Wednesday: Governing a Damaged Creation
Read Matthew 5:45 and Psalm 65:9-10. How does God act in the creation in order to maintain the creatures that He created? What does this tell us about God’s interest in the created world?

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We are familiar with sunshine and rain, and scientists have provided explanations for the processes involved in each. Yet, there is more to the story than science can tell. Behind the scenes, God is actively providing for the necessities of His creatures. We may not understand His ways, but we know He is in control. Just as a skilled musician may play an instrument to produce music so beautiful that one’s attention is focused on the music rather than on the musician, so God orders the Creation so that we often see the order and are impressed with the majesty of the Creation. At the same time we may not recognize that God is behind the scenes, ordering events according to His will and intending that all things will eventually work together for the good of those who love Him (Rom. 8:28).
What similar phenomenon is noted in the following texts? Gen. 8:1, Exod. 10:13, Num. 11:31.
Wind is a common event, and we generally understand what causes it. But in these texts, the winds occur in special circumstances. We might call them “providential winds.” They occur at specific times and places and accomplish specific purposes. Though they may appear “natural,” there is an unseen Cause working out the purposes of His own will, using features of the world that He created to accomplish His own purposes.
In 2 Kings 20:9-11, we see one of the most unusual miracles of the entire Bible. The relationship of sun and earth and day-length seems like one of the most stable and predictable features of human experience. Imagine the reaction of today’s scientific community if a similar event should occur in our day. Yet, we must ask, “Is any thing too hard for the Lord?” (Gen. 18:14). What this miracle and others should tell us is that there is much about the creation, and God’s actions in His creation, that is way beyond our understanding. That’s why it’s so crucial that we come to a personal knowledge of God and know for ourselves the reality of His love. That way, we learn to trust Him despite all that we don’t understand.

I think we have to be careful that we don't attribute all natural phenomenon to God. For instance considering the wind that the lesson brings out; it is clear that God was the one that did those things but what about the time Jesus and His disciples were in a boat and a wind came up (Lk 8:22-24). Would Jesus rebuke what the Father caused? To me the only reasonable explanation would be that Satan caused the wind in an attempt to destroy and annoy Jesus and His people.
Certainly God doesn't create wave after wave of destructive forces such as cyclones and tornadoes that kill and devastate so much, "for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust" (Matt. 5:45 NKJV) and "God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them" (2 Co. 5:19 NKJV). "For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved" (Jn. 3:17 NKJV). "And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world" (1 Jn. 2:2 NKJV).
Of all beings, certainly the devil is the wolf disguised in sheep's clothing (1 Cor 11:14) for, "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" (Jn. 10:10 NKJV).
that's kinda inconsistent. How is it that the Bible says that God is actively involved with nature, especially in relationship with provision and care. But when cotastrophies happen we attribute it to Satan? Is this like a dug-of-war between God and satan in natures play?
Marcos, I think the idea that Satan causes destruction can easily be obtained though the story of Job. The first chapter of the book gives the background to what happened to Job and why it occurred even though he didn't realize it at the time.
What happened after that is documented in the rest of the chapter. Then in Chapter two Satan has another discussion with the Lord:
So who was doing what? Also please notice that it was Satan that suggested to the Lord, "stretch out Your hand and touch all that he has" and "stretch out Your hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh" however, what the Lord did was to gave Satan permission to do what he wanted and set limits on the extent to what he could do. This same kind of thing Satan has continually done since the day he told the pack of lies about God in the garden of Eden (Gen 3:4-5). Always a lie, "God did it - not me" or one by insinuation and in turn humanity has used an amazing amount of scripture to prove one way or another that Satan is really the good guy and that God is the nasty one who makes life miserable.
My thought is that God allows Satan certain liberties for evil (for He could surely stop Satan), but that Romans 8:28 still applies "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."
Nothing can happen in any part of the universe without the knowledge of Him who is omnipresent. Not a single event of human life is unknown to our Maker. While Satan is constantly devising evil, the Lord our God overrules all, so that it will not harm His obedient, trusting children. The same power that controls the boisterous waves of the ocean can hold in check all the power of rebellion and of crime. God says to one as to the other, “Thus far shalt thou go, and no farther.” EGW: The Faith I Live By, Page 61
yes it is clear it is God who has done all and it is by him all stand even the winds as the lesson and scripture bring to the comment earlier let us not forget that even the evil one was created by God, perfect and whole but later chose sin over righteousnes.Satan creates nothing but abuses that which God has put in place.if a mother buys a kitchen knife and the son stabs a friend with the knife who bought the knife?the mother bought the knife but the son abused its function.that is what the devil does with God's creation.all was created to work for good but the evil one has turned all for evil and unruly.he has abused all even himself, he was made perfect and never to die but because he loved sin, he is a victim of his desire.even that wind that day as Jesus and his disciples were in a boat, the devil abused to foster his own concept and will.
I am thankful because I know from the Bible and my own life that God is all powerful and He really is to be trusted. I am so glad that I do not have to understand everything. Still, I agree about the elements being implemented by the Devil and blamed on God. I wish people understood that God sometimes allows destruction for a greater good we do not know, but He is not usually the one who brings it.
I have a question that bothers me, how about the physically challenged people born that way. did Satan have a hand in that?
Once Adam and Eve sinned, the entire creation became cursed. This curse has been pronounced on humanity, the animals and on the non-living elements. The hurricanes, cyclones etc, I believe are 'accidents' of nature that have been allowed to occur because of the curse of sin. God can certainly hold the earth, the wind and the waters if He chooses to do so at his own will even after the creation has been damaged. Likewise, I believe that some of us are born physically challenged because of biological 'accidents'. There are thousands of processes that take place during conception through birth and we humans (science) have only begun to understand those as we call it, embryology. To answer your question, yes, Satan had a hand in the original sin that produced this curse on the creation, perhaps indirectly. Now, because of the plan of redemption, let us hold to the hope that all of these defects and challenges will be restored to perfection when Jesus comes for the second time for an eternal restoration.
if people are born physically challenged because of "biological accidents" than how do you explain the verse in psalms that says we were "fearfully and wonderfully made" and that our "substance was not heed from God" when we were in our mothers' womb?
Even though we are made imperfect, we are wonderful creatures and the human mind with all the science that it advances has yet to decipher the intricacies and wonders of the human body and its functions...Just think about the brain with its billions of neurons (cells). From the time God pronounced the sentence "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children..." (Gen 3:16) we have all become prone to "biological accidents", mutations, infections, and other birth defects. Let us not dwell on the present. There is hope for complete restoration. So, this mortal body shall become incorruptible. 1 Cor 15:52. "in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed."
All things were created by Him and for Him and without Him nothing was made. That sums everything. However, I agree with Tyler on the notion that Jesus would not rebuke what the father would have caused- if it is like that then we might as well argue and say there is no unity of purpose between Jesus and the Father but this is contrary because Jesus said when he prayed for his disciples " I pray that they may be one just like I am in you and You in me so that the world might believe that you sent me". Saints, we also need to note what EG White says in the Great Controversy on pg 589-590 - paraphrased - the devil is capable and has been very instrumental in manipulating God's creation and causeth tornadoes, earthquakes, floods etc to bring delusion on God's creatures. Thus said, we see the devil trying to using anything possible to sway God's children from following after him. Such is the devil's most deceptive weapon - that of creating doubt in the minds of Christians. However, we need to realize that yet a little while, we need to keep on hoping even when all seems to be against that hope because the darkest hour is before dawn. Tie a knot and hang on dear brethren for the tribulations that we face today are just but like an incubator waiting to hatch a miracle. We will ask Job how he overcame the same stubborn and subtle temptations from the architect of sins.
On December 2, 1979 a lady jumped from the 86th floor of the Empire State Building in New York City, in an attempt to commit suicide. A gust of wind blew her threw a window and back inside the 85th floor where she sustained a broken hip. I believe that gust of wind was another phenomenon of God!
Marcos, good question. I am chronically ill and I know that even though I was born with the weaknesses that make me so ill every day today. I still know I was "fearfully, and wonderfully made." The human body even with its imperfections is incredible. Additionally, I have come to see that pain and suffering are gifts that God can use for much good. God really does bring good out of everything in our lives if we choose to seek Him first.
thank you for you comment. I can grasp what you said and it makes sense. God made water and wind. Satan with God's permission made the hurricane. God sends His angels to protect as He wills. God does not want anyone lost but all to come to repentance and be saved.
I know I will never understand everything about God on this side of heaven. While there is sufficient evidence in nature to prove a lot of things about God, I know there are some things I must accept by faith. One thing I have come to realize though is that Satan continues to use his greatest weapon, that of deception. He aims at planting doubt in our minds. Let us guard ourselves against his deceptions.