HopeSS: The Holy Spirit, the Word, and Prayer
You can view an in-depth discussion of “The Holy Spirit, the Word, and Prayer” in the Hope Sabbath School class led by Pastor Derek Morris. (Adobe Flash Player version.) A Youtube version of this week’s lesson at Hope Sabbath School is below.
You can download the video, the MP3 audio, and the lesson outline from the HopeTV Sabbath School Site. You might also want to bookmark the HopeSS YouTube Channel.
Click Here to Watch.

Where's Nathan and his wife? Miss them on Hope Sabbath School!
Hi Larry,
Nathan, Missy and their family have moved to Texas to pastor the Fort Worth First church. This means we won't see them on a regular basis. The good news is that they might be able to visit and participate in a filming sometime in the future so keep watching to see if they show up. If you want to stay connected with their ministry you can go to the website for Nathan's church
http://www.fwfirst.org. We all miss them very much as well and pray God blesses them on this new journey.
God bless you and thanks for watching!
We certainly miss them! God be with them n their ministry.