Monday: Hope of Victory
Not only is the stage set for the possibility of the Christian’s victory over evil forces, the Bible explicitly gives us the hope of victory over them.

Image © Janet Hyun from
Study Romans 8:26-39. What point is Paul trying to make here? What reasons does Paul give for the Christian to look confidently to the future? Look at all the wonderful promises and words of encouragement found in these verses. Again, how can we take them beyond theology, beyond something that sounds nice, and live according to the clear teachings of the Word of God presented here?
Romans 8:29-30 has been a battleground for discussions on predestination. But the passage really occurs in the context of a great promise. Paul gives at least two solid reasons for the Christian to be confident in the Lord. First, the Spirit helps us in our trials and “groanings.” Second, according to God’s eternal purpose, all things, including trials, contribute to the Christian’s ultimate welfare (no matter how hard that might be to see at this present time). Trusting God in difficulties is, indeed, a crucial component of what it means to live by faith and not by sight.
Verses 29, 30 are Paul’s way of justifying the confidence expressed in verse 28. In these verses he shows how God’s purpose for those who love Him is developed, a purpose that includes all the processes of salvation.
How does Paul’s argument for boosting the confidence of the Christian reach a pinnacle in verses 31-34? Look especially at verse 31. In the context of the great controversy, what can we take from this verse for ourselves, personally?
Romans 8:35-39 gives an array of entities over which the Christian can be victorious. Notice that “principalities and powers” are included in the list. The sheer inclusiveness of Paul’s list points out that there is nothing in the universe over which the Christian cannot be victorious, thanks to Jesus.

As apart of the Great Controversy, daily am I in need of of His Grace. I fall upon God moment by moment. Prayers are offered in faith that they are heard. The Spirit of God searchs my heart, and God searches the mind of the Spirit to know the depths of my groanings and to make perfect the prayer of repentance, the prayer of dependence, the prayer of hope, with words and supplications that reflect those desires as a sweet savour of sacrifce unto the Father. This being realized by myself, through faith then am I victorious, that the prayer is heard and the will of God is expressed through its reception, I am confident and have the hope of victory, that the petitions are in fulfillment of the promises of God.
What a powerful declaration of hope! It's easy to run over these verses and move on with life, as though crossing speed bumps. If we could slow down and really absorb the power of this message, we would be walking on air, as it were. God did not spare His own; freely give us all things; It is God who justifies; makes intercession for us; nothing can separate us from God's love; more than conquerers. All these possess fear-shattering potential, if we would keep them in our hearts. Praise God! Amen!
Bill: that was absolutely beautifully expressed. I will keep that in my heart all day to give me strength against the powers of darkness manifested thru man.
I am sorry but I don't understand why the title for Monday's lesson is "Hope of Victory" when there is not one verse in the lesson that uses the word "hope." It speaks about why we should have it but not of it.
To me the lesson should have started with Rom 8:22-25 where the word shows up five times:
Verse 24 particularly is almost a quote from Heb 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (NKJV). It is the good things that we do not now have that we hope for. That is the faith we have in God - the promises he has given us (2 Pet 1:4) that even though currently we can't see the victory in own lives it is promised to us by one who can do all things.
Several months ago at the Loma Linda University Church the well known theologian Ivan Blazen had the Sabbath school lesson in the main church sanctuary. One of the things he mentioned was another rather well known theologian and teacher, the late, Malcolm Maxwell. He told us that the last time he met him was at a social gathering. At that stage of Malcolm's life he had become almost totally crippled up and could barely walk up stairs. Ivan asked him what kept him going. His reply was, "hope."
I suspect that what he said was not a present hope for a temporary cure but one similar to what Abraham looked forward to, "for he waited for the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God (Heb. 11:10 NKJV). A place where life is what it should be, one without sin and the effects of it.
Trusting God in difficulties is, indeed, a crucial component of what it means to live by faith. God calls that come unto me yea that are heavy leaden, and I shall give u rest. The is no one that can give love of this kind, a great misty that we shall indeed learn in HEAVEN.
The Victory has been obtained we need merely to take hold of it. Easy to say hard to do.
Victory is real. We need not focus upon the wrong targets so as to b victors. Our target s de devil n if we fight through the blood of Jesus we will be mo dan conquerers.
Look upon Jesus sinless is He. He remove our filthy-sinful rags and covers us with His hands. What a wonderful Saviour.