Inside Story: God Provides a Way
Moïse drove taxi in Cameroon to earn a living.
He was single and lived with his mother. An Adventist friend often talked about the Bible. As Moïse began to understand the importance of the Sabbath, he quit driving his taxi on Saturdays.
Moïse’s Aunt Paulette saw Moïse’s interest in God and invited him to church and evangelistic meetings, sitting with him to help him find the Bible texts. Moïse gave his life to Christ.
“Nonsense,” Moïse’s mother said when she learned her son wanted to become an Adventist. But he was determined. When he was baptized, his mother ordered him to leave her house. Moïse moved out, gave up driving taxi, and became a literature evangelist.
His passion to share God’s literature with others was contagious, and when his mother saw how God was changing his life, she began attending the Adventist church and has since been baptized.
Moïse was sent to another town to hold evangelistic meetings. There eight people took their stand for Christ. Church members urged him to prepare for the ministry. What greater joy could there be than to win souls to Christ? Moïse thought. He prayed about it, and the call grew stronger.
One day Moïse received a text message from Marlyce, a school friend who was facing school exams. As Moïse prayed for her, he felt impressed that one day they would marry. He told the pastor, who urged him to surrender the future to God.
Marlyce lived far away, so the two talked and prayed by telephone. Moïse was concerned that Marlyce might not want to be a pastor’s wife. But before he could ask her, Marlyce told him that she felt he should become a pastor. The two knew then that God had brought them together. A few months later they were married.
Other obstacles stood in their path. Marlyce was teaching school five hours from Cosendai Adventist University, where Moïse would study. But God had prepared a place the way. Moïse’s in-laws moved to the town near the university. He could live with them while he studied.
During vacations Moïse and Marlyce canvass and give Bible studies together. The money Moïse earns from colporteuring helps pay his school fees. “I’m convinced that this is God’s plan for us,” Moïse says. “It won’t be easy, but with God all things are possible.”
Our mission offerings support evangelism and education in Cameroon and around the world. Recently a Thirteenth Sabbath Offering raised funds to help Cosendai Adventist University grow so that more young people can prepare for service to God.
Moïse Ntamack is studying theology at Cosendai Adventist University in Cameroon.
Produced by the General Conference Office of Adventist Mission.
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Sure there is nothing impossible with God . Hold on to the gospel plough. You are fulfiling the great commission clearly spelt in Matthew 28:18-20. Keep it up