Inside Story: God’s Perfect Plan
I live in Zambia in southwestern Africa. My parents died when I was little, and my aunt and uncle took me in. They sent me to a boarding school to study. There I met some Adventist students who shared their faith with me. They taught me about God from the Bible, and I decided to attend church with them.
When I returned home for vacation, I told my aunt and uncle what I had learned. They were angry and threatened to send me away from home, so I kept silent about my faith. They wouldn’t let me attend the Adventist church.
Back at school, my Adventist friends continued teaching me, and I asked to be baptized. When I returned home and explained my faith to my family, they allowed me to attend the Adventist church. But when I returned to school, I discovered that my uncle was no longer paying my tuition. I didn’t know what to do except pray.
Every quarter I expected to be sent away from school, but it was as if the registrar overlooked my balance and I was allowed to register. By God’s grace and with the help of friends at church, Igraduated from academy.
I wanted to become a pastor, but I didn’t see how I could. So I found a job and began saving money for university. I worked for a year, but still I didn’t have enough money to enroll in school.
Then I learned that Zambia Adventist University had just opened, so I applied to study theology. Because it was a new school, there was much work to be done on the campus. I gladly worked six hours a day to help pay my school fees.
I couldn’t afford to live in the dormitory, so some other students and I found another place to live—a chicken coop that we converted into a room. We cooked our rice and vegetables over a fire and managed to live this way while we studied to become ministers.
God sustained me, and I’ve finished my pastoral training. I praise God for making a way when there appeared to be no way. I see how God has provided for me, and I know He will continue to lead me. He is so faithful!
A recent Thirteenth Sabbath Offering has helped construct a library on the campus of Zambia Adventist University. Little by little the school is taking shape. It is God’s school, and I praise Him for your generosity in helping this dream to become a reality.
Chinamo Mashiri serves God in southern Zambia.
Produced by the General Conference Office of Adventist Mission.
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I am thrilled to learn of such faith in God. May you continue to serve Him in spirit and in truth. God Bless you Always
I'm encouraged to believe in God even more by this story!.....God just served my life and I have a testimony to tell the world!
Praise the Lord.He is wonderful and can make possibilties out of imposibilities.He is hope where there is desperation.