory, which teaches that human life, indeed all life, exists only through a violent process of predation and survival of the fittest. The early chapters of Genesis know nothing about that. On the contrary, they reveal a world that was, literally, a paradise from the beginning. That’s why when the Lord had finished creating it, the Bible records these words: “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day” (Gen. 1:31).
Read Genesis 2:8-9. What does this passage indicate about God’s special interest in providing for Adam and Eve?
We already noted that God had provided food for all His creatures, including humans. Now we see God as going a step farther. Not only does He provide food in abundance throughout the earth, but He has prepared a special Garden for Adam and Eve, with trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food (see Gen. 2:9). The Garden, with its beauty and its variety of food, was a provision of God’s extravagant love and grace. It was a gift of grace because Adam and Eve had done nothing to earn it, but it was freely offered and abundantly furnished.
As stated in an earlier lesson, we are far removed from the original Creation. Ours is a greatly damaged world. Nothing on the earth, it seems, has been spared either. Yet, even amid the damage, powerful evidence of God’s love exists.
“Nature is a power, but the God of nature is unlimited in power. His works interpret his character. Those who judge him from his handiworks, and not from the suppositions of great men, will see his presence in everything.”-Ellen G. White, The Signs of the Times, March 13, 1884. Look at nature; in what ways do we see “his presence in everything”?

The bible creation clearly shows that God created the universe in an orderly way, he put life on earth, and provide all the basic needs of life. Our God is a God of love, he cares for His creation, for us. Lets praise Him for everythng.
Our God is an awesome God. Even after the fall we still witness God's power or grace just by seing a planted seed spout out of the soil.We can never understand what really happens under the ground but we thank God for such miracles.
Many a time we are puzzled and perplexed with the workings of the Provider. We are left wondering whether the Lord will indeed provide for our needs. In the grand finality, when we look back, we will surely acknowledge the providence of the Lord. If we can thank him for the past providence, we can safely trust that he would provide for our needs in the future. We need to trust that the God of the day is still God in the night and when he takes us to the edge of the valley, its either he will teach us how to fly or he will hold us by his had. The bottom line is he still provides and in abundance.
Even after sin, 'our greatly damaged world' continues to show bounties of God's provision for his children. I experience these blessings in my personal life. Without a doubt, God is good all the time! However, it is evident that there are many areas in the world where people have to struggle to earn the basic life needs, food, water, shelter etc. I am sure that sin has provoked the disparity but I am struggling with the understanding of how it has become that way. Could it be because of the exercise of our free will, our choices? or curses that have been inherited. a child born in a resource-poor area is not left with much choice. I would love to read a few clarifying thoughts form you. Thanks
Psalms 37:25 says, I have never seen the godly abandoned nor their children begging for bread. This could mean the disparity is the result of a curse, which is even more reason for us to share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that they may know of Him and share in His tremendous abundance.
I think we need to keep in mind that when Adam and Eve sinned they transferred their dominion over to a new leader. Even though God holds Satan in check there are ways the devil can get around some of God's prohibitions.
If it were up to Satan he would have destroyed all the birds long ago because they speak to us of freedom. He would also have destroyed all the flowers in one way or another because they testify to God's love and care for us. If it were in Satan's power to totally control this world it would be the most depressingly impossible place to live. All we would have is desaturated monotone colors, disgusting smells, and annoying sounds.
In my opinion to a great degree, what the cities have become is what Satan would like to turn this planet into - brick and concrete littered with trash and no hint of God in the universe. And I haven't even touched on what Satan does with lifestyle choices and diseases.
John 9 says
1 Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. 2 And His disciples asked Him, saying, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
3 Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him. 4 I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is dday; the night is coming when no one can work. 5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”
I read recently that one child dies from starvation ~ every 5 seconds. It saddens me to see how easily we dismiss these terrible things and, because death is so pervasive in our world, we become numb and unresponsive to it. These children don’t “deserve” their premature deaths any more than we “deserve” our abundant lives. Some questions like these cannot be answered with our limited human minds but I have no doubt that when our Creator answers them in heaven, His answers will make perfect sense and will demonstrate His perfect justice and unfailing love.
The harmony, peace, I mean good living of all the creation depends on their conformity with the law of God. It is the law of love, the restraints of a loving Father, the foundation and source of peace, God can do nothing to prevent the results of its transgression other than to eliminate the orignator of sins and his followers, but before then....
As parents sustain and care for their children with tender passionate love, so God cares for us. Yet the care portrayed by our earthly parents falls short in illustrating God's great love for us. Though our earthly parents may not say it verbally, there comes a time when the parent will be expressing the sentiment; 'My child, you are now old enough, its now high time you started looking out (caring) for yourself'. This would be a polite way of saying, 'Son/Daughter its time for you to move out!'. In contrast to the earthly parent, God will always be there for us as our Sustainer and Provider. God has said in His Word,"Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!"-Isaiah49v15.
Louisdon, sin has truly damaged mans concern for his fellow man. We are too busy trying to achieve riches to live easy lives as did Pharoh in bible times. When we learn how to love each other, care about each other, and follow Jesus's example of all men being our brothers, people will starve, live without shelter and die of diseases due to lack of medical attention. Remember the rich young ruler who was told to give all away he possessed and follow Jesus? He walked away sad because he felt he would be giving up too much. The love of money is truly the route of all evil. God is a generous provider of what we need, mans problem thru sin is placing wants above needs and then getting angry at God for not providing something that could take our focus away from the creator and place it on the created. When we take our focus off of self and place it on sharing Gods love to the world, our wants change and only then can the world change.
God, provider, father, lifegiver, sustainer redeemer, protector, counsellor and friend. He is wonderful. All I can do today is praise His holy name.
Bavi Guye. Thanks for enlightening comments. Even after sin, there remain patches of rich areas and patches of poor areas. However, those who find themselves placed in rich areas tend to be more and more greed. I believe the world as it is today and its knowledge levels, it has enough food for all people alive. If all food thrown away in bins was counted, it will be enough to feed those skinny people in poorer areas.But hey! The human mind is full of fear and hence evil. We pray that God could reclaim his world now.
Carnal mind is always and will be with the Will of God. If indeed we crucify self, this world will be a better place at least for now before we go Home.
We need to cultivate the spirit of love within ourselves. Love is the basis of the foundation of God's Kingdom. If love as God Loves, There will be indeed enough for all to share. God, being a generous Giver, did not aportion sections for more or less. His love for humnity is equall to every being created after His Likeness.Love transcends all borders of ethnicity, groups, colour, creed, language etc. As His ambassadors, we need to have this kind of love. Moreover, we are saved to save other. What more can offer to the underprivilaged if we do not put this love into action?
Why did God provide the life of plant kingdom to be eaten by animal kingdom, yet could make them also make their own food or feed them manna without killing other life?
I have failed to read the lesson for this week but I am glad I found this web page thank you
We may say that we have kind,generous,loving and a friend who is there by my side always but No friend can ever replace the love of God.God's love has power. A power that has more strength that anything else in this world.May we encourage each other in the word of God in prayer and with that we will always be firm in God.God bless you brethrens.