HomeBeliefs About LivingChristian Behavior - Fundamental Belief 22How to Become a Persecutor    


How to Become a Persecutor — 9 Comments

  1. This is such a well written and insightful article! Thank you so much.
    I recognize my own propensity to sweep a group of people with the judgment I make about a situation. How easily I have comfortably and unconsciously fallen into that same behavior, yet recognized clearly when it is directed at me.

    While I am not personally persecuted in my job or my community over religious beliefs, within my home, I have been persecuted for many years; mainly over Sabbath keeping and Adventism.

    I had not ever considered that the 'judgment' that I have been subjected to shifted from information to me as an individual but that is exactly the experience.

    I believe that it is my family member's war with the Holy Spirit and not me or Sabbath, or Adventism that is the root of the controversy. It is however still difficult to remain Christ-like in patience, tolerance, love, and forgiveness when the relentless 'judgments' condemn ME.

    Recognizing that I too need forgiveness for the behavior reminds me to be forgiving!
    Thank you again for this article. I have been blessed and encouraged anew.

  2. Also, when we fail to understand the character of God in the Great Controversy, we become like the false god we worship--one who brooks no opposition.
    That is when we begin to imagine we can "clean up" God's church.

    Look at John Calvin, his view of God and how he eventually treated Servetus.

    • Thanks for that example, Andrew. As George Santayana said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

  3. Today, I am blessed to be able to worship as I please, and serve the Master. What about tomorrow? I do believe the time will come in America when people will throw every kind of situations at you. It's happening in other places, so it can happen here.

  4. I am a very backslidden alcoholic . I don't even dare to call myself Christian. I'm only 60. One would think I would know better. I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ but I'm ashamed of myself! I'm homeless on the streets and simply tired of a wasted life. I was once even kicked out of a "Sober Living Environment" because of my Sabbatarian belief. Yet I can't blame anyone....for my sins surely have found me out. I think I'm becoming quite agnostic...I simply don't know. I hate it when man plays GOD. Yet am I not guilty too?

    • Hi John, I hope you stick around the library long enough to read this. I believe God is trying to get your attention. You did not happen on this site by accident.

      I'm glad you say you are "only 60." So you realize you have some possibly productive years ahead of you if you will surrender your life to Christ.

      But you need to be more than "ashamed." Alcoholics Anonymous has several things right, and the first is that it is absolutely necessary to admit you are helpless. That applies to sobering up and staying sober and to being a Christian.

      As long as you are holding on to intellectual arguments that move you in the direction of "becoming quite agnostic," God cannot help you. Christ came to call sinners to repentance, and unless and until you recognize yourself as a helpless, incorrigible sinner, God Himself cannot deliver you from the chains with which you have bound yourself.

      By what you write, you appear to know the basics. So stop feeling sorry for yourself and, instead, give up on yourself: Throw yourself on the mercy of an all-pardoning Savior. He will not turn you away. Give Him your heart and your life, and put yourself at His disposal, to do as He tells you - both in His Word and through the voice of the Holy Spirit who may ask you to do things you don't want to do. Just believe that He will never lead you in a way that you would not choose for yourself if you knew the end from the beginning and could discern the glory of His purpose for you. You may not have the strength, but by surrendering yourself to Him, you align yourself with One who has the all the power of the universe at His command. You have no strength, but He will give you all the strength you need to surrender and to obey.

      Repent/ turn around now! Christ still has a life for you to live. Do not hesitate, because you are on the very edge of turning away from the Holy Spirit, as is evident by your "agnostic" remark. Repent now so you can "taste and see that the Lord is good." He is waiting for you to turn to Him. Will you do it? Now?

    • John, thank you for your honesty. I do not claim to have the answers you need. Perhaps you can accept that Jesus has those answers. I certainly cannot judge you. God knows I am a sinner who only stands here by the grace of Christ myself. If I met you on the street, I would hug you and encourage you to keep reaching out to Jesus. He's pretty cool, and He thinks you are far from worthless. He loved you so much he died for you. Maybe you don't like how things are going at the moment, but remember. The story isn't over yet. Hang on to that,

  5. I think it is in the Great Controversy that Mrs. White said, "there is more to fear within the church than from without". It's sad to learn that some of our brethren will soon be our worst persecutors (or have we experienced one already). Let us pray that we'll not turn to be one.

    [Moderator's note: Ellen White-Last Day Events, Page 156 "We have far more to fear from within than from without. The hindrances to strength and success are far greater from the church itself than from the world. Unbelievers have a right to expect that those who profess to be keeping the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, will do more than any other class to promote and honor, by their consistent lives, by their godly example and their active influence, the cause which they represent. But how often have the professed advocates of the truth proved the greatest obstacle to its advancement! The unbelief indulged, the doubts expressed, the darkness cherished, encourage the presence of evil angels, and open the way for the accomplishment of Satan's devices.--1SM 122 (1887). {LDE 156.2} ]


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