Thursday: God’s Answer to Injustice
Read Nahum 1-3.
![Image © Janet Hyun from](
Image © Janet Hyun from
What verses especially teach us about the character of God? How can we apply what is seen here to our understanding of last-day events?
The prophecy of Nahum is God’s Word against the kingdoms of this world as represented by Nineveh. As the prophet looked at his world, he saw the hand of God moving against the Assyrian Empire. He announced that its capital city, Nineveh, would soon fall, never to rise again. Nahum spoke with absolute confidence because he knew God’s character and, through the gift of prophecy (Nah. 1:1), he had been shown by the Lord what would happen. The Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished (Nah. 1:3, Exod. 34:6-7).
The Assyrians had plundered many nations and had an insatiable lust for power. Their cruelty was notorious. As God’s “razor” (Isa. 7:20), they eagerly had shorn their neighbors. Now it was time for the razor to be broken. Instruments of God’s judgment are not exempt from judgment. Nineveh exists no more, but the prophetic testimony lives on. It reminds us that though God’s justice seems slow, nothing ultimately can stop it.
As we have seen in an earlier lesson, years before Nahum’s time, the Ninevites, having heard Jonah’s preaching, had repented, and God had spared their city. But the repentance had not lasted; the people returned to their old ways. Many countries that had suffered under its oppressive yoke would greet the news of Nineveh’s fall with thunderous applause. A messenger will come to bring good news (Isa. 52:7) that the power of Assyria is broken, with its gods. God’s people will again be able to worship in peace (Nah. 1:15).
As great as the Lord’s anger is, more tender is His mercy. He protects those who await the fullness of His goodness. Nahum teaches that God cares for those who trust in Him, but that with an overwhelming flood He will pursue His enemies into darkness (Nah. 1:8). God was behind it all, for He had determined that Nineveh’s day of judgment had come.
The prophet shows that God has awesome power. All creation trembles before Him. He does not tolerate sin forever. At the same time, He is the Savior of those who trust in Him. There is no middle ground. We are on one side or the other. “‘He who is not with Me,” Jesus said, “is against Me’” (Matt. 12:30, NKJV).
We thank God for we have access to such great information. Yes, He is the Creator and the prophet has made perfectly clear, that He will forver be a Supreme being. I think we are also being taught that we should never forget His position in our lives, that He should come first. "...clouds are like dust to His feet..."Holy,High,Mighty is our God and Sacred is His law. The best thing is for humanity to stick to such unfailing love.
What a message to us today! That judgement is imminent, that though it may seem slow to come it will surely come.
The wicked will face the full wrath of God's judgement but the righteous will enjoy the blessings kept for them from the beginning of the world. Today and now in the time of deep soul-searching. Let's pray as if our lives were at stake, for surely they are if we've not made our minds to be for Christ....
By nature, man delights in oppressing others. Unfortunately, they are ready to be oppressed. May God's spirit touch us so that we can humble ourselves before God does it.
"I will not treat the remnant of this people as in the former days." ..."The vine shall give its fruit, the ground shall give her increase, and the heavens shall give their dew. I will cause the remnant of this people to possess all these things." I will save you and you shall be a blessing... The inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying, let us continue to go and pray before the Lord, and seek the Lord of hosts, I myself will go also."...Zechariah 8:11,12,13, 21. Wounderful promises.
He certainly is the Saviour of those who trust in Him.
This message from this week study want us to prepare for God's great day