Tuesday: Ideal Marriage
Author William Faulkner once called marriage a “failure” and wrote that “the only
way to get any peace out of it is . . . to keep the first one [wife] and stay as far away from her as much as you can, with the hope of some day outliving her.” What a sad commentary on the state of many marriages.
Read Mark 10:7-9. What texts did Jesus quote in this passage? What characteristics of a good marriage can be found in the words of Jesus here?
The benefits of leaving one’s parents in order to create a home with one’s spouse are so well known that they hardly need to be mentioned. Problems with in-laws are one of the leading causes of marital discord. One of the first steps to take when establishing a happy home is to respect the independence of the marriage partners by the establishment of a home separate from their parents when at all possible. In cases when it is not possible, the privacy and intimacy of marriage should still be respected.
Unity is another feature of a good marriage. Unity does not mean that the two partners should give up the use of their separate brains, but that they should be united in their purpose to do the very best for each other and for their union.
Jesus also emphasized the lasting nature of marriage. Marriage is not a casual relationship to be entered into or dismissed at will. It is a lifetime commitment. Those who are not prepared to commit themselves for life should postpone such a step until they are ready.
Read Ephesians 5:22-25. In what way do these verses reveal the principles of a good marriage?
It is the husband’s privilege to give himself to his wife in loving service, as Christ gave Himself for the church. In turn, the wife is to respect her husband and to cooperate in their work toward their mutual goals. Here is the solution to the discord that sin has brought into the marriage relationship. Self-sacrificing love will be met by loving respect and mutual happiness. Our homes can be a foretaste of heaven.

In the face of the current cultural context ideal marriages are a rare. Psychological theories are left dealing with fragments. The lesson rightly points to biblical principles which are the only remedy for the failure of the marriage institute. I m blessed
I love Monday and Tuesdays lessons it seem to show the true light on life as we seemed to forget the teaching of the LORD our GOD . This is to remind us as that we all need to look at our life as Christians , and focus on GOD's teaching and his message here for us.
It is the husband’s privilege to give himself to his wife in loving service, as Christ gave Himself for the church. In turn, the wife is to respect her husband and to cooperate in their work toward their mutual goals. Here is the solution to the discord that sin has brought into the marriage relationship. Self-sacrificing love will be met by loving respect and mutual happiness. Our homes can be a foretaste of heaven.
Today's lesson give me another good experience that if a wife and a husband live according to Paul's message to Ephesians 5:22-25,There will be no door is opened for satan to enter and distract our marriages.God bless all.
marriage is indeed a lifetime commitment and only those that see it as such will get adequate reasons to invest heavily in it. The issue of in-laws threatening happy marriages is so common that one feels like in-laws are not real. The couples are also inlaws to other couples and real change must start with self
I love the beautiful picture of marriage in Ephesians 5. I am thankful for those who have healthy marriages that demonstrate the type of union described in Ephesians. Such marriages are ways to see God's plan for life in action!
I am also glad that God is in the restoration business. He gives us an eternal relationship with Himself and has risked everything to show His love for us. He heals and helps us in our relationships with each other.
If there's one thing we've learned in our marriage it's that love is an action word. Although it's important to know that we are "humans being" in a marriage it is as vitally important if not more that we understand that we are "humans doing "
In a marriage. We should continually look for ways to help our spouse through action. In so doing the bond and love for one another will abound. When one must muster every ounce of energy to get up early and ready the kids for school so his spouse can sleep in, that's love. There are so many situations where the extra effort to express your love for your partner at first takes an effort but than as tine goes on the joy and peace that flows from your action almost becomes effortless and love abounds. Yes as the lesson says, " our homes can be a foretaste of heaveh" when we do our part and and express our love through our self-sacrificing actions of love just as Christ did. The marriage is doomed to failure if the husband and wife do not understand this concept and apply it.
I like the practical values expressed by Chris. Love is indeed an action word. I often express the idea in these sorts of discussions that opportunity for true love to be expressed occurs when the dirty nappies start arriving.
All to often we recite mantra's about Christ being the center of a marriage, but we need to understand the practicality of that expression. I was talking to one of my colleagues about marriage today and she told me about the time that she threw a bowl of fruit at her husband. She spoke of adjusting to different personalities and how important it was to learn quickly how to read one another.
My father gave me some wise advice before I got married. He wrote to me, "Maurice do not try to change Carmel. That will not work. Try to understand her and you will have a much happier marriage." Well I still do not understand Carmel, but I have a happily surviving marriage, and I still often think of Dad's advice 43 years down the track.
Christ at the centre of the marriage means that we need to act like Christ. Willing to understand, supportive in adversity, and slow to condemn. And those characteristics are the real work of marriage.
More than any other earthly union in this sinful world, marriage reveals the need of taking Christ's yoke upon us, and learning of Him who was meek and lowly of heart. All discord can be traced to exalting self above others, while peace and unity comes from exalting the other above self. Honoring God above all is our first need.
We also see in this lesson the wisdom of allowing God to provide for us a companion. He is willing and able, seeing the end from the beginning and is infinite in wisdom. Even in this sinful world, God can provide a fitting helper for any who are willing to commit their way to the Lord, trusting in Him, then waiting for Him to bring it to pass. He will also prove our faith and richly reward it.
I'm totally encouraged by this lesson as a youth.
The truth shall set us free. God took a rib and made a companion for
Adam it wasnot an ape and certainly it was not another man. Just like
we point out that it was not an ape we need to speak out that it was a
woman and not a man.
Many youngsters enter marriage thinking or hoping they'll get 90 and give 10. After a few years, they'll be happy with 50:50. But to really succeed, it has to be each one is committed to giving 90 and taking 10. Doesn't seem fair, but, when did God promise us that life was fair?
Jesus also emphasized the lasting nature of marriage. Marriage is not a casual relationship to be entered into or dismissed at will. It is a lifetime commitment. Those who are not prepared to commit themselves for life should postpone such a step until they are ready.
marriage have became one of the area of conflict because we are not following the principle of marriage. nowadays woman want to be like men. but God made a hierarchy relationship within marriage. Going against that create chaos. committing adultery before and out of marriage also is another area that poisons marriage happiness. other includes selfishness, and living without God in our lives.
Good communication is a must to develop the healthy relationships in your married life. You should share all your problems and feelings with your partner as well listen to your partner and understand. Make some time for each other to share your emotions. Go for outing with your partner and make some romantic plans for short vacation.^...,