Inside Story: A Flame for Jesus
Daniel Santay is a shining star for Jesus in Cambodia. He says, “Ever since I can remember, I’ve loved Jesus.”
Daniel’s father was the example that inspires the boy to share God’s love with others. “When I was 7 years old,” Daniel says, “I told my dad I wanted to be like him and preach someday. He told me, ‘You don’t have to wait. Start now; share Jesus with your friends now.’”
Daniel accepted his father’s challenge and began sharing God’s love with his friends. “I felt God’s power through the Holy Spirit working in me,” Daniel said. “He is working in my heart and helping me share my love for Jesus with other children.” Daniel began traveling with his father and teaching the children while his dad taught the adults.
Then his father became ill. Before long he was too ill to travel or preach. He became too weak to work at his government job. One day he gathered his family to him and told them he wasn’t going to get well. He challenged them to stay close to God and to continue sharing God’s love with everyone they met. He promised his family that one day they would be together again when Jesus comes. They would never have to say goodbye.
Daniel’s father died when Daniel was just eight. “Some days I miss him so much,” Daniel says. “But I have hope that I will see him soon in heaven. Then I will tell him that I kept my promise to preach to others.
Daniel and his three siblings and their mother continue sharing their faith in Cambodia. His mother works hard to provide for the children and keep them in an Adventist school.
Daniel helps his mother around the house and enjoys reading. He knows that God is calling him to be a pastor, just like his father. “I want to keep telling others about Jesus,” he says, “to help them know Christ.”
Daniel remembers asking his father when Jesus will come again. His father told him, “Jesus will come when everyone has had a chance to hear God’s message of love through Jesus.” Daniel continues telling others that God loves them and that Jesus died for them. He can’t wait until Jesus can come so he can see his father again, and together they can meet their heavenly Father for the first time.
Our mission offerings help support the Adventist school that Daniel and his siblings attend, one way we can help share God’s love in Cambodia and around the world.
Daniel Chotal Santay is helping people prepare for Jesus’ coming in his homeland, Cambodia.

I was deeply touched by this story and I pray that god will be with Daniel and his family. May Daniel's story be an inspiration to tell others about the soon coming of Jesus.
I felt touched by Daniel's story may God help all the young people have the same attitude and spirit as Daniel has.May God richly bless Daniel and provide his every need for his ambition as a Pastor to be accomplished.
We all have the work of sharing Jesus to the world and if we are to go to heaven then we have to share Jesus while it's still day,God bless you all in the work.