Inside Story: God of the Impossible
When my parents died, my grandmother took me in. Her priest hoped I would follow in his footsteps, so he paid my school fees. One day he gave me a sermon and told me to preach it the following Sunday. I didn’t understand it, and the priest wasn’t there to explain it. So I asked an Adventist neighbor to explain it to me. He read the sermon and said the sermon wasn’t biblical. Then he read several Bible texts that explained what the Bible actually said.
I skipped church that Sunday. Angry, the priest threatened to stop paying my school fees. I told the Adventist man, and he read me two powerful Bible texts. “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” (Mark 8:36, NKJV), and “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33, NKJV). He invited me to visit his church. On Sabbath I found a few Adventists worshipping under a tree. But I sensed that God was there.
The priest stopped paying my school fees, and I had to quit school. My neighbors taunted me for rebelling. But the Adventist district pastor found a sponsor so I could study. In time I was baptized into the Adventist Church.
When my sponsor died, I had no means to continue studying. I prepared to go home, but the school’s accountant stopped me and said my fees were paid for two more terms. I praised God and continued my studies. I worked to pay my remaining fees until I graduated.
I wanted to study at Zambia Adventist University, but with no sponsor, I couldn’t enroll. I prayed fervently for God’s help. I was offered a job on campus that would pay my tuition. I stayed with four other students in an unused chicken house until the school helped us find something better. We didn’t mind, for we are studying!
I’m studying to serve God as a pastor. That’s not exactly what the priest had in mind when he sent me to school, but I know it’s God’s will. I love to tell others this wonderful truth that I have learned. People in my village have seen that my God is the God of the impossible. Four members of my family have surrendered their lives to God and joined the Adventist Church.
Your mission offerings have helped build Zambia Adventist University to train leaders for service to God and humanity.
Kisco Mweemba shares his faith in Zambia.

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