Inside Story: God’s Surprising Answer
I wanted to attend university after high school, but I didn’t score high enough on some of my exams to qualify for the public university. So I decided to work part-time while I studied to retake the exams.
My employers were Adventist Christians. They suggested that I apply to study at Valley View University, the Adventist university in Ghana. My father said that he’d heard good things about the school, so I applied and was accepted.
My roommates were fine Christian women. I saw the difference their faith made in their lives, and I wanted to know what Adventists believe. I asked lots of questions about the Bible, which they answered most willingly.
During the school’s Week of Spiritual Emphasis, I became convinced that Adventists are not a cult; they are Bible-following Christians. I asked to join the Adventist Church.
My parents were disappointed to learn that I wanted to join the Adventist Church and threatened to transfer me to the public university. But I asked the pastor and my friends to pray that God would help me to stay at Valley View. My father eventually agreed.
However, the devil had other ways to cause trouble. My father lost his job and couldn’t support me in school. Some members of my family accused me of joining a cult and using witchcraft to make my father lose his job. I couldn’t do anything but pray for them and for my future at Valley View. I found part-time work and sold books during vacation to pay my school bills. Friends, pastors, and the school faculty helped me stay in school.
When my father found another job, he again paid my school fees. He even asked me to give up the scholarship I was receiving so that someone more needy could benefit from it.
My whole family attended my graduation. I had a chance to introduce them to people who had made a difference in my life. Dad was so glad that the school had helped me complete my education when he couldn’t help.
My family doesn’t mock my faith now. They listen when I share my beliefs with them. I pray that they will continue to grow in knowledge of God, as I did while at Valley View University.
Your mission offerings help sustain and expand Valley View University, which has a reputation for excellence in education and faithfulness to God’s principles. Thank you.
Gloria Ofosu-Aikins lives in Ghana, West Africa

Quite inspiring.
Pray that God helps you draw others to Christ.
I am just out of words whenever i hear of how our God is making unmeaningful lives to be meaningful.I almost share the same story,and this makes me to appreciate our God even more because of what He can do everybody's live.
God bless you dear sister for not withdrawing from the faith u had.I pray u know more of God's grace.
What an inspiring story! Thank you for sharing.
"I couldn’t do anything but pray..."
How often we treat prayer as better than nothing, but only barely so. How often we realize our need for prayer, for God's power, only after exhausting all means to control outcomes ourselves. How often we must fail miserably on our own power before we realize our great need of His. How patiently our Father waits for us to seek Him and to bring Him glory by our answered prayers.
Heavenly Father, loving and merciful Creator of heaven and earth and all that is, all that ever was and all that ever will be, grant that I would not consider prayer and communion with You as a last resort, but as a first one. In Your Son's holy name I ask this. Amen.
Praise be to God for such inspiring life stories. It is wake up call to us all to support the gospel by prayer, witnessing and materially
God is good! Once we rely on Him He opens the door to an amazing gracy that enables us to withstand the snares of satan! Keep on trusting The Lord.
my heart always sing with joy when i hear or read of Gods wonderful works on His own sheep that has come into His fold. dont ever let go of His hand friend, keep on holding on and always look ahead to that wonderful day when He comes again to take us home praise Him, oh praise Him