Inside Story: Faith and the Pigs
“You are going to do what?” demanded Mitalyn’s husband.
“I’m going to become an Adventist,” she said as firmly as she could. Mitalyn knew that her husband, her neighbors, and almost everyone she knew would object to her decision. But she couldn’t wait any longer.
Mitalyn had grown up believing that Adventists were bad people who held false beliefs. Then her sister married an Adventist man. Mitalyn wondered who Adventists really were. So when her sister invited her to attend the evangelistic meetings, she agreed to go.
She heard only the final message of the series, but that message convinced her that this was the truth. She tried to get the message out of her mind, but she couldn’t stop thinking about it. Mitalyn couldn’t read, so she couldn’t prove or disprove what the pastor had said. But she sensed that the Holy Spirit was speaking to her.
The conviction was so strong that finally she gave in. When she told her husband that she wanted to become an Adventist, he was furious. He raised pigs, and it was Mitalyn’s job to feed them. He refused to allow her to attend the church on Sabbath, so she slipped away to attend midweek prayer meetings instead.
Then one day as she and her husband were talking about her desire to keep the Sabbath, Mitalyn saw a bright light and the words, “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.” Although she had never learned to read, she knew what these words meant. “Enough,” she said, “I will become an Adventist.”
Mitalyn faced opposition from her family and her friends. Often she prayed, “Show me the way.”
Then one day several of her husband’s pigs escaped from the pen and were killed by dogs. The pigs that didn’t escape began dying in the pen. “God,” she prayed, “If You are behind this, save one pig from death.” Just one pig survived. When her husband learned what had happened to his pigs, he not only agreed to let Mitalyn worship on Sabbath; he began attending church with her.
Mitalyn and 8 of her 10 children have become Adventists. Her husband continues attending church with the family. Mitalyn has shared her faith in her home village; and several people, including a Protestant pastor, have become Adventists.
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Mitalyn Chura shares her faith on the island of Guadalcanal, one of the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific.
Produced by the General Conference Office of Adventist Mission.
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Thank God that his word is reaching every one..
Adventist members thanks for the support as we continue praying for Mitalyn's family.
This is the assurance we have that when we pray, he hears our prayers, although satan may seem tougher than ever due to our submission to Christ. The more we strengthen our faith in Christ, the more he trembles and weakens. So let us lift his royal banner until the end, for he promised to be with us until the end of the world.
Is beautiful to know that the Holy Spirit is guiding us in the right path. I thank Jesus that He gave me the opportunity to be back in His house after 16 years out.
Proverbs 22:6
Train a child in the way he should go. When he is old, he will not turn away from it.
Thank you Mitalyn for sharing your story.
Ely 🙂
nice discussion.
God is really doing his work these final days. Let's wake up and do what God wants us to do. We are so close to our homeland. May God bless us as we start, continue preaching his words to those who know not him so that He comes SOON. Amen!
Its a wonderful blessing to be in the advent family...God is always with his children and working miracles in our lives everyday....thank you for the story let's pray for others earnestly that they may be free from the chains of the devil...